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Sooo my mystery box has arrived! It was sent to me via Uber, and I was told "good luck" when they sent me the ETA. 👀

I'm going to edit and post an unboxing on TikTok + Reels, but that will take me a little bit to edit all the clips together, so I wanted to throw this on here so you all could see everything close up and don't have to wait!
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The first thing on top was this scroll that says "look close." The boxes were filled with vintage books, memorabilia from previous experiences, a signed copy of Spiral, etc. (all of which were really fucking exciting on their own because books, experiences, and SAW are three things I consider myself to be a huge nerd for lol). Because of the note, I knew I was looking for something, and the Dictionary of Symbols was packaged separately. Inside were a couple of dog eared pages (in the section on alchemy) and numbers that correlated to a phone number. When I called, I was given a recording saying: "Haley, your presence is requested to bear witness. You will be needed for 24 hours- Wednesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon. Upon confirmation you will be given further information." Soooo.... no idea what I'm bearing witness to, but it looks like I'm headed somewhere this week??? I'm waiting on further confirmation currently.

Seriously, to the person who anonymously made this possible- you are now on level with opie as another bestie!!!!!

After the initial excitement wore down, I went through the entire Dictionary of Symbolism book looking for more markings. I found a few highlighted and underlined sections that I will include here, as well as everything else that was in the box. There's definitely some things to look into! (I blocked out the phone number)

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Some images got left out, so here they are!
IMG_8468 2 Medium.jpeg
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Haley I LOVE this for you. Bear LOTS of witness for us. 🖤🖤
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Let’s go Haley!! So many things to go through here. Sounds like you’re in for a fun Wednesday and Thursday.
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good luck on your night-sea crossing, hero haley. bring matches.
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Just wow... amazing
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My prediction is that Dorothea bought you the box to take you up on your offer to film them because he isn't sure how to run the camera and Cletums is READY for his internet debut! TikTok, here he comes!
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Absolutely stoked for you and this adventure you're about to embark on! Best of luck!
Don't get gimmed.
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Lexthewolf wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:34 pm Absolutely stoked for you and this adventure you're about to embark on! Best of luck!
Don't get gimmed.
She getting "gimme'd" for sure. also 111th comment for me! :P
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Brianamatopoeia wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:54 pm My prediction is that Dorothea bought you the box to take you up on your offer to film them because he isn't sure how to run the camera and Cletums is READY for his internet debut! TikTok, here he comes!
Oh shit this makes sense now. She did offer her TikTok skills... I hope this happens!!!
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Caboose04 wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:54 am
Brianamatopoeia wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:54 pm My prediction is that Dorothea bought you the box to take you up on your offer to film them because he isn't sure how to run the camera and Cletums is READY for his internet debut! TikTok, here he comes!
Oh shit this makes sense now. She did offer her TikTok skills... I hope this happens!!!
Lmao they want her to bear witness to a tiktok dance contest between milk man, barefoot guy and Cletums and film it, this is the most likely path
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Ok, I feel like there's info in the highlighted sections of the books that is definitely relevant and deserves it's own red-string/mandelbrot cheese/oddly shaped hole moment. I'm trying to get some work done before I leave on Wednesday, so I can only look into these in little segments. I'll start with the flower section. The underlined parts are underlined in the book, and the bold was circled.
Flowers -
"Different flowers usually have separate meanings, but, as so often happens, flower-symbolism is broadly characterized by two essentially different considerations: the flower in its essence, and the flower in its shape. By its very nature it is symbolic of transitoriness, of Spring and of beauty.

The sixth of the 'Eight Immortals of China, Lan Ts'ai-ho, is generally depicted clad in blue and carrying a basket of flowers; it is said that he was given to singing of the brevity of life and the ephemeral nature of pleasure.

The Greeks and Romans, at all their feasts, always wore crowns of flowers. And they would strew flowers over the corpses as they bore them to the funeral pyre and over their graves (not so much as an offering as an analogy). We have, then, another example of an antithetical symbol, like the skeleton which the Egyptians would bring to their banquets, as a reminder of the reality of death and as a stimulus towards the enjoyment of life.

Now, because of its shape, the flower is an image of the 'Centre', and hence an archetypal image of the soul.. Celestial flower' is the name given to a meteorite or a shooting star by the alchemists (57), and the flower was, for them, symbolic of the work of the sun. The significance would be adapted according to the colour of the flower. So, for example, orange or yellow-coloured flowers represent a reinforcement of the basic sun-symbolism; red flowers emphasize the relationship with animal life, blood and passion. The 'blue flower' is a legendary symbol of the impossible, and is probably an allusion to the 'mystic Centre' as represented by the Grail and other such symbols."
The handwritten notes in this section are:
"Flowers: Image of the soul; love; transitoriness;
work of the sun- orange/yellow
impossible - blue
Red- animal/blood, passion
Celestial flower - meteor shooting star"

So, the flowers we've seen in this experience so far are the "Crooked Rose Woods" and the character Lily. Roses and Lilies can come in many different colors, so that makes it hard to analyze, but the colors are really emphasized in this section. Obviously roses are traditionally red, so if we lean that way it would be representative of animals, blood and passion.

The term "celestial flower" is also highlighted, and when I google celestial flower, another name for it is "Celestial Lily" 👀 It looks like they're traditionally blue which would correlate with "a legendary symbol of the impossible[/u], and is probably an allusion to the 'mystic Centre'" as well as the "meteorite or shooting star by the alchemists."

It looks like our alchemist friends named Lily after shooting stars/meteorites?

I looked up the term "centre" in the dictionary as well to figure out the "mystic centre" part, and it says:
"To leave the circumference for the centre is equivalent to moving from the exterior to the interior, from form to contemplation, from multiplicity to unity, from space to spacelessness, from time to timelessness. In all symbols expressive of the mystic Centre, the intention is to reveal to Man the meaning of the primordial paradisal state' and to teach him to identify himself with the supreme principle of the universe."

"A great many ritual acts have the sole purpose of finding out the spiritual 'Centre' of a locality, which then becomes the site, either in itself or by virtue of the temple built upon it, of an 'image of the world'. There are also many legends which tell of pilgrimages to places with characteristics which relate them to Paradise."

Mystic Centre is also referred to in the "Star" section that's highlighted as well:
"As a light shining in the darkness, the star is a symbol of the spirit. Bayley has pointed out, however, that the star very rarely carries a single meaning—it nearly always alludes to multiplicity. In which case it stands for the forces of the spirit struggling against the forces of darkness. This is a meaning which has been incorporated into emblematic art all over the world. For this reason, 'identification with the star' is possible only to the chosen few. Jung recalls the Mithraic saying: 'I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths' (31). Now, individual stars are often seen in graphic symbolism. Their meaning frequently depends upon their shape, the number of points, the manner of their arrangement, and their colour (if any). The 'flaming star' is a symbol of the mystic Centre-of the force of the universe in expansion. The five-pointed star is the most common. As far back as in the days of Egyptian hieroglyphics it signified 'rising upwards towards the point of origin', and formed part of such words as 'to bring up', 'to educate, etc. (19). The inverted five-pointed star is a symbol of the infernal as used in black magic (37).

Stars being nocturnal, their symbolism is associated with that of night; they are also linked with the idea of multiplicity (or with disintegration) because they appear in clusters, and with order and destiny because of their disposition and location (according to Horapollo Niliacus). The seventeenth enigma of the Tarot, depicting an allegorical image of a naked girl kneeling down beside a pool, as, from a golden jar, she pours a life-giving liquid into the still waters. In her left hand she holds a silver jar from which she pours fresh water on to the dry earth, encouraging the growth of the vegetation- signified most often by a sprig of acacia and a rose in full bloom, an emblem of immortality and of love. Above this figure are a bright star and several lesser ones. The ultimate meaning of this symbol seems to be expressive of intercommunication of the different worlds, or the vitalization by the celestial luminaries of liquids contained in certain vessels, and implying, furthermore, the transference of these celestial characteristics to the purely material Elements of earth and water. For this reason, Oswald Wirth concludes that this enigma represents the soul uniting spirit with matter (59).

I'm curious if this will play into what I need to bear witness to and why I am going overnight when Bran was only during the day. Perhaps a ritual done at night to include the stars, mystic centre, etc? The mention of the tarot card is interesting too- anyone with tarot knowledge want to analyze that?

There's so much information to ponder, but I must return to editing...
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i think the red underlined and circled text is one line of research and the highlighted text is another. because you're going for an overnight adventure i think that the highlighted sections "night-sea crossing" and "star" might be significant to your trip.
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haleywilde wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:58 pm . When I called, I was given a recording saying: "Haley, your presence is requested to bear witness. You will be needed for 24 hours- Wednesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon.
GIRLLLL THIS IS SO COOL!!! Ahhh im so happy and nervous for you!! I have a feeling you are going to meet opulens or dymuntz!! I hope you and opulens can be besties and spill tea!! Have lots of fun. Also that is such a cool box haha.
I figured out how to edit this
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Whoischelsea wrote: ↑Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:27 pm
haleywilde wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:58 pm . When I called, I was given a recording saying: "Haley, your presence is requested to bear witness. You will be needed for 24 hours- Wednesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon.
GIRLLLL THIS IS SO COOL!!! Ahhh im so happy and nervous for you!! I have a feeling you are going to meet opulens or dymuntz!! I hope you and opulens can be besties and spill tea!! Have lots of fun. Also that is such a cool box haha.
a girl can dreeeeeam- Bran's trip was based heavily around the Redcurves, but I would loooove to meet the other team 😍

opie & Dymuntz- we miss you!!!!
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Just working through the highlighted passages for info/clues… playing with the red string again. I know @haleywilde already did some of this but I wanted to be absolutely obsessively comprehensive, so have also typed out the relevant passages and split them into two sections depending on how they were highlighted. Then, as usual, have added my thoughts and extra context based research wherever possible.


Flower Different flowers usually have separate meanings, but, as so often happens, flower-symbolism is broadly characterized by two essentially different considerations(1):the flower in its essence, and the flower in its shape.(2) By its very nature it is symbolic of *(transitoriness) of Spring and of beauty. The sixth of the ‘Eight Immortals’ of China, Lan Ts’ai-ho, is generally depicted clad in blue and carrying a basket of flowers; it is said that he was given to singing of the brevity of life and the ephemeral nature of pleasure. The Greeks and Romans, at all their feasts, always wore crowns of flowers. And they would strew flowers over the corpses as they bore them to the funeral pyre and over their graves (not so much as an offering as an analogy). We have, then, another example of an antithetical symbol, like the skeleton which the Egyptians would bring to their banquets, as a reminder of the reality of death and as a stimulus towards the enjoyment of life. Now, because of its shape, the flower is an image of the ‘Centre’, and hence an archetypal image of the (soul). (Celestial flower) is the name given to a meteorite or a shooting star by the alchemists, and the flower was, for them, (symbolic of the work of the sun). The significance would be adapted according to the colour of the flower. So, for example, orange or yellow-coloured flowers represent a reinforcement of the basic sun-symbolism; red flowers emphasize the relationship with animal life, blood and passion. The ‘blue flower’ is a legendary symbol of the impossible, and is probably an allusion to the ‘mystic Centre’ as represented by the Grail and other such symbols…

Notes in margin:
Image of the soul;
love; transitoriness;
work of the sun - orange/yellow
the impossible - blue
red - animal/blood, passion
Celestial flower - meteor, shooting star
blondie thoughts: Lily Redcurve is, currently, the only person we know named after a flower, which could imply she is the “centre” of the family, and the “work of the sun”. Lilies also have many symbolic meanings that can vary by culture and religious context:
* Purity and innocence: White lilies are often used to represent purity, virginity, and innocence. In Christianity, the Madonna lily represents the Virgin Mary's purity and is often depicted in religious paintings.
* Renewal and rebirth: Lilies can symbolize the soul's journey toward enlightenment and the promise of rebirth and renewal.
* Love and fertility: Lilies can also symbolize love, fertility, and passion. Red lilies are often associated with these meanings.
* Unity and peace: In Italy, the lily is the national flower and is featured on the country's emblem, where it symbolizes unity and peace.
* Serenity and calmness: The peace lily plant (Spathiphyllum) can symbolize serenity and calmness.
* Respect, dignity, and tradition: Purple lilies can symbolize respect, dignity, tradition, and success.

Lake In the Egyptian system of hieroglyphs, the schematic figure of a lake expresses (the occult and the mysterious), probably by allusion to the underground lake which the sun has to pass over during its ‘night-crossing’ (but also simply by associating it with the symbolism of level, given that (water) always alludes to the ‘connection between the superficial and the profound’ ; a lake becomes, then, a fluid mass of transparency). In the temple of the god Amon, at Karnak, there was an artificial lake symbolizing hyle - or the (‘lower waters’) of protomatter. And, at certain times during the year, a procession of priests would cross the lake in boats, in this way re-enacting the ‘night-crossing’ of the sun mentioned above. The symbolism here is the same, broadly speaking, as that of the watery deeps. The Irish and Breton belief that the Land of the Dead is at the bottom of the ocean or of lakes may be derived from watching the sun setting over the water; and the death of human beings, and therefore by analogy the setting of the sun, was interpreted as passing over into the nether world. But, as we have suggested, the structure of lake-symbolism may have arisen directly out of the symbolism of level; for this latter symbolism, so deeply rooted in the psyche of man, equates all that is on a low level spatially with what is low in a spiritual, negative, destructive, and hence fatal, sense. The fact that water-symbolism is closely connected with the symbolism of the (abyss) serves to corroborate the fatal implications of the lake-symbol, for the part played by the liquid Element is to provide (the transition between life and death), between the solid and the gaseous, the formal and the informal. At the same time, the lake - or rather, its surface alone - holds the significance of a (mirror), presenting an image of self-contemplation, consciousness and revelation.
blondie thoughts: the Redcurves appear connected to the lake on their land so this implies that they are “occult and mysterious”, a “connection between the superficial and the profound”, and perhaps most importantly that, because of “deeply rooted” preconceptions, we equate “all that is on a low level spatially with what is low in a spiritual, negative, destructive, and hence fatal, sense.” Which is certainly true of how some have reacted to them as a group. But, and forgive me cos it gets a bit weird here - if the lake is representative of the transition between “the formal” (the Elites?) and “the informal” (the Redcurves?), it is also a mirror meaning they are really just reflections of each other. So we may see the Elites as higher (in status and methods for example), but really it’s the same image… just in reverse. An optical illusion.

Note: there is also a section on Lamia on this page!
Moon … This tarot enigma, in sum, seeks to give instruction upon the ’lunar way’ (of intuition, imagination, and magic) as distinct from the ’solar way’ (of reason, reflection, objectivity); but at the same time it is pregnant with negative and fatal significance. In the negative sense, it alludes to error, arbitrary fantasy, imaginative sensitivity, etc.
Staff … The use of staff-symbolism, both among the ancient Egyptians and in a modern artist such as Dali, exemplifies an elementary principle of symbolism; the correlation and interchangeability of the material and spiritual aspects of a given situation.

Night-Sea Crossing … Here is the account given by Frobenius of the archetypal avatars of this essential journey: ’A hero is swallowed by a sea-monster in the West. The animal journeys with him in its belly to the East. During the journey, the hero lights a fire in the belly of the monster and, feeling hungry, cuts off a slice of its heart. Shortly afterwards he observes that the fish has reached land; he then begins to cut away the flesh of the animal until he can slip out. In the belly of the fish it was so hot that his hair fell out. Often the hero sets free those who have been swallowed before him and they escape with him.’ This basic situation takes on a variety of forms in a great many legends and folktales, but the essential features of devouring, confinement, enchantment and escape are always present.
blondie thoughts: are we the hero and the experience the monster? It takes us on a journey, we light a fire within it, consume parts of it, and then burst through the other side, changed… preferably bringing others with us. The “essential features of devouring, confinement, enchantment and escape are always present” certainly sound like a description of a horror experience…
Star As a light shining in the darkness, the star is a symbol of the spirit. Bayley has pointed out, however, that the star very rarely carries a single meaning - it nearly always alludes to multiplicity. In which case it stands for the forces of the spirit struggling against the forces of darkness. This is a meaning which has been incorporated into emblematic art all over the world. For this reason, “identification with the star” is possible only to the chosen few. Jung recalls the Mithraic saying: ‘I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths.’ Now, individual stars are often seen in graphic symbolism. Their meaning frequently depends upon their shape, the number of points, the manner of their arrangement, and their colour (if any). The ‘flaming star’ is a symbol of the mystic Centre - of the force of the universe in expansion.…

Stars Being nocturnal…

final blondie thoughts:
This has been one hell of a post but here are my takeaways…
1. possibly the red pen sections refer to the story within the experience, and the orange highlighter refers to our experience of interacting with and going through it…
2. there is A LOT in the red pen sections about duality- sun/moon, life/death, spiritual/material. And it is fairly easy to assign each aspect to a “faction” - the Elites or the Redcurves. But it is important to remember that these dualities are, at their core, one thing split into two. In uniting the two, creating balance, we achieve enlightenment and harmony
3. the flower, the lake, the moon, the staff - important symbolic images to hold in our minds moving forward
4. the night-crossing and the star - representing our journey as we expand our understanding and experience the struggle between our spirit and darkness, to emerge on a new shore as changed people
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blondie wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:01 am
Night-Sea Crossing … Here is the account given by Frobenius of the archetypal avatars of this essential journey: ’A hero is swallowed by a sea-monster in the West. The animal journeys with him in its belly to the East. During the journey, the hero lights a fire in the belly of the monster and, feeling hungry, cuts off a slice of its heart. Shortly afterwards he observes that the fish has reached land; he then begins to cut away the flesh of the animal until he can slip out. In the belly of the fish it was so hot that his hair fell out. Often the hero sets free those who have been swallowed before him and they escape with him.’ This basic situation takes on a variety of forms in a great many legends and folktales, but the essential features of devouring, confinement, enchantment and escape are always present.
I was flipping through my book tonight, re-reading some highlighted passages to see if anything popped out at me after my experience in Kansas. This passage was the one that stood out to me this time around because it feels a little different than the other highlighted/underlined sections.

It tells a story of someone who is swallowed by a monster, seemingly suffers while inside of it's belly, and then fights their way out- not only escaping, but setting "free those who have been swallowed before him and they escape with him."

Now, this is of course some serious spaghetti, but my first thought was Darren when reading this passage. Is it possible that Darren has been swallowed up by whatever organization he is now a part of and has been moving along inside of them- essentially disguised as one of them, and now he might be able to fight his way out and save others with him?

Or maybe it's not Darren, but someone else. The idea of being swallowed by a creature and then traveling with them gives me sort of Trojan Horse energy. With the suggestion that people might be putting on an act, perhaps there is a wolf in sheep's clothing we're dealing with? or maybe even a sheep in wolf's clothing?

Just throwing some thoughts into the void!
merely someone at the edge.
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