Chat with a friend - 8/8

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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So opie reached out to me by text from the number that was used in the reel leading up to the last experience. The advice that was given that asking such direct questions wouldn’t work in the real world so why would it here has been weighing on me so my last few interactions, including this one, were from a stance of just trying to chat with an old friend.

He started by saying it’s been a time of much work. MUCH work. I asked if things were going well and he said that well would be personal perspectives. I asked if he had at least been able to make time for coffee with friends (a reference to a previous chat) and he said “there has been no time for coffee outside of this room for a few days” and that it’s been time to “knuckle down”. I told him I get it, I too was traveling for work this week and was very busy. He asked if I was traveling anywhere nice and I said no, just Dallas, and that I had heard the weather has been great up there lately. Again, he said great was personal perspective. I asked what his perspective was and he just “the west coast is the best coast” to which I responded “except Fresno”.

I asked if he knew anything about the Redcurves and he said “plenty”. I told him that I think I like them and asked if that was a wise choice. He asked if I know them, I said not at all, only what has been relayed by the ones that have met/talked to them. He asked why I like them then and I said that I too have been misunderstood and an outcast before and that was the vibe I get from them. He didn’t respond for a while so I prodded further with “how do you feel about them” to which he responded “it would be rash of me to share in such a space. They can certainly teach us something about believing ourselves, put it that way.”

I asked if it was a hostile take over of the IG account and told him a few of us were worried about him and Muntzie. That was when he told me that they don’t have phones or computers, but they’ve been sending messages from their phones. He said he thinks they’ll make their points clearer very soon. I asked what made him say that and he just said “knowledge”.

He then said that a lot is about to happen, and that a lot just happened. I asked if he was referring to them posting all the pictures and he said not exactly then explained that he had a lot of other messages to attend to, but to “sit tight, I’m sure the bed bugs are on their way”.

Lots of other messages to attend to... I’m guessing some of you may have also been contacted or responded to?
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It’s interesting that the response to “is this a hostile takeover” was that they were communicating from their phones. So that can mean either lending technology or the technology was stolen or forcefully taken from them. I don’t know, this seems like they’re butting heads with each other, but then again I don’t know enough to judge. So I’m in the same boat as you, in the sense that I don’t know whether I like them or hate them yet. But I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
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The fact that he said “it would be rash of [him] to share [how he felt about them] in such a space” lends itself to this same theory.
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Very excited to see what they have been heads down working on! I assume there is a lot to work out with the arrival of the Redcurves and hopefully this means that we will be seeing more of why they want to have them involved soon.
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campbellstruts wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 2:22 pm It’s interesting that the response to “is this a hostile takeover” was that they were communicating from their phones. So that can mean either lending technology or the technology was stolen or forcefully taken from them. I don’t know, this seems like they’re butting heads with each other, but then again I don’t know enough to judge. So I’m in the same boat as you, in the sense that I don’t know whether I like them or hate them yet. But I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Similar boat here: I like the idea of a group standing their ground and reclaiming what’s theirs, but I also like the idea of a group upsetting the apple cart and taking what they WANT.

Maybe the Redcurves and the Elites aren’t as different as we think, afterall. I don’t know that we know either of them well enough, so far.
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oh wow! That's interesting! I mean, someone can't use your device to post unless you are with them. They posted from Bran's IG when he was with them, so is it safe to assume that opulens and Dymuns are with the Redcurves? Based on this, he doesn't sounds particularly distraught or afraid, and it sounds like they allow him the use of his device when they're not using it, so it sounds like maybe they're cool with each other? Maybe he also meant that the Redcurves made the posts on the other two stories that were mentioned in another thread? Although those photos appeared edited and the Redcurves seem more like "post the footage raw" type. Unless someone is out there teaching them how to edit so they can get an audience and lul us all into a false sense of security? I don't know, but I'm excited for whatever has happened/is about to happen.

I wonder if whatever happened happened after Lily called me and the sun went down. Maybe it happened after Bran got that angry call. Maybe it happened because of it? ooooh I can't wait!

Sidenote: I love that she is named after a flower. The idea that Lily could live in the Crooked Rose Woods makes me think of a garden and hope that the other ladies are named something like Daisy or Violet or Aster.
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