A call for Hecate’s Day - 8/21

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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blondie wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:46 pm I want to share credit with @Wanda102 for indulging me with Hecate talk. It was our shared conviction that led me to perform the ritual. And thanks to @PiaPol for drawing attention to this special date.

This really is a team effort. I love you all.

And now I have another ritual to attend to. For me this time.
Safe to assume Blondie and I are always in a chat somewhere talking about myth and witchery.
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someguyinKC wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:41 pm
haleywilde wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:24 pm
someguyinKC wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:22 pm

Is she assigned to people too? If so, is it the same hard part like it is between opie and Muntzie? Or how was she able to spend the day with you while Muntzie is assigned to you?
I meant, Muntzie is Madison haha
Just to make sure I'm tying the right red strings together, the main reason we think this is because of the lipstick, right? The message in your hotel was written with red lipstick and Madison made it a point to apply a similar color while you were sitting with her.

I think I'm sold on that. Unless someone were to correct me.... *cough*wink*lookoverhere*cough*
I mean…I’ll correct you. 😛 Madison, Dymuntz, Lamia, and the Wood Witch, are all very separate creatures. I don’t mean to cut any strings but they’ve got vastly different personalities, voices (from what we’ve heard,) and potentially motivations.
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opulens wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:13 pm
blondie wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:07 pm While she didn’t identify herself by name, the way she talked makes me think it was our dear Muntzie. She’s got a knack for making a gal feel amazing, that’s for sure
On this day, I will not allow you to turn yourselves in knots.

Your call was not from Dymuntz, who is seated next to me.

Hello to both you and dymuntz im assuming you both are sitting there laughing at how quickly we can tie ourselves into new knots even when you help us out with one. Im currently in a bit of a knot about Dorothea picking Kansas as your location but also there was a wheel involved and the Redcurves were not in Kansas with all of you originally and it took a bit of information spreading from one of us to catch their attention, so do you guys and Dorothea go way back or has there maybe been some misinformation about wheels spreading around here, anything to help untie this one would be much appreciated
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blondie wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:01 pm And now I am one of her “special ones”.
Ok, so now that we know it was Lamia that called you, this has a different meaning. Are you to be considered one of the dozens of witches they have set aside for a rainy day?
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The basic facts, as much as anything is a fact, are these:
1) Cristen and I made a connection between Lamia and Hecate and the wood witch
2) I called on Hecate to give strength to the wood witch
3) Lamia calls me on Hecate’s day and tells me I was right all along and gets me to say the Goddess’ name aloud

I know I have expressed a loneliness in my Craft. If I am one of her “special ones” and this means I am part of a coven, then today truly is a special day.

And I just want to throw a thought into the mix… Hecate is known for her dislike of harm to children and the hubris of humans…
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blondie wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:11 pm The basic facts, as much as anything is a fact, are these:
1) Cristen and I made a connection between Lamia and Hecate and the wood witch
2) I called on Hecate to give strength to the wood witch
3) Lamia calls me on Hecate’s day and tells me I was right all along and gets me to say the Goddess’ name aloud

I know I have expressed a loneliness in my Craft. If I am one of her “special ones” and this means I am part of a coven, then today truly is a special day.

And I just want to throw a thought into the mix… Hecate is known for her dislike of harm to children and the hubris of humans…
“Hekate. Her name awakens the soul of a witch.”
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blondie wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:11 pm The basic facts, as much as anything is a fact, are these:
1) Cristen and I made a connection between Lamia and Hecate and the wood witch
2) I called on Hecate to give strength to the wood witch
3) Lamia calls me on Hecate’s day and tells me I was right all along and gets me to say the Goddess’ name aloud

I know I have expressed a loneliness in my Craft. If I am one of her “special ones” and this means I am part of a coven, then today truly is a special day.

And I just want to throw a thought into the mix… Hecate is known for her dislike of harm to children and the hubris of humans…
In later Lamia myths she’s referred to as either Hecate’s daughter or as a tool of Hecate that’s sent out to do her will in the world. I think we can discuss what this reveal that Lamia IS in fact tied to Hecate tells us about the broader scope of things. Hecate is (amongst many things) the goddess of witches - the Elites said they have “plenty of witches.” This tracks. What do they need them for, though? Are they gathering power, searching for a vessel of some kind? Manifesting a deity, perhaps?
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Not that this is important in the grand scheme of things, but I wanted to share a little bit about the ritual I just performed.

It involved a lot of sitting in silence so it wasn’t really video-worthy, apologies.

I set up my altar with a few things:
Whisky - as always
Gifts - tobacco, cinnamon, an orange, rose flavoured chocolates (Hecate likes all these things)
An hourglass (to represent the passing of time, past, present, and future)
A black candle
Dragon’s blood incense
And a necklace of a bird skull for my dear Lamia

I used an oracle card representing Hecate as a focus

I said the following:
“Hecate, Queen of the Night, Guardian of the Crossroads, I call upon you. Guide me with your wisdom, protect me with your light. Be with me in my magic, as I honour you tonight.”

And then I sat in silence until the candle and incense had burned out…


I’ve been stood at the crossroads for a while and now it appears a path has opened up in front of me. I don’t know where it will lead but am excited to follow it as best I can.

Bendithion x
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Something that just struck me now that I am thinking a little clearer…

Lamia said something about “knocking on walls”. Not doors. Walls. If you know there is a door but it is hidden, you can wait until it appears and then knock. But by then, it may be too late. Someone may have already gone through that door before you.

Or… you can knock on the walls until you hear a different sound. I’ve been knocking on walls. And I found a door. Now it’s opened, I will be honest, I don’t really know what to do next.
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Walk thru it! Stand tall! Speak from the chest! Fear nothing!
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Attempt number two:

I answer the phone to a woman’s voice asking if this is Vicki. This immediately set me off balance cos I’m used to being called Victoria or blondie on the phone. The caller asked if I knew who was calling, but I wasn’t sure so I was honest. She didn’t answer me… this should’ve been clue number one. The last time I talked to Lamia, she wouldn’t reveal herself then either. Power in a name, etc.

Then she spoke a lot with beautiful words of profound things but in her characteristic style - seems like both she and Dymuntz are great with words but upon reflection, in very different ways. I wish I could remember them or even just more of them, and I am so angry at myself for allowing my emotions to overwhelm me. If anyone ever worries about being “new” to all of this, that they will mess up… I’ve been doing this kind of thing for NINE YEARS. But you can still be caught off guard. Your brain can refuse to play ball.

Now this is all paraphrasing and I wholeheartedly apologise for that. She talked about how I had done something, and maybe I didn’t realise that it had an effect (the ritual - calling upon Hecate to give strength to a sister witch). She talked about knocking on walls (not doors). About being right. She got me to say Hecate’s name aloud (I think it was around this time I started crying… validation is a powerful drug). She talked about a cat on a cosmic coffee table, knocking things off the edge…

She ended the call by saying I was one of her special ones. She said she hoped I would enjoy the feast. And maybe that we will talk again? I can’t be sure of that, but it feels right. Although if she’ll bother after this catastrophe of recall, who knows… She ended the call with blessings.


What if… in invoking Hecate, and lending my strength and power to the Redcurves witch… I didn’t help free her at all (because then, what would be the point in the pool game? Unless of course… it was all for show). Instead that power intensified her own, allowing the Elites to get better results from whatever they were using her for? That makes me feel a bit icky. Intention is everything in magic. If the Elites want my help in future, I hope they will be a bit more open with me about the purpose…

I still feel like I have forgotten the key to this all. That I’m missing the point. But maybe further discussion will bring me clarity.


Also I have pondered on why Dymuntz asked Campbell how she felt about my post. My inability to recall conversations as successfully as Campbell is aggravating to many, I KNOW… but also Campbell was Lamia’s special one before… was Dymuntz prodding to see if there is any jealousy there? Or any ill will still between myself and Cammie? (We’re all gravy, fyi). And Cammie and I have very different beliefs, but I think we are both openminded to others’ views and we learn from each other all the time.
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I don’t think that what I’m missing is that the Redcurves witch IS Hecate. That would be insane. I guess you can embody the goddess but for an actual goddess to be in the woods of KC? And it would also mean that the Redcurves witch is Lamia’s mother which… awkward…

Maybe they are trying to summon Hecate? But for what purpose? There have certainly been documented cults of both Hecate and Lamia. Shrines to Hecate were often placed at doorways for protection from the restless dead… and Dorothea did say something about the afterlife.

I guess anything is possible when you have a tonne of money and plenty of witches tho…
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blondie wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:44 am:

My inability to recall conversations as successfully as Campbell is aggravating to many, I KNOW… but also Campbell was Lamia’s special one before… was Dymuntz prodding to see if there is any jealousy there? Or any ill will still between myself and Cammie? (We’re all gravy, fyi). And Cammie and I have very different beliefs, but I think we are both openminded to others’ views and we learn from each other all the time.
The way I interpreted it was that she was trying to ask me about your post as a way to get my interpretation off of it, but I had no clue which one she was referring to. I don’t think she was trying to stir anything up, I genuinely think she was just trying to get my opinion and maybe I could’ve used that as a way to get more information off of her, but because I had no clue which one she was talking about I couldn’t.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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