/// Digging

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So taking a look around the site and looking at the other moderator names other then Opulens there is another Global Admin named Dymuntz that hasn't posted anything just yet. I was doing some looking online for anything close to that name and unfortunately i have not found anything with that name. My only stretch is if you say it, it kind of sounds like Demons. I am not sure if their names are supposed to have a deeper meaning. Just wanted to get others thoughts and opinions on what they think it means too.
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Caboose04 wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:16 pm So taking a look around the site and looking at the other moderator names other then Opulens there is another Global Admin named Dymuntz that hasn't posted anything just yet. I was doing some looking online for anything close to that name and unfortunately i have not found anything with that name. My only stretch is if you say it, it kind of sounds like Demons. I am not sure if their names are supposed to have a deeper meaning. Just wanted to get others thoughts and opinions on what they think it means too.
At least with the way I'm reading it it kinda sounds like diamonds but I don't think that's very helpful either lol
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I mean the Diamonds kind of fits better too with the other name if its meaning Rich/Wealthy. I think its worth keeping note of. good job! :) i dont know why i was thinking demons lol. Wishful thinking of something more nefarious >:)
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campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:54 pm Can I also add that the woman I spoke to was wearing heels? IN THE DIRTY ROCKS AND MUD?
A queen fr!
I figured out how to edit this
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campbellstruts wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:27 am Matt (aka someguyinKC) brought up a seriously good point.

"The woman seemed to be someone important; a decision maker of some sort. The guy with the polaroid, just her muscle. The guy in the car was some sort of scout perhaps? Doing the legwork and early vetting in this whole process."

I can preach to that. The woman seemed to be the one carrying the whole process through. People listened to her, she was rude to them, etc. Characteristic behavior of a narcissist going on a power trip. So I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.
One more question for ya that I just asked Matt as well- given all of the information we've gotten on Opulens and their attitude, did you meet anyone last night that you felt had a similar vibe?
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The only person I met that gave off the same vibe as Opulens is the woman and/or actor 2, aka guy with the camera. I say the woman because opulens seems very sassy and confident, and has lots of information. Like they're collecting everything we're saying on here and in person. (duh). But also, opulens responded to someguyinkc when he said he wasn't gonna share his answers, opulens commented "That's alright. We have everything we need." (paraphrasing). So I'm thinking it might be someone in person. I say actor 2 because he also seemed very confident and cocky. Not rude, but sure of himself. Then again, opulens could also be a character that wasn't there in person. So really it's up in the air for me. Someone could just be delivering information to them. etc.
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Interesting, thank you! You both said the same thing about actor 2/camera guy feeling the most Opulens-y.

To be fair though, from the limited knowledge we have of the crew they all seem like they have that "snobby," overly confident air about them. So maybe it's just a Hollywood thing lol
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haleywilde wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:12 pm To be fair though, from the limited knowledge we have of the crew they all seem like they have that "snobby," overly confident air about them. So maybe it's just a Hollywood thing lol
Maybe. Or maybe it's just money. No matter where I go, people with lots of money are snobs. I think trying to find out where the new leaders are from might be valuable Intel.
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I wonder what would have happened if you refused the money. During this experience. Are you supposed to? Is there supposed to be more? It ends and you go back to the car on both so far pretty much right after they take the money. Just a thought.
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Hey y'all. Something interesting with the 278 value that was insisted when Dan was trying to get together more money:

Philippians Chapter 2 versus 7-8: "rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedience to death, even death on the cross."

Hmmm. servant, human likeness, appearance as a man, etc. Might be something to think about.

Others that might be important: (thank you Wanda and Matt)

Revelation 2:7-8 "whoever has ears, let them hear what the spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life in the paradise of God."

Psalm 2:7-8 "I will proclaim the Lord's decree: he said to me, you are my son; today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the end of the Earth, your possession."

2 Corinthians 7:8 "For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season."

Titus 2: 7-8 "In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you."

Hebrews 2:7 "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands:"

John 2: 7-8 " Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”They did so,"

Anyway, I'm not super good with digging on these, but feel free to interpret these and see where they might fit in to pieces of the puzzle. :)
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Hey guys I need to correct myself real quick. The car was not a black mercedes. It's a black Chrysler.

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Correcting myself again. Black CADILLAC.

Thank you Matt, I know nothing apparently lol
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From the website, the dynamic text directly below the video. It scrolls through these different texts:

Choose Your Path
Choose Your Fate
Choose An Experience
Choose Exiled
Choose A Nightmare
Choose Your Friends
Choose Your Enemies
Choose A New Reality
Choose Exiled
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Hey all, Matt (someguyinkc) is gonna do his thing here too and I'll help corroborate, but I think we need to find that VHS/Tape recording of all the Bible stories.

I mentioned it in my original interactions post, but here is a brief rundown of things I can absolutely remember the tape consisted of:
Stories of:
- Daniel and the Lions Den
- David and Goliath
- Samson
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

The stories were kid/child oriented in the sense that songs were involved, and it would follow the pattern (at least for me) of story, song, story, song, etc. with maybe a few deviations, but not many, here and there. The audio also sounded very old and static-y, which is why I say VHS/Tape recording. But hey, it could also be more recent. So really any information helps.

Some details that are rough but that I think might help are:
- The Samson story/song involved a song where the guy playing Samson would like, yell, "I AM THE MIGHTY SAMSON (and then he would yell.)"
- One of the stories (could've been relating to David and Goliath or the Samson story) involved some kid getting bullied at school, but they used the story to help him feel better and more confident in himself. He had a Spanish sounding name with an accent also.

^^^Then again, those details are FUZZY. The only stuff that I can say for sure is the things I absolutely remember that I listed first. I also put an ISO on reddit with links to the website and the forum so we may have some people migrating here. But seriously if any of you have any more information or leads as to what this recording might be/might be from, that would greatly help.
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So I mentioned to some people that the $278 number thrown out by the mysterious redhead didn’t strike me as a “why not” number. It was haunting me. I was thinking maybe some sort of bible verse and Cammie came up with all the ones that she posted the other day.

Figured I’d provide as much as I can remember about the cassette tape that we were listening to and see what kind of magic y’all can work with it since it’s my brain’s newest obsession.

Note that at a couple points, I took a few minutes to commit the questions that were being asked of me to memory and I was focusing pretty hard on that, not yet knowing that every little detail of this experience is likely to have some meaning. So some of these recollections may be off but I’ll bold and underline anything that I am certain of.

The tape started with a song. A light, happy song about how great Jesus is and religion and everything was happy.

The next segment was a spoken bit in which we were introduced to the main character, a child name Timmy (could have been Tommy or Billy, but I’m positive it was one of those 3). We find that Timmy has been bullied at school and the other voice we hear is telling him that, no matter what the kids at school are saying to him, there’s always someone that will be there to be his friend. Timmy says “I bet you’re going to tell me it’s God” and the other character says “That’s right!”

The next segment was a song about how God looks at the heart. The most memorable and identifiable part of this was that, in the last line of each chorus, the words were separated by a hard stop and got a small step lower in tone. “God. Looks. At. The. Heart.”

The next segment was a spoken bit about another kid that got bullied because he thought he could perform a task that men much stronger than him had failed at. This was the story of David and Goliath. Within the story, there was a song sung by school kids about David. It went something like “David’s heart is brave but his head is dumb.” There were several other verses with the same sentiment, all sang to a familiar, hazing type of melody. Timmy says “Hey, that even sounds like the kinds of songs they sing to me at school!”

This was when I decided I really needed to focus on the questions and committing them to memory so what follows are the parts that I’m not 100% sure about.

After this there was the heavier style of song that I remember being from the perspective of Goliath and what he was going to do to Daniel, but it is very possible that it was about Samson as Cammie stated.

Next was the story of Daniel and the lion’s den. They talked about how Daniel pissed some people off so they plotted a way to get him caught for doing something.

Really hope someone can figure out where this came from. I’ve found recordings of Hillsong for kids (Funny Man Dan) and that is not the recording that I heard. It was an old school cassette tape. White in color if I remember. I couldn’t see the writing on it through the little window in the player.
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This seriously helps so much. So much detail that’s important. THANK YOU
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Just pointing out that we suddenly have a new batch of emojis with a very different vibe than the previous ones...
:ex9: :ex6: :ex3: :ex1:

have we seen symbols like this anywhere else? they make me feel a little uneasy
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Ngl looks AI generated to me
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campbellstruts wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:43 pm Ngl looks AI generated to me
NGL you look AI generated sometimes too.

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Maybe we're all AI generated
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