IG post and phone call

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Instagram post: August 24th, 2024. A blonde woman sits next to a bearded man. The woman is eating cotton candy with a spoon. The caption to the post reads "Laugh and nibble, taste the lie / Each mouthful, a slow goodbye." #HestaRedcurve.

"Oh Hesta. Hello there!" I posted the comment on the IG post, and then I start doing chores around the house. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket while I'm eating a cosmic crisp apple (I thought my partner was calling -- he just left for DnD and I was worried that he forgot something.) and see a No Caller ID and get excited.
"Hello. This is Lexi. Who am I speaking to?"
A feminine voice speaks on the other end of the line. She sounds like a sweet lady with a sweet southern drawl. She didn't identify herself but I am certain it was Hesta.
"What's your favorite candy?" the sweet feminine voice on the other line of the phone asks.
"It's hard to answer. I have a bit of a sweet tooth." I respond (but now I have a better answer: dark chocolate sea salt caramels, Cadbury Crunchies, idk
I felt excited. I can't remember all of the conversation but this is
"You know what they say about sugar? it rots your teeth. Sugar is bad. But sugar will be the least of your concerns soon."
I ask if I can post this to the forum. She just responds with "byeeeeeee"

Also if I remember correctly I think she told me I was a "sweet thang.".
Hesta if you're reading the forums, I plan on visiting Kansas City in October. What's your favorite candy so I can get you some??
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hey mods if you could add the date to the title of this post that would be much appreciated.

I really appreciated the phone call. Little does she know that I have such a sweet tooth that I started putting my "sweet things" at the upmost TOP shelf in my kitchen otherwise I'd go through it all in a heartbeat.
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Not to be pedantic, but she was definitely using her fingers to enjoy that cotton candy. I don't think it's physically possible to eat cotton candy with a spoon! Which means you just discovered a new challenge!! Fork? Sure, probably. But a SPOON? Now there's a challenge!

Also want to add, if you pour champagne over cotton candy, you get a sweet, whimsical cocktail (and mild headache).

What I want to know is what is in that fella's hand? And who is he? He has GREAT hair!!

How exciting to meet Hesta! I wonder if she works in the midway?
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Challenge accepted.

Cotton candy champagne cocktail? That sounds delicious!

yeah. If someone with a sweet tooth worked in the Midway serving cotton candy, they'd have access to a lot of sweet stuff (cotton candy
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Brianamatopoeia wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:25 pm How exciting to meet Hesta! I wonder if she works in the midway?
Definitely my initial thoughts after looking at the Instagram post. My first job was a foodservice job and I DEFINITELY took the "expired" oatmeal raisin cookies home. I imagine her working in a Midway food cart to fuel her sweet tooth or, at the very least, offering to take the "expired" goodies home.
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Just wanna bring us back to Erik and my shared theory about the fae…

In Icelandic, the fae are known as huldufólk, the “hidden folk”. As I said on Kit’s name thread, Hesta comes from Hester which in turn comes from Esther, “to be hidden”.

And we’ve talked about them having a sweet tooth… soooo… make of that what you will!
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blondie wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 4:11 am Just wanna bring us back to Erik and my shared theory about the fae…

In Icelandic, the fae are known as huldufólk, the “hidden folk”. As I said on Kit’s name thread, Hesta comes from Hester which in turn comes from Esther, “to be hidden”.

And we’ve talked about them having a sweet tooth… soooo… make of that what you will!
Adding to this cos I will die on this hill…

You guys call it cotton candy, in the UK we call it candy floss… in Australia and Finland they call it FAIRY FLOSS

Theory confirmed, lol
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blondie wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:10 am
Adding to this cos I will die on this hill…

You guys call it cotton candy, in the UK we call it candy floss… in Australia and Finland they call it FAIRY FLOSS
This is what I want it to be. Because the entire idea of this story has a pretty direct correlation in so many ways.

Even the idea of Elites and "Rednecks" (quotation marks because I don't believe they are) can be correlated to some fae mythology. I am specifically here thinking of the idea of Seelie and Underlie fae courts.

The Seelie courts consist of those fae who are elite, long-lived, wealthy, who respond to kindness with kindness and roughness with roughness. They can be haughty, cold, indifferent but also warm and welcoming if you get into their good graces.

The Underlie are often considered--no joke--as being exiled from the other court. They are much more likely to seek retribution against humans for perceived slights. They are also more likely to be angry in general, to perform tricks on humans, to be considered "evil" by humans who interact with them and are even the ones most likely to scare humans who run across them in the woods. They are also the most likely to eat a human--but also the most likely to CLAIM they are doing so in order to terrify one.

Any of this sound familiar to people?

I have been racking my brain to try to understand why the reactions from the various people we've encountered has been so varied, even with the same person interacting with more than one of us. Once I thought of it as Seelie and Unseelie, this idea could very well explain why.

The Elites are capricious in their reactions. They seem to be wealthy beyond human terms. They seem to move around both intentionally and at whim at the same time.

The Redcurves are rough. They are seeking retribution. They are determined to scare human--but also to play games with them and draw them in.

The correlations in the story seem really clear to me. Even the contract and deal make sudden more sense--there is a lot of mythology behind the idea of fae vows. How important they are, how impossibly worded they can be, how they lock fae into EXACTLY WHAT THE CONTRACT SAYS, no more and no less.

That mythology also includes how dangerous it is for humans to sign them, especially how humans almost never understand what they've signed until it too late.

Again, sound familiar?

I'm gonna die on this hill, too, blondie. But hopefully we'll both die outside the fae ring and without eating anything. :)
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One thing about Seelie and Unseelie. They are often equated into "good" and "bad" and that is both incorrect and dangerously wrong to think of them that way.

They are both entirely alien to humanity, so good and bad from the human perspective is irrelevant. They are both capable of helping and hurting humans in equal measure.

What matters is a specific person's INDIVIDUAL relationship with either group. You can be helped or hurt by either side...largely determined by what you, yourself, do.

I can't think of a situation where one's choices could matter more than if we are walking into a fae gathering.
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Kills me to say (jokes, love you Erik) but THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME…

I live for the idea that “ancient mythology” is playing out in the world today. And I am sure I am not alone… there’s a new Jeff Goldblum (who is clearly not of this world) series coming out soon called KAOS…

PS. Good and bad as a dichotomy is understandable but not an existence I dwell within
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I dig the theory that the Redcurves are fae and would love this opportunity to bring something else up. In European myths the changelings (European myths, not DnD race) steal human children and replace them with changelings.
UnseenPresence wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:38 pm . You can be helped or hurt by either side...largely determined by what you, yourself, do.
Maybe a funny little quinky-dinc (coincidence) and maybe not: In my text conversations with Ben (works with (D)e Ones who (M)ust not be named) early on in August, Ben told me to be very mindful of my choices in the next few weeks.

I'm also looking into Faerie fire (the myths, not the DnD spell) and...
Some say that the lucky person who sees the lights and follows them will be treated to the sight of fairies in celebration. Scandinavian folklore promises treasure at the end of the lights, supposedly marking the location at which valuable goods are buried deep underground or water. However, the fairies responsible Will-o'-the-wisp in European folklore are either spirits of the dead or mischievous fairies attempting to lead people astray. In Welsh tales, the light is 'fairy fire' that is carried by a pwca, a small goblin who leads travellers away from the path at night. When they are led sufficiently far from the familiar route, the light is extinguished and the traveller is lost. Source.]
South American legend talks about a fiery serpent who eats the eyes of its victims, buuuuut... I doubt this is related.
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Yep, either side could theoretically have stolen children somewhere along the way. Night he why the Redcurves have such a big group.

Also, the "old ways" the Elites are demanding could easily be referencing all these old fae myths. I had forgotten about the Scandinavian lights myth (shouldn't have, it's very much my culture) but all of what you wrote is possible.

Even the idea that devotion or proving oneself worth or noticeable could relate to fae myths. There are so many tales of those who show appropriate devotion to a fae creature or type being rewarded for doing so. Equally stories of how people can attract the attention of the fae...and why it sometimes is risky to do so.

The correlations are really strong.
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But but BUT my babe Hecate doesn’t like the abuse of children soooo…
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blondie wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:35 pm But but BUT my babe Hecate doesn’t like the abuse of children soooo…
If the fae were stealing babies and giving them a better existence than where they came from...is that abuse?
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UnseenPresence wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:57 pm
blondie wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:35 pm But but BUT my babe Hecate doesn’t like the abuse of children soooo…
If the fae were stealing babies and giving them a better existence than where they came from...is that abuse?
But they take a human baby and replace them with one of their own… which has always been my theory about poor Cletums… someone needs to check his toes
93: Love is the law, love under will.
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