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Yes and Campbell also said Dan was clearly "not in a suit", so there might be a class dynamic here too. He is not one of "them" it seems, or at least not as powerful as them.
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My experience was nearly identical to that of Cammie, save for a few minor details (order of occurrences, wording, etc., which could very well be due to my memory).

I, however, will not be sharing my answers.

I am very into this community, though, and what you’ve already pieced together from her experience. Here’s what I have to add:

- I asked the guy in the backseat (actor 2 for consistency) if he was Mr. Nobody, to which he replied “Oh, I’m definitely somebody.” Other than this, he gave me nothing to work with.
- Actor 2 was very friendly, except for that I repeated his directions about what to do once the car stopped so accurately, he said “That was great! You know what you just won?” After I asked what it was, he replied with “A gold fucking star” and turned the music back on.
- Before the woman left me with my prize, she told me to “Tell them we’ve arrived”. I told Dan, and then told whoever the camera was recording for.
- Lastly, I received a phone call as I was getting out of my truck in my driveway (so either very fortunately timed or I had a tail). I won’t repeat what was said but I asked if the person on the other end was Mr. Nobody. They laughed, and then hung up.
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I appreciate both you chiming in and your decision to keep some things to yourself. I think you'll know whether anything that happens to you is something that NEEDS to be shared.

And I definitely think "tell them we've arrived" was meant to be to everything and everyone, including us.
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someguyinKC wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:54 pm she told me to “Tell them we’ve arrived”
She probably wasn't referring to the people standing to your immediate left and right.
I, however, will not be sharing my answers.
That's okay, we've got what we needed.

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"TELL THEM WE'VE ARRIVED." So they are not from KC and are visitors. Someone is most likely expecting them. VERY interesting.
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opulens wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:01 am
someguyinKC wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:54 pm she told me to “Tell them we’ve arrived”
She probably wasn't referring to the people standing to your immediate left and right.
I, however, will not be sharing my answers.
That's okay, we've got what we needed.

“Blessings.” always reads like when you want to tell someone at work to absolutely fuck off but you have to settle for “Regards.” Xoxo Oplens
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Wanda102 wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:12 am “Blessings.” always reads like when you want to tell someone at work to absolutely fuck off but you have to settle for “Regards.” Xoxo Oplens
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Unfortunately I think I missed it before opulens deleted it but there was a bit saying we will know if something NEEDS to be shared. So they might be seeing some stuff that are red herrings that we are focusing on too heavily. But hey. You don't know until you know. *shrugs*.
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campbellstruts wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:19 am Unfortunately I think I missed it before opulens deleted it but there was a bit saying we will know if something NEEDS to be shared. So they might be seeing some stuff that are red herrings that we are focusing on too heavily. But hey. You don't know until you know. *shrugs*.
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You've enabled me. :)
opulens wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:22 am Share everything always.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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opulens wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:16 am
Wanda102 wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:12 am “Blessings.” always reads like when you want to tell someone at work to absolutely fuck off but you have to settle for “Regards.” Xoxo Oplens
Love you too.
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Thank you for relaying all of this in such a detailed, engaging way Campbell! I was wondering if you could further clarify one element of your story:
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:51 pm (Keep in mind, everyone besides the staff were wearing some form of a suit/cocktail dress. Very fancy but still able to move.)
Could you go into any more detail about the group you encountered once you entered the lighted area? Ballpark, how many people in total would you say there were? The way you wrote, it sounded like the people holding the polaroid, other cameras, and lights were all wearing the formal attire, is that right? Were there any well dressed people in the group who you didn't specifically mention, other high status people standing around watching? When you say "staff," what were they doing exactly that lead you to assume they were workers beyond dressing more casually? Did it seem like you were supposed to just ignore them like they weren't there, suspension of disbelief, or were they a real part of the experience? And for all these silent onlookers, well dressed and not alike, how would you characterize their demeanor, specifically how they reacted to Dan and The Lady?
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Just catching up and firstly, amazing account Cammie! It’s super hard to be present in the moment while also trying to remember everything to recount to the interaction starved masses afterwards. Two big thumbs up.

So family, trauma, and wealth. These themes speak a lot to me. Interestingly, when I asked Opulens about their name (bit of a Latin nerd sorrynotsorry), they gave me this quote from Socrates: “He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.” Which implies this group or family may not be as happy as someone like Dan for example. They have everything, but want more. But what? Usually the answer is power and control. So they are taking this from Dan. But it has to be more than that. Taking Dan’s beloved haunt from him to further what agenda?

The detail of the lack of shoes is fascinating too. Maybe the family aren’t as well off as they appear and it’s all for show. Because are you more likely to do as you are told by a person in a dress shirt or a guy in shorts and a t-shirt? Gonna ponder this further.

And finally, it can seem safer to keep some things to yourself, especially when they are personal. But I have found, both in these experiences and life, the more open you are, the less precious you are about your privacy and the things that truly don’t matter (essentially health and happiness are key, and everything else is just noise)… the more you will learn and receive and grow.
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opulens wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:22 am
campbellstruts wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:19 am Unfortunately I think I missed it before opulens deleted it but there was a bit saying we will know if something NEEDS to be shared. So they might be seeing some stuff that are red herrings that we are focusing on too heavily. But hey. You don't know until you know. *shrugs*.
Share everything always. :X:
This was in response to Cammie but I can't help but feel like it was meant for me...

I slept on it (and by slept on it I mean I laid in bed thinking all night) and decided that I stand to lose nothing by sharing my account with y'all, and I stand to gain nothing by keeping it to myself.

I, however, am not as good with words as our friend Cammie is, so I made a video. Please feel free to watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmKzHOB8wds

Things that I forgot to mention yesterday:
- Actor 2 asked me what deja vu was and what I thought it meant. He asked if I was having deja vu on the ride to the woods and I said that I was not, though the music was a bit nostalgic.
- Actor also asked me a weird question. All he said was "Pickles?" to which I replied "Mmm... Yeah!"
- He also asked if I had ever had an intensely strong connection with someone I had just met. Someone that I felt connected to and wanted to get to know more despite having just met them. I said no.
- Right before we got to the destination, he very strongly encouraged me to never, ever lie to these people.
- Lastly, we were definitely in the woods. On the way back, as Cammie stated, we were not hooded. I took note of a place called Moon Marble Company and looked it up once I got home. It is very near the address listed for the haunt.
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Thanks so much for the video and yes please keep posting them if anything else happens with you! Its even more convenient to listen to something at work than reading the forum haha. This is all super interesting and I really like the themes we seem to be heading into because like a lot of us I think family trauma, money and religion are all things that we all bring a lot of perspective to, also need to research and find the death metal song from the perspective of Goliath because that sounds kind of sick lol. An interesting detail from your account that I dont think I saw in Campbells (could have looked over it) is that the person in the car was just given questions to ask and following orders. I think you also answered some questions I saw in this thread about the other people that were around in the woods, they were wearing exiled shirts which is why Campbell referred to them as staff. Also, great job finding the location it makes sense that they took you near or possibly even to the location of the haunt and that "here" in the we are here could be in the woods and confirmation that "they" have taken over the haunt
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Thank you for the more detailed video and update! I was hoping you'd decide to share more and your video does a great job of filling in details that the previous account skimmed over. Between both of you, I have a real sense of what you experienced. Seriously, good job to you both--between you, it feels like almost 100% coverage of the experience you both had.

I have a question for you if you'll consider answering:

What do YOU think you experienced? If you had to say what/who the people were you met, what would you say? Did they seem menacing? Kind? Creepy?

Same question for Campbell, too, btw.
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UnsernPresence wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:30 am What do YOU think you experienced? If you had to say what/who the people were you met, what would you say? Did they seem menacing? Kind? Creepy?
Kind is not the word I'd use. Closer to creepy, but snobby and judgmental for sure. The questions seemed as though they were trying to judge my character and maybe get a feel for how I think. I can't tell, though, if that is so I may join them or so that they may use me for something else.

The woman seemed to be someone important; a decision maker of some sort. The guy with the polaroid, just her muscle. The guy in the car was some sort of scout perhaps? Doing the legwork and early vetting in this whole process.

Dan seemed disappointed that his haunt was changing, but the other Exiled employees just seemed unsure of what was happening. Not angry, more scared. I couldn't tell if they were scared for themselves or for me.
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The write up is BRILLIANT. With all the emotions on overdrive I’m amazed you managed to remember so much and articulate it!
KC you are a hero for recording yourself, can’t wait to finish work, grab a brew and watch. Thank you for making the effort!

Re the no shoes stuff…that speaks to me very much of connection to the earth…same as the tree roots growing through skulls on the tshirt. Something about time and descendants, age and nature, death and belonging.
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Matt! Thank you! You are so great on camera and your story is so clear and calmly told! I take it, we still haven't met Mr. Nobody.... Or maybe that was just a joke because the group wants to remain anonymous for now.
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sfire8 wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:00 pm Matt! Thank you! You are so great on camera and your story is so clear and calmly told! I take it, we still haven't met Mr. Nobody.... Or maybe that was just a joke because the group wants to remain anonymous for now.
Thanks! It's so much easier for me to do that than try to get everything written out; I'd be here editing it for days trying to get it to read just right! Haha. It seems like people like the video format so i'll stick with that for as long as I have something to say.

Nothing definitive on Mr. Nobody. I'm thinking that may just be an official admin, NPC type thing. The only place I saw that name was on the email with the waiver and the waiver was all that was in the email.

The communication I had before the meeting was through the Exiled instagram page.
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