Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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Second rant in a week - this villain arc is really ramping up. I’m sure I’ll be talked down or corrected in due course but this one is directed at “the audience”.

Three buckets.

Bucket one - send/keep the message to yourself ❌
Bucket two - send the message to a friend ❌
Bucket three - send the message to the universe ✅

How can this message not be any clearer? It’s not just about where you’re actively posting and engaging (although kudos to @lazysmartperson for that interpretation). Hoarding information for yourself or sharing it with a select few, is in the Wood Witch’s own words: “selfish”.

Do you think you are special? That you earned it so you get to keep it? That you somehow have the power to solve the entire thing on your own and that you’ll go down in Exiled lore as the saviour of everyone?

Trust me. We aren’t going to be grateful when that inevitably does not happen.

We are all working our asses off here. Making stuff using our varied talents. Trying to document everything for everyone’s benefit. Throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping Matt sticks… Giving our time and our commitment however we can. No one is special and yet we all are…

You have information that could help? Great. Say it plain, say it proud, show us the receipts. What use is it sitting in your inbox? While you sit back and say “that’s not how to play…” or “that theory is dog poop…” or “why is everyone mad at me?”

There’s a difference between being explicitly told you cannot share something, and choosing not to. Or hinting at something cos you’re playing the mysterious angle… just stop, ok? You’ve been given a gift. A gift that will mean so much more if you share it with others.

This isn’t targeted at one individual btw. This is to everyone. And it’s just a moo point. A cow’s opinion. Doesn’t really matter.

I know people are gonna be upset thinking I’m calling them out specifically, but ya know what? Guilty conscience. I’m upset that some people seem to think they are more important than the group, than the story, than the experience.

So use the space below to share whatever it is you should have put in the third bucket. Or don’t. Throw out a pile of excuses to try to make yourself look better. I’m taking the day off. Maybe the rest of the week. I dunno. Good luck.
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blondie wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:53 am

Bucket one - send/keep the message to yourself ❌
Bucket two - send the message to a friend ❌
Bucket three - send the message to the universe ✅

I want to bring up the fact that I don't think there is a single person on Sunday night that chose the bucket to send/keep the message to yourself.

Unless I am missing someone.

What would have happened if we did...? Yes we can go off patterns and assume that our tree woman (whom I must say reminds me of Daphne from Greek mythology, or a representative/figurative of the Rosicrucian "tree of life") would have reacted badly...but, none of us chose that bucket.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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I agree with this completely whatever all of this is will work best with all of us working together when it comes to concrete information especially.
Throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping Matt sticks…
This is hilarious and true. I know many of us are throwing out wild theories and sometimes that may seem like what we are taking something as fact when in reality it is much closer to just a random thought that we are hoping might spark more interest or information from someone. At least for me, I sometimes forget to put a disclaimer in every post that this is not something that should be taken as fact. I have a suggestion about this that maybe we can dedicate the post icon with the circle and the question mark for wild speculation as a dedicated take all of this with a grain of salt button.
You have information that could help? Great. Say it plain, say it proud, show us the receipts.
However, when it comes to things that you actually know or think you know, If you have evidence or proof, please provide it, we all want to find the truth or as close to it as we are going to get and that can only happen with as much information being shared as possible. Like blondie said they dedicated an entire in person event that is clearly interpretated with "put everything out into the universe" being the correct answer. Not only that, but after that event we were immediately told that we need to analyze everyone's separate experiences together to come to some conclusion collectively. This is more evidence of the fact that although experiences and opinions can be individual there are key takeaways and "missed opportunities" that can be prevented by sharing with the group. Even with all of us working at this it seems we still failed to find something, so we certainly don't need any more handicaps as a group by missing information that we could have used to figure something out. Again, I'd like to echo not singling anyone out I just think these points are important for all of us to get more out of this experience going forward and I think that is what we all want even if that means something different to each of us.
Screaming into the void
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