Call from Dymuntz (and my pledge to opie) - 7.30

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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In order to paint the full picture, I have to start with this:

opulens reached out to me requesting if he could ask me a question, to which I replied "of course."
The question was: "If I could offer you a path, one that was slightly less smooth than my own, but might allow you to flex your frustrated muscles more, would you take it?"
Haley: "Yes, I think I would."
opulens: "Goodbye Haley."
Haley: "Goodbye?
just for now, right?"

At this point I fully panicked because I realized I might not have understood the question. When he said an experience slightly less smooth than his own, I thought he meant than his own personal journey, not that I would be given someone else's path.

Haley: "wait, did I misunderstand the question?
I am loyal only to you, friend. If you meant a path apart from yours, then I misunderstood. Please don't leave. :("

I then get an Instagram DM from the ExiledKC account: "Well hello there Hale. I'm assuming it's nice to meet you. May I have your phone number" and I give it to them.

I receive a call about 10 minutes later. I'm going to sincerely apologize because I genuinely was shaken up by the opie situation. I know we touched on fears here before and I didn't really share mine, but one of them is definitely abandonment. I have childhood (and adulthood tbh) things that makes me really anxious that someone I care about will just leave me, without explanation. I say this because I'm honestly not going to be able to recall as many details or direct quotes as I normally would. But I do promise nothing of serious importance is left out. Here is the summary:

I answer the phone and say hello. It is a woman who sounds an awfully lot like WIB (I would put money on it, genuinely. I'm almost 100% sure it's the same voice).

"Is this Haley?"
"How are you, dear?"
"I'm okay.. how are you?"
"Oh, you know, different day, different circus, same clowns."

She also at some point in the beginning asked me to confirm that the last 4 digits of my social security number were ****, which she got right.

"I'm Dymuntz. Are you happy to hear from me?"
"No. No, no, no, I'm loyal to opulens. I made that clear. That's where my loyalties lie."

I could feel her roll her eyes through the phone. She seemed annoyed and implied "yeah, yeah, everyone wants opulens. so lovable, so funny" stuff along those lines.

She then refrences the message the opulens sent me- "I heard you wanted an oppurtunity to flex those frustrations, huh?"
To which I, again, very clearly say "No. I misunderstood the question. I'm loyal to opulens."

She proceeds to assure me that "I'm sure if you give me a chance, we can be besties too."

"Does this mean I can't communicate with opie anymore?"
"We'll see."

I am heartbroken if my misunderstanding of the question somehow led me to being "assigned" to Dymuntz. However, I have to believe that I have some free will in these decisions, so I would like to make it very clear once again that I am loyal to my friend, opie. I have no issue with Dymuntz yet, and would be open to working with her in general, but not if it comes at the cost of a friend.

So, I know that opie might not be able to respond to me right now, but I think he can still see my posts. Here is my message to him, publicly:


I don’t know why, but I have always had a soft spot for you. It started as a joke, calling you “bestie,” but it has turned into something deeper. I genuinely consider you a friend and an ally. Maybe I’m naive, maybe I’m too trusting- but I have always followed my gut, it’s something I pride myself on, and my gut says to trust you.

My gut also said that you have a deeper, kinder side to you. You proved that. Your kindness, encouragement, and belief in me brought me to tears and earned you my unwavering loyalty. You made me feel seen, so I try to return the favor and will continue doing so. I see you, opie. From one person at the edge to another, I see and understand you. I hope that I get an opportunity to stand alongside you on the edge.

Forever your bestie, Haley.
merely someone at the edge.
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Well shit, I wanna be her bestie. She sounds spicy.
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I also forgot that she said something about me being obnoxiously beautiful (or something to that affect). I will take the compliment with a polite thank you. But that does not change my feelings lol
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Where did they even find that? HOW?

Dymuntz... tell me... are your intentions good?
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haleywilde wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:37 pm She also at some point in the beginning asked me to confirm that the last 4 digits of my social security number were ****, which she got right.
Yo, what????
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That shook me too, ngl. Get in there with that sensitive info 😬
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campbellstruts wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:39 pm WE’RE JUST GONNA BREEZE PAST THE WHOLE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PART???
I was honestly, unfazed lmao. My own grandmother stole my identity as a teenager (this is true), they can have it lmao they aren't special. been there, done that.
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Exiled: “Identity theft is not a joke, Jim” - Woods
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I received a call but I was unavailable. ;( I apologize for missing my call. I would like another opportunity to speak.
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haleywilde wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:42 pm I also forgot that she said something about me being obnoxiously beautiful (or something to that affect). I will take the compliment with a polite thank you. But that does not change my feelings lol
Putting more thought to this, two details that I accidentally left out of my original post from the call were her mentioning something about me being beautiful appearance wise, but also mentioning something (and I am so sorry that I cannot remember any specifics at all) about our voices being beautiful(?).

When I first remembered this detail, it seemed like just an insignificant way to butter me up.. but the more I think about Lamia from a greek mythology standpoint, she is a siren type creature, and sirens would obviously value beauty in not only appearance, but in their voice as well.

Damn emotions getting the best of me, I wish I remembered the exact quote
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Something I have noticed… those who maybe have grown a little too fond of opulens are being reassigned. Because I think, as I said elsewhere, that attachment is not useful to whatever this is…

I think working with Lamia would be fricking awesome. Creating her little coven. A little jelly tbh.

But I am proud of you haley, fwiw 🖤
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Hell yeah! Stand on your loyalty I love that!

The SSN is a little concerning and not typically an ice breaker from your new friend lol. I agree with blondie though I think it is interesting to look at when and why this transition happens and if it is tied to your relationship with opulens or maybe just with how initiated you are and how much you've learned. I don't know that I would say Cammie is more fond of opulens than just the general consensus but she definitely is the furthest along in her journey with her being exiled temporarily and having multiple in person experiences. So it seems there are multiple reasons to get reassigned and will be interesting to see if there are more.
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The more people we can get to know the better.

You cannot progress into the future if you keep holding onto things from the past.

TPTB are very aware that I miss opulens...but Dymuntz is an interesting character and I will do my best to get on their good side. I am eager to develop our future conversations should there be any, and be a loyal servant. :)

I am a collection of many talents and trades combined into one person. I would be a little disheartened if they didn't utilize more of my abilities for their cause. :)

Blessings, Dymuntz, opulens, Lamia, and assorted individuals we haven't met yet...

I hope I can be of service.
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blondie wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:08 am Something I have noticed… those who maybe have grown a little too fond of opulens are being reassigned. Because I think, as I said elsewhere, that attachment is not useful to whatever this is…

I think working with Lamia would be fricking awesome. Creating her little coven. A little jelly tbh.

But I am proud of you haley, fwiw 🖤
It seems as though I accidentally “chose” this though, it wasn’t forced upon me (at least at first, now it very much is). So I’m not sure if it’s directly because of my friendship with opie.
merely someone at the edge.
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Interesting to know more info on this new character. I have been told spooky shit but I think someone knowing the last 4 of my ssn would spook the crap outta me 💀
chose to be exiled. #karaokefinalgirl
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I was asked by Tim to consider that "Maybe this is more about them and less about you. We know what you want, but what they want for you is probably something that you cannot anticipate. Just look forward to whatever it is."

And while I agree with that statement, it made me think. Yes, this is their journey, but it is also mine. I made a personal promise to be true to myself, so that’s what i’m trying to do. I wouldn’t abandon a friend in pursuit of something (potentially) greater or more “significant.” I value connection over everything else, both inside of this world and out of it- so that’s what i’ll continue to fight for.

And pushing back instead of just accepting things as they are or doing what I’m told is verrrry far out of my comfort zone, so i’m facing fears in the process. In the past, I might've just been grateful to TPTB for recognizing my existence and then happily conformed to any role they wanted me to play, without even thinking twice. But i’m gonna make myself a little uncomfy this go around and stand firm in my beliefs and desires. It wouldn’t feel right otherwise.

Maybe my journey isn't exactly what they anticipated, but I do believe my fierce loyalty can be proven useful if they desire.

Passionate blessings.
merely someone at the edge.
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haleywilde wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:27 pm I wouldn’t abandon a friend in pursuit of something (potentially) greater or more “significant.” I value connection over everything else, both inside of this world and out of it-

You sure about that?
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campbellstruts wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:30 pm
haleywilde wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:27 pm I wouldn’t abandon a friend in pursuit of something (potentially) greater or more “significant.” I value connection over everything else, both inside of this world and out of it-

You sure about that?
Cammie, I am not sure what I have done to you to make you think that you are not my friend. You removed yourself after a conversation that had nothing to do with me or my feelings. I have been nothing but a friend to you- welcoming you into our community with open arms, checking in on you when I was concerned about your well-being, making plans to get together when I come to Kansas. For you to suggest that I have abandoned you is hurtful. That is not who I am. I figured you would take a moment to let things cool off and that you'd find your way back to us. If you do not consider me to be your friend, that's fine. But I never gave up on you.
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I seem to recall vividly the collective ganging up on that occurred during my honest attempts to be transparent and to provide as much information as possible…you, blondie, Matt, etc.

It’s silly to be upset at one person for seemingly withholding information when you have absolutely no clue how many others are sitting on valuable information that aren’t revealing it.

Do you really think it’s just me?

Do you really think that NOBODY ELSE is guilty of withholding information?

You’d be foolish for thinking so.

I can name at least three, just off the top of my head. Guess who ;)

I tried my best to help you all and was met with insults and squabbles. I guess you really don’t need me anymore.

Fine with me.

Good luck. Try biting again and see what happens.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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