The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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Let’s use this thread to set up questions for Brannigan while he’s travelling home to Vegas.

What we know so far: Brannigan/Dreampendulum/Caboose04 was contacted by a member of the Redcurves (noted elsewhere on forum) and they arranged for him to fly from Vegas to Kansas City today.

He’ll have more when he’s back home and can put his thoughts together, but in the meantime, you can see some initial info on what happened when he got to KC on his Instagram stories. HERE
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To the beginning... not sure if this what lead to the KC trip.

Im my box I was given a note. At first glance seem just like a normal note of a small threat saying they were nice before and that basically what do you give a man who doesnt know what hes done. A Lesson. Got a slight scolding for sharing this as it was simply just for me.

Peering on the side there were some numbers that looked to be in the format of a website. It was***** had to figure out the rest. In the letter certain letters were marked with a Exiled X punching those codes in lead to a webpage that needed a password. I tried a bunch of different passwords at first but didnt work. Finally realized the URL was different then what i typed in so tried that. I was finally in! On the page just was a count down And said Be here. I was excited I was like be here as in KC?! Or here on the site? (The time ended up being Saturday afternoon at 4pm my time.) Being the weirdo I am I immediately start looking at plane tickets. I then start second guessing. I ask for a little clarification if it ment here as the site or here KC I was told the site. (Frowny face) ok so I keep this quite patiently waiting. Till the time.

Before the time I get the phone calls from the Redcurves and telling me im going to KC AFTER the count down would have ended. So I start to wonder I feel like I have been already given so much. What more could the countdown be? Skip forward past the Redcurve calls. Its time for the countdown. Quick gist they said with all the developments I was given permission to film some of my journey because they wanted it.

KC time.

I arrive in KC I immediately get a call its the Redcurve guy (Name still unknown)
Asks if ive been to the midwest. I say yes, I was born in the midwest. He asks where I say Iowa. He tells me to get some good bbq and coffee and will be in touch. I get a coffee and receive another phone call saying im going to get an address in 20 mins and im going to uber there. I agree. I hang out a bit and trying to kill time. Some time elapses I figure I dont want to waste time or keep people waiting so I decided to look for where the uber pick up is. Since I have never been here nor know how big this airport is (Im just used to trying to be effecient and time management) I wasnt told to explicitly stay up in the terminal but my bad. I walk out and realize the airport is much smaller then im used to. (Thats what she said) I decide to just take a seat closest to the doors I came out of since I cant go back. Im chillin for a bit then have to goto the bathroom. I walk to the clerk ask where the bathroom is they point me in the direction I go sit back down in the area I was before.

I then received another phone call saying I dont follow directions clearly and to sit the fuck down and stay there. Im already sitting at this point. Didnt say that just agreed. (Im already pulled over! I cannot pull over any further) yelled at some more saying they are watching me and if i dont listen i will just sit here at the airpor all day. Im just sitting chillin finally get a call. He tells me to stand up look outside. I do. He says a truck is going to pull up and im going to hop in and shut the fuck up. I Stand there waiting. Finally see the truck. I chug the rest of my large coffee. (Foreshadowing bad I dea) I stand at the door of the truck confused not sure if i was at the right truck. Its a wore down truck with a camperbed on it. I get a motion to get in. Younger gentleman the (redshirt guy from instagram post) I climb in. We start driving he puts on music and starts blairing it loudly. But he be putting on the bops bangers non-stop. Thought they got in my playlist for a bit. Playing Big girls dont cry-Fergie, bad romance- lady gaga, red solo cup-toby keith and many more I wanted to sing to them but I will leave the karaoke to kass :). (Redcurves got good taste in music.) We're driving dude driving wild like tokyo driftin around corners and then we are on the freeway. He starts making a weird noise like hes seizing or something and drifting towards a handrail and then pulls back to the road about 2 inches away from hitting it. Im like ok whatever. No reguard for my own safety. I ask him "you good?" No response. So I go back to jamming taking in the scenery. A little bit later i hear a noise. I look over and my dude is throwing up in like the side vent on the left side of the steering wheel and all over the door and himself. I ask again "you good?" Again no answer. He finishes and looks over at me with vomit on his face and looks back at the road. So I go backs to the jamming. He starts wiping his face with his shirt and hands and then eventually reaches over and brushes my arm... i look over and go whatever. Not the grosest thing thats been wiped on me. Driving more hes swurving texting on his phone. Eventually we pull up to a dollar general its not open yet. We leave go to a gas station near by he goes in side. (I have to pee so bad this point. Thats the mosr scared ive been so far is that im actually going to pee my pants.) Hes in the gas station for awhile im sitting there pull out my note pad to take some quick notes so I can remeber. He comes out and we go back to dollar general. He goes in. White truck pulls up im thinking its sus. Turns out nothing. Just some weird people being weird. Redshirt comes out with a gallon of water and a bag. (Im thinking at this point I could probably fill that gallon with my urine.) He goes to the back of his truck fiddles around back there for a bit then hops in and we drive more. We get to a Cowboy church. I know the name but I am not sure if its actually related so dont want to give out the name..... to be continued.....
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hollllly shit!!!!

1. the letter leading to the site and figuring out the password is the good old fashioned stuff that gets us all excited— I LOVE it

2. I don’t think I could be more obsessed with the entire car situation. You just being down for whatever, completely unfazed by the grown man puking next to you (and wiping it on you), jamming out to Fergie is everything I could hope for and more. They clearly picked the PERFECT person lmao (I just WISH there was a hidden camera somewhere lmao)
merely someone at the edge.
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I hope and wish there was a hidden camrea too. So others could see 🤣
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But did you ever get to pee?!?! 😬😬😬
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My goodness! Your driver sounds....unwell. I hope he's OK. Good thing you didn't have one of sympathy reflexes. 🥴

Looking forward to hearing the rest! Safe travels!
It has the juice.
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Brianamatopoeia wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:52 pm My goodness! Your driver sounds....unwell. I hope he's OK. Good thing you didn't have one of sympathy reflexes. 🥴

Looking forward to hearing the rest! Safe travels!
The way I would’ve barrel rolled out of that car- unfortunately there would be no sympathy from me as I would've been G O N E.

But yes, safe travels! Hope you enjoyed the day in KC!
chose to be exiled. #karaokefinalgirl
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I really, really wonder whether what was happening to your driver is unique to him---or some sort of reaction because he was back in KC.

Is it possible that whatever happened to them has some physical aspects? We're any of the others showing any weird physical maladies?
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kassidy.exe wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:05 am
Brianamatopoeia wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:52 pm My goodness! Your driver sounds....unwell. I hope he's OK. Good thing you didn't have one of sympathy reflexes. 🥴

Looking forward to hearing the rest! Safe travels!
The way I would’ve barrel rolled out of that car- unfortunately there would be no sympathy from me as I would've been G O N E.

But yes, safe travels! Hope you enjoyed the day in KC!
Hahaha oh no, I meant sympathy reflex as in that thing where when you see or hear someone else vomit you do too.
It has the juice.
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Why am I more excited about a website puzzle than you getting on a plane to get driven around by the actual redcurves I'm not fully sure but that's where I'm at currently. Can't wait to hear the rest of your day since it started with puke I'm sure it's only up from here!
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Brianamatopoeia wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:59 am
kassidy.exe wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:05 am
Brianamatopoeia wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:52 pm My goodness! Your driver sounds....unwell. I hope he's OK. Good thing you didn't have one of sympathy reflexes. 🥴

Looking forward to hearing the rest! Safe travels!
The way I would’ve barrel rolled out of that car- unfortunately there would be no sympathy from me as I would've been G O N E.

But yes, safe travels! Hope you enjoyed the day in KC!
Hahaha oh no, I meant sympathy reflex as in that thing where when you see or hear someone else vomit you do too.
Homeboy needed an emesis bag and some odansetron. Now I know to come prepared for next time 😔🙏🏻
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It seems like a wild ass ride, id be freaking out not being able to tell if the driver was actually intoxicated or not. That's some trauma right there.

I noticed on the stories, CB was bagged(uncomfy) and slapped a little(alright)

But that's what I'm caught up with so far.

The vomit thing isn't the worse that can happen but God you nasty and I will let know you know that too
. "You're only as scary as the world you live in, beware of mine."
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That vomit may be the most nasty thing actually 🤢🤢🤢🤮 that is so scary
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Brianamatopoeia wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:59 am
kassidy.exe wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:05 am
Brianamatopoeia wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:52 pm My goodness! Your driver sounds....unwell. I hope he's OK. Good thing you didn't have one of sympathy reflexes. 🥴

Looking forward to hearing the rest! Safe travels!
The way I would’ve barrel rolled out of that car- unfortunately there would be no sympathy from me as I would've been G O N E.

But yes, safe travels! Hope you enjoyed the day in KC!
Hahaha oh no, I meant sympathy reflex as in that thing where when you see or hear someone else vomit you do too.

I know I know I was just playing off of that LOL
chose to be exiled. #karaokefinalgirl
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Part 2. The sweet release...

Sitting in front of this church redshirt gets out goes to the back grabs a black pillow case tosses it at me. (I know the drill and eagerly put it on.) I'm sitting there still having to pee. Redshirt makes a phone call says he's at the spot and says he'll wait here. I take this opportunity to ask to pee. He agrees. Thank you!!!! OMG no pun intended and sorry Cowboy Jesus but I went around a beam and started peeing. It was like the sweet release! I still had the bag over my head so I'm not sure if anyone was around or watching or taking any footage of my little guy 😅 but I didn't care.. I was no longer on the edge... of peeing my pants. I wonder back to the truck and when I got out originally I heard I kicked out some cans I waved around and picked up the cans I kicked out not wanting to soil the holy grounds any more then I already desecrated. I'm in the truck again door open. I'm expecting to be taken... Red shirt starts the truck tells me to close the door and close my eyes. I do so. The bag over my head is hot and humid making breathing rough. We start driving for a bit then stop somewhere. I'm told to keep the bag on my head redshirt gets out leaves the music blaring. This is some Katy Perry - firework. I feel its fitting with a bag over my head feeling like a paper bag... Redshirt gets back in tells me Dorthea is sleeping and we had to wait. We wait a bit longer i get told I can take the bag off and I can breathe some normal cigarette filled air. Forgot to mention redshirt has been smoking up a storm the whole time spitting some sun flower seeds or chew idk what was in that spit cup. I see a big man walk out walk up to a little table from what I can see there's a bottle of alcohol and cups and knives stuck into it. I'm at some little cabin in the woods with a lake view. Redshirt tells me to get out and head towards the big guy. I start walking he turns at us and yells get back in the fucking truck. I'm confused... I look back at redshirt thinking he's telling him and then I turn back around and look at the big man he says it again. So I say Him? Or me? He confirms me and says who else would be talking to. I turn around and walk back. I go to get in and go to hop back in and he points to the back back. I say "oh BACK" he opens it up its a normal truck with like with a camper top. In the back of the truck there is so much just random shit back there. Magazines, a part of a bike? Paintball gun, kids toys. Just random shit. And like no room to comfortably sit. Tosses me the bag. I know the drill . He hops in the truck and repositions the truck. I'm confused because we aren't moving. Big man walks up and tells me to take the bag off my head. I do. Then he sits there and just stares at me. For a long time. I sit there awkwardly. Thinking I have something on my face. He walks around looks and the back of my head. Then walks back and looks at me some more. He's sweating a lot wiping his brow with a rag multiple times. Then walks away. Sitting there a bit longer redshirt walks up and tells me to get out. I do. Tells me to walk back over to where bigman is. I head that way. I walk up he's looking at a magazine. I catch a glance of him looking at a section about geomancy. He sees I looked and closes the booklet. Then asks me if i want some coffee. I say no thank you ( not doing that again after my prior incident.) He asks again louder I say sure. He grabs the bottle of Evan Williams and pours some into one of the cups and hands me it. I immediately skol it no hesitation. Asks him if he wants the cup back. He says no hold on to it. He then takes off his jacket and asks me to hold on to it. He starts adjusting himself. Asks me if i was looking at his junk. He asks me if I'm one of those homosexuals. I say no he says that's fine if I am he doesn't care or judge and that he's been to jail/prison (cant remember which) its no big deal. Then lifts up part of the bottom of his shirt that's all drenched in sweat and says here hold this. I do. (Basically a symbol of someone their bitch) I don't care we walk over start looking at the lake. He asks me you see that lake? Aint it pretty? I say yes its a nice like. Then he proceeds to tell me that the lake is very deep and he can hide a lot of shit deep in there and sometimes he has his boy Cleatus do it when he doesn't want to get his hands dirty and gestures over to redshirt and asks him to confirm. He agrees. He starts bragging about his boy Cleatus and how he is a nice clean bred human. (Or something like that sorry some of these small details get lost) I then ask him what's his name and he says I'm Dorthea. What? Were you expecting something else? I say no I was not expecting anything. He said its a good name a family name. Sorry its not like BRANNIGAN. (He also wants to be addressed as SIR) I agree with his about Dorthea being a good name. Then he stares at me some more getting super close like our big ole bellies be rubbing 🤣. He asks if I have black in me. While looking at my hair. I say no I am Pacific Islander. He then asks why the fuck am I not sweating. I say I don't really sweat too often. Then he made a comment about it doesn't look like I do too much too often because I'm fluffy. He then proceeds to ask me what do I know. I start telling him what I know the family history and he interrupts me and says I don't know fucking anything. He says you see all this!??! This used to be ours my fathers. Till ZipKC took over and now all I got is this fucking little cabin. I say its got a good view at least. He starts telling me about his family and they used to give good family entertainment and now they are gone they didn't want to be found and asked why I was posting stuff. I told him I received a box and inside there was a note that said find the Redcurves. He then asked Do you know what the fuck a Redcurve is?! I said I thought it was a family. He then says IM A FUCKING REDCURVE . He says I hear you are bad at following directions I say yes apparently. Then he asks if the instructions were unclear. I said no i was just trying to be efficient. He then goes on about how that's the problem with us city folk we are always trying to go fast and be efficient we never just relax and take our time. He then calls Cleatus over and asks if i want to see what he's been working on. I say yes. He walks up to where they table is where the knives are. ( I'm thinking he's going to do something with the knives like the stab between the fingers all fast) he pulls out his phone and puts on a song. Unfortunately I cannot remember due to being completely caught off guard. He starts dancing like a tiktok type dance. ( I don't think it is one I'm not really on the tiktok. But it should be) he's dancing and Dorthea is cheering him on so I join in with the cheering. He says see that's good ole entertainment right there. We talk some more he get close again with his arm around me soaking me in his moist man dew. 🤣 Asks me why they are looking for them and I said they want you to Fuck Kansas City up he says no they don't because they don't understand how bad they will fuck it up and its not going to be good. I said I believe that's what they want from you to do your worst. He said this year is their homecoming year and they are going to Fucking Riot!!! And goes on a bit more about that. Then he asks if i have my phone on me. I said no. I left it in my bag. He told me to go grab it. So I went to go grab it he told me to hurry up so I ran and grabbed it and ran back. ( I wanted to make a comment about thought he wanted us to take our time? But I didn't) I give him my phone he fidgets with it and finally gets it on and asks there's no password? I say nope. (True chaos) He asks there's no naughty pictures on here are there? I didn't say anything. (no there isn't) He asks me to sit down and we talk. He told me to tell him about myself. I start telling him where I'm from and how old and he says no tell me something about you that nobody knows. I think for a second and I tell him. (I am going to keep my answer to myself. sorry bucket 1 on that) He stands up and says come on lets go and smacks me in the back of the head. They put the bag over my head and walk me back to the truck. (They still have my phone) I get in the back of the truck again and we drive for a bit then we stop. Cleatus gets out comes to the back tells me to get out. I climb out and he tells me to take the bag off. He hands me my backpack and the gallon of water he bought earlier. And just points and says the airport is a 6 hour walk that way and drives off. I'm like oh ok guess I'm walking. So I just start walking. Walking by some houses. There's a house i see that looks pretty creepy. ( i was full expecting some hillbilly to come out with a shotgun asking why I'm in his area.) I'm looking over my shoulder as I pass I do hear like a shot or something go off near by. Off in the far distance this whole time I have been hearing what sound like gun shots so I just believe its normal. I keep walking there is a car parked on the road as I get closer it just drove off. So I keep walking. I'm starting to have to pee again 😅 I'm like looking around for the nearest area I can get off the road I say screw it I'm just gonna go. I then see a white car coming down the road so I have stop and get my pants back together. Car pulls up its Cottage cheese man as you all know him. The one and only! He rolls down the window he's holding his camera He says my name I say yes He says hop in. I go to get in he says other side. I hop in and then he says lets see how good your camera work is. Film me while we talk. I do so. We start talking he starts asking what do I know. I start filling him in on that whole situation. He keeps asking what else what else what else. I'm trying to remember everything that might be relevant in any way.

He keeps occasionally stopping and opening a can of Velveeta cheese and eating some of it. He has me put a bag over my head and still film him. He then tells me he doesn't like the nickname we gave him Milkman. I say its cottage cheese man and he said he doesn't like that either. I said its not a bad name he asks if i would like to be called that I said I wouldn't mind. Then he proceeds to say He has an affliction and no one even cares. I said that's not true. I know there's a lot of people that care about you. I asked him what he would like to be called and he wouldn't tell me he just kept saying he has an affliction and no one cares. I said well is there anything I can do to help? And then he didn't say anything. I asked if he would like the name Mr.
Velveeta he declined. Then started asking me again what did I learn I brought up Cleatus' dance and he asked did I dance and I said no. Then he said you should have. I said I would have if they asked me to.

He immediately pulls over tells me to take off the bag and get out. He then asks me to do the dance he did. I have no clue. I don't remember it. So I do the dance to the best of my knowledge. (Spoiler warning ⚠️: I am not a good dancer) luckily he didn't make me dance long. We get back in the car and bag back on. We drive around more stopping occasionally for a Velveeta break. We end back up to the cabin. Cleatus and Dorothea are still there. He tells me to film them. I shift over trying to get the best I can. I zoom all the way so I can see them. He goes up and talks to them they walk out of view( in my head I'm like oh shit am I about to watch the Dairy King get murdered? Thank Matt for that nicknames) They talk for a bit and shake hands. They have like a deer head in their hands for some reason. Affliction walks away like in disgust wiping his hands off on his side. Gets back in. I ask if he made a deal with them? He just says "in due time" bag over head. The routine. We drive for a bit and then stop some chocolate milk song is playing and fucking Sonny going coo coo for coco puffs is saying choccy choccy choccy milk or something like that. Drive around he starts saying You know they aren't any better then us that fucker had a cell phone. (I definitely completely forgot about my phone. I didn't care) Then we kept driving around eventually stopping. He tells me someone is going to pick me up and they know my name and then he drives off...

I'm standing there confused not sure how long its gonna be. I'm next to a little restaurant I check to see if they are open and they are not...(I get a phone call from Dan him apologizing saying they got me a hotel and I'm just going to go there and lay low there till my flight) I then walk down and see someone walk out of a place I open the door its a little bar. On the door was a QR code. 👀 (don't really think it was related to anything and didn't look like any of Richards just wanted to note it I was gonna check it out but didn't have time) I ask where the bathroom is and book it that way. I head back to the bar order me a coke. Since not sure how long I'm gonna be here. I'm checking my phone and stuff finally. I see that Dorthea posted a photo on my Instagram and I'm like (wtf!?!?!) Then see they have taken over the exiled page. I then I say fuck it I'm going to ask the bartender (poor lady definitely fucked up her whole day) some questions don't know if she's involved. I ask do you by chance know what's going on. She says no what's going on? I preface it and say its a weird story so I give her some just quick cliff notes about being taken with random people getting dropped off bag over my head in the back of a truck. (You know the normal everyday stuff) she was like What the fuck? You need to call the cops i said no its fine its part of an experience trying to reassure her. ( It couldn't have been more perfect timing) my phone starts ringing I say oh them one second. I pick up. a voice says where are you? I look out the door and see someone of the phone and I tell them I think I see you outside I'm in the bar right behind you. He turns around and walks in and see me and tells me get the fuck over here gestures to a table. He's panicked freaking out paranoid looking around. Tells me to stay right there and walks out and the bartender is so confused asking me if I'm ok I say yes. He walks back in walks to the bar orders 2 shots of whiskey walks back over and starts apologizing. Starts telling me I need to get the fuck out of Kansas City I need to stop talking to people. He said I'm not saying this in game. I am out of game you know who I am. Its mutha fucking Darren (baa baa baa baa airhorn noises sorry back to the seriousness of the situation.) I say yes he said did they tell you what's going to happen next? I said no. He said there's some cars outside ones been following me. (Same car I saw when i was walking on the road) Told me not to accept any food or drinks from anyone and I said umm I had coffee with the Redcurves. He then asked how long was that. I said I'm not sure maybe an hour? He seemed pretty worried and angry. Told me I need to just go to my hotel and wait there till my flight ( sorry more spoilers that didn't happened.) He told me get in that car that's outside an no other. We took our shots at some point And he ran out. [I will say that alone wad worth the whole trip. Getting to take a shot with DLB. Huge fan and truly an honor] I was gonna run out and get but remembered I still needed to pay my tab. I walked over went to give the lady my card and she said don't worry about it was just a coke. (Lucky I didn't go all baby reindeer jk.) She asks again if i was ok I said yes I'm fine its just an experience. She then asked if I signed up for it. I said yes. She asked why and I just said because I'm crazy? Lol then I dug in my bag and gave her one of the cards I made for exiled and told her to check it out.

I get in the uber we drive to the hotel. I get there and I see that same car that's been following me is there. I ask the front desk person. Ummm i have a weird question. I think someone booker a hotel for me and she asked my name and I gave it to her. She said yes she has the key right here and handed to me. (Now I'm getting a little paranoid thinking people are in my room) i go enter the room take a quick look around to see of anything was placed inside or anything. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I purposely chose not to latch the door to prevent if from being opened. I then just laid down for a nice little nap. Got in the room around 11/12ish. Don't remember exactly. I just sit there jumping at every sound outside the room expecting to get busted in on thinking they found me. I was safe. Eventually I get a knock on the door from a lady and there is another lady with her. They ask to come in but leave the door open. She says Dan said I could find you here and the second lady holds the door open they look EXTREMELY paranoid. The lady holding the door keeps looking out in the hallway in both directions like they are being followed as well... First lady (Maddie) stats saying she needs my help with all the info that I have been given and that they have both worked with Exiled for like 8 years asks if I have Instagram and she follows herself and said she will be in touch. The other lady yells and says " Maddie we gotta go!" Then they both take off running out the door. A bit later I get another phone call. Its Darren again, He says 'DONT ANSWER KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR AND DONT BE LETTING RANDOM PEOPLE IN YOUR ROOM. THIS IS NOT A FUCKING GAME I AM BEING COMPLETELY SERIOUS YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF KC." and hangs up.

I am legit confused. It sounds like something is going down that has him and Dan completely spooked. I do not who that other car was that was following me around. I think there are more parties involved besides just the Redcurves and the "Elites" and "Darren and co". I opened up a can of fucking worms and believe this deeper then we originally thought...

I then reach out seeing if anyone wants to grab a bite to eat. I meet up at with some of the KC legends Matt and Cammie! It was awesome to finally meet them and talk with them. I start sharing all the stuff that happened to me and we start brain storming some theories. While we are there sitting some guy walks up(the manager) confused. He asks did you guys come from some horror thing? Us all confused yes? (I thought the waitress I was telling about the experience told him and he wanted to know more) He said he received a phone call and wanted to leave a message. Handed us a piece saying they have eyes everywhere we don't need to tag them. They know where we are.....
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Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:47 pm Asks me why they are looking for them and I said they want you to Fuck Kansas City up he says no they don't because they don't understand how bad they will fuck it up and its not going to be good. I said I believe that's what they want from you to do your worst. He said this year is their homecoming year and they are going to Fucking Riot!!! And goes on a bit more about that.
So they didn't ask for your source? Did they already know?

How much chaos do you sense that the Redcurves could bring?
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Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:47 pm

He keeps occasionally stopping and opening a can of Velveeta cheese and eating some of it. He has me put a bag over my head and still film him. He then tells me he doesn't like the nickname we gave him Milkman. I say its cottage cheese man and he said he doesn't like that either. I said its not a bad name he asks if i would like to be called that I said I wouldn't mind. Then he proceeds to say He has an affliction and no one even cares. I said that's not true. I know there's a lot of people that care about you. I asked him what he would like to be called and he wouldn't tell me he just kept saying he has an affliction and no one cares. I said well is there anything I can do to help? And then he didn't say anything. I asked if he would like the name Mr.
Velveeta he declined. Then started asking me again what did I learn I brought up Cleatus' dance and he asked did I dance and I said no. Then he said you should have. I said I would have if they asked me to.
Hell of a write up! I am glad you are safe... for now. I wonder if cottage cheese man is lactose intolerant? Maybe we should call him Mr. Lactaid.

Interesting that he brought up " you should have danced". I hope this does not come back to haunt you. Whatever is going on it seems it is out of DBLs control now. When they say they are watching... who is that rereferring to?
I figured out how to edit this
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Fantastic write up Mr. Caboose and thank you for the shoutout! You and Matt are legends!!!

Some of my key takeaways from your experience:

1. There are multiple groups here.
1a. Darren and Co. (includes Dan, maybe? Plus those two girls that came to your hotel room...)
1b. The Redcurves (Dorothea/Cletus)
1c. Exiled Group: opulens, Lamia, the Witch, Dymuntz, The Guy that Likes Dairy a Lot, and assorted cameramen/women
1d. The Players (us)

2. Now that The Redcurves are here, and it looks like they are making a deal with the Exiled group, WHAT is the agreement/deal/terms that they are dealing with?

3. Are the Redcurves related to the Witch? If so, how? What purpose is she serving alongside this? What about the Redcurves?

4. What affliction does The Guy that Likes Dairy a Lot have that makes him consume large amounts of dairy? (and what is his actual name???)

There is a lot of information here and I'm sure a lot of good questions will come from it. These are just my initial thoughts...
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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There’s a hundred things to unpack here Jesus fucking Christ. I’ll start with uh… Geomancy!

Basic definition:
“Geomancy, which literally translates to "earth divination", is an ancient practice that involves interpreting geographic features, ground markings, or patterns created by sand, rocks, or soil. The goal is to understand the Earth's energies and how they affect the places people live. In recent times the term has been applied to a wide range of other occult and fringe activities, including Earth mysteries and the introduction of ley lines and Bau-Biologie.“

A little research shows that Kansas City is on a major ley line, the Ratanaba (sp) Corridor. This would fit in with our Elites potentially looking for places of power to use for whatever goal they have in mind.

Small note: Maddy is most likely Madelyn Klaudt - historical Exiled cast member we’ve seen shared on Instagram before. She got a really cool tattoo for the haunt recently.
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Just got a call... It's Cleatums not Cleatus....

He called me yelling at me. Get his name right.
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