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Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:43 pm
by cd3vane
Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:40 pm Just got a call... It's Cleatums not Cleatus....

He called me yelling at me. Get his name right.
So I guess that means they are watching the forum now... Hi Cleatums and the rest of the redcurves!

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:44 pm
by Wanda102
Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:40 pm Just got a call... It's Cleatums not Cleatus....

He called me yelling at me. Get his name right.
I’m howling, that’s so, so much better.

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:02 pm
by lazysmartperson
Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:47 pm Starts telling me I need to get the fuck out of Kansas City I need to stop talking to people. He said I'm not saying this in game. I am out of game you know who I am. Its mutha fucking Darren
gets told to stop talking to people
proceeds to tell the bartender, an exiled staffer, the kc legends, the waitress, and the universe...
He says I hear you are bad at following directions I say yes apparently.

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:10 pm
by Whoischelsea
Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:40 pm Just got a call... It's Cleatums not Cleatus....

He called me yelling at me. Get his name right.
Makes sense. Put some respect on the name and the brand. I wonder if he posted his dancing tiktok. We will follow for the aura!

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:42 pm
by Caboose04
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:22 pm Fantastic write up Mr. Caboose and thank you for the shoutout! You and Matt are legends!!!

Some of my key takeaways from your experience:

1. There are multiple groups here.
1a. Darren and Co. (includes Dan, maybe? Plus those two girls that came to your hotel room...)
1b. The Redcurves (Dorothea/Cletus)
1c. Exiled Group: opulens, Lamia, the Witch, Dymuntz, The Guy that Likes Dairy a Lot, and assorted cameramen/women
1d. The Players (us)

2. Now that The Redcurves are here, and it looks like they are making a deal with the Exiled group, WHAT is the agreement/deal/terms that they are dealing with?

3. Are the Redcurves related to the Witch? If so, how? What purpose is she serving alongside this? What about the Redcurves?

4. What affliction does The Guy that Likes Dairy a Lot have that makes him consume large amounts of dairy? (and what is his actual name???)

There is a lot of information here and I'm sure a lot of good questions will come from it. These are just my initial thoughts...

From the sounds of it Dan and Darren are separate. Because Darren was pissed I even talked to them at exiled...

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:48 pm
by haleywilde
Ok, I took a nap while waiting for part two to be posted this afternoon so I am was well rested and properly ready to enjoy this absolute fucking MASTERPIECE. 5 stars, Caboose, 5 stars.

It's impossible to know where to begin, so I'll just post some immediate reactions and thoughts:
Caboose04 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:47 pm I still had the bag over my head so I'm not sure if anyone was around or watching or taking any footage of my little guy 😅 but I didn't care.. I was no longer on the edge... of peeing my pants.
Everything about this car ride continues to be more iconic... the fact that you didn't take the bag off of your damn head to pee??? 💀 If this doesn't undoubtedly earn you the respect of the haunt gods idk what will.
I walk up he's looking at a magazine. I catch a glance of him looking at a section about geomancy.
Geomancy, noted.
This used to be ours my fathers. Till ZipKC took over and now all I got is this fucking little cabin.
ZipKC??? Are ziplines about to be involved??? hell yeah- we've had mention of sky-diving, bungee jumping, and now ziplining. Talk about living on the edge!
he pulls out his phone and puts on a song. Unfortunately I cannot remember due to being completely caught off guard. He starts dancing like a tiktok type dance. ( I don't think it is one I'm not really on the tiktok. But it should be) he's dancing and Dorthea is cheering him on so I join in with the cheering. He says see that's good ole entertainment right there.
He said this year is their homecoming year and they are going to Fucking Riot!!!
I can literally hear the eagle screeching America noise playing in the background
hop in and then he says lets see how good your camera work is. Film me while we talk.
Shamless personal promo- Mr.Dairyman (please give us a name so we no longer offend you), if you're looking for someone to operate a camera, might I say I'm pretty damn good. Happy to volunteer my photography skills to the cause. 🫡
He immediately pulls over tells me to take off the bag and get out. He then asks me to do the dance he did. I have no clue. I don't remember it. So I do the dance to the best of my knowledge. (Spoiler warning ⚠️: I am not a good dancer) luckily he didn't make me dance long.
I'm fully expecting a Caboose x Redcurves TikTok dance collab by the end of this
Its mutha fucking Darren (baa baa baa baa airhorn noises sorry back to the seriousness of the situation.)
Again, obsessed.
Told me not to accept any food or drinks from anyone and I said umm I had coffee with the Redcurves. He then asked how long was that. I said I'm not sure maybe an hour? He seemed pretty worried and angry.
Given the projectile vomiting in the truck situation, I'm glad you made it out of KC with your insides still in tact.

Ok, final thought- I need this write up to be published in the Kansas City tourism pamphlet because this is some good ol' country shit and I am suddenly dying to go. Seriously, you killed it. Appreciate the attention to detail and ability to recall everything for us, I literally feel like I was right along with you. Can't wait for the inevitable chaos that is coming!!

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:10 pm
by Brianamatopoeia
I cannot WAIT for these dancing videos. I need it like Mr. Gold Velvet needs his dairy.

So the Red Curves aren't a family? I are they more like a gang or club or something? Or maybe I misunderstood. And I wonder where they get that name. It reminds me of a logo from the before time that I shall not name, but it def gets the gears turning.

You did a shot with Dorothea AND Darren? Sounds like a party!

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:11 pm
by blondie
Playing catch up and I was not ready for this intense energy, lol.

Here for the ley lines, but everyone knew this… certainly adding this into my magic related theorising. Wanda’s got you covered on the basics tho 🖤

Also, apologies Mr Dorthea/Dorthia/Dorothea… I did not mean to assume you were a woman. This Brit has never heard of names like Cleatums before. Every day is a school day.

Now I’ll just be over here pondering on what affliction requires regular doses of dairy… calcium deficiency?

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:13 pm
by haleywilde
Wanda102 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:28 pm There’s a hundred things to unpack here Jesus fucking Christ. I’ll start with uh… Geomancy!

Basic definition:
“Geomancy, which literally translates to "earth divination", is an ancient practice that involves interpreting geographic features, ground markings, or patterns created by sand, rocks, or soil. The goal is to understand the Earth's energies and how they affect the places people live. In recent times the term has been applied to a wide range of other occult and fringe activities, including Earth mysteries and the introduction of ley lines and Bau-Biologie.“

A little research shows that Kansas City is on a major ley line, the Ratanaba (sp) Corridor. This would fit in with our Elites potentially looking for places of power to use for whatever goal they have in mind.
The Geomancy thing is interesting, but I definitely know very little about it. My research is not helping much either haha.. I can't really figure out what it's really used for. Essentially a tarot card vibe for reading the earth?

If he was reading a book on it, then it's safe to assume they might not be geomancy experts? Maybe they're trying to figure out a way to get their land back and, similar to us, are throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks?

The witch on the other hand... she's got a lot more going on.

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:25 pm
by blondie
haleywilde wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:13 pm
If he was reading a book on it, then it's safe to assume they might not be geomancy experts? Maybe they're trying to figure out a way to get their land back and, similar to us, are throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks?
I was thinking along the same (ley) lines… but in terms of the Redcurves trying to figure out what The Elites are up to. I was also pondering if all the locations on the wheel are liminal spaces/on ley lines…

My understanding of ley lines is that they are an electromagnetic current that runs underneath the earth. Electromagnetic currents are tied to paranormal activity… and magic. They tie together ancient sites of importance, historically and spiritually. They are powerful alone, but intersections… hooooo boy. Those are some powerful locations. Much like water, ley lines can be detected by dowsing rods, if you believe in those as an effective tool… and the power they hold can be tapped into if you have the knowledge/skill. Certainly could be being used to amplify whatever is being attempted in KC…

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:27 pm
by blondie
Oh… not just dowsing rods can be used to detect them… also… pendulums? Loooool

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:31 pm
by Caboose04
blondie wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:27 pm also… pendulums? Loooool

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:52 pm
by UnseenPresence
Things that stand out to me from your exceptional recap:

1. Cleatums throwing up.
2. Mr. Dairy Man having some "affliction".

Those two almost feel like some kind of similar element, something wrong/changing/altering. Or parasites or aliens or ... Something. They may not be connected per se, but it's interesting both groups have some sort of gastro aspect with a member. Especially with...

3. Darren tells you not to eat/drink anything and is unhappy when he finds out you did. Is there something either/both groups ingest that he was worried you also got a dose of?

Everyone should live by the old rules of interacting with fae/gods/anything magical being: NEVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING OFFERED without CLEAR TERMS or you are theirs. Some lore says for a night, some forever. But the lore is always clear: don't eat or drink.

4. The dance: he was working on it and it looked sort of like a TikTok dance. Could it be a ritual dance? Can you describe the dance more in any way? Was it hands/feet/hips? What made you think TikTok?

5. The deer head. Almost definitely some form of symbol for the cooperation between the groups. Such imagery has been used by many groups throughout history, a way of saying "we are now connected to this deal, etc."

6. Geomancy: yeah, there is something to the location. I have been waiting to see if the group was moving to places because of ley line/geomantic energy. It makes the "wheel" comments from weeks ago feel more clear to me at least.

Nexus points of ley lines can also mythologically or magically be thin places where energy comes through, where interdimensional beings can come through, and where attempts to perform rituals or gain power are stronger. With the discussion that the Elites don't know what they are gonna get, it sounds very much like something dark either happened, woke up, or is continuing to sit on the other side of the barrier.

In other words, something might be waiting for them. Or for us. Or for the world.

7. The lake. Water has immense power. Ghosts are stronger near water. Water is necessary for life. It is a source of energy and many people who deal with other dimensions/planes believe that edge of water and land makes any such transitions across that barrier easier because it's a natural transition.

8. Warning: Dan reaffirms that doesn't control this. Those women are terrified. Can you remember anything about the women? Any descriptions in case other KC folk meet them? Did they say anything specific?

9. The true hidden ones. Darren specifically telling you he's not part of the show and telling you to leave is worrisome. He appears to have been watching/working on your scenes and then either found or created a moment where he could sneak in and talk to you directly. That shouldn't be overlooked by anyone.

Darren must also have stuck around to watch you and literally is telling you to stop acting like you're in a horror movie (where people make decisions that get them killed like opening random hotel room doors. Lol) There is most definitely another party at play. Not the elites or the family in world. Not Dan or Darren any of the production team designing the haunt. There is something else. No idea what.

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:35 pm
So if the two women told you Dan said they could find you there, could they be involved with Redcurves but want no part of it and trying to warn you. Darren warning you not to talk to people must know some people would be trying to reach out, but why? Dan doesn't sound like a Redcurves and must be forced into this situation, if he is telling people where to find you which should have been only information that the redcurves have

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:37 pm
by haleywilde
UnseenPresence wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:52 pm Everyone should live by the old rules of interacting with fae/gods/anything magical being: NEVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING OFFERED without CLEAR TERMS or you are theirs. Some lore says for a night, some forever. But the lore is always clear: don't eat or drink.
Uh oh... Caboose "Dream Pendulum" Redcurve might be a reality??

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:42 pm
by cd3vane
haleywilde wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:37 pm
UnseenPresence wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:52 pm Everyone should live by the old rules of interacting with fae/gods/anything magical being: NEVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING OFFERED without CLEAR TERMS or you are theirs. Some lore says for a night, some forever. But the lore is always clear: don't eat or drink.
Uh oh... Caboose "Dream Pendulum" Redcurve might be a reality??
The eat or drink part is very interesting, might there be something else in the dairy out there? Maybe something Mr Velveeta wants to get lots more of. Maybe don't drink the milk will become our don't drink the koolaid

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:59 pm
by ToCarp
Ok, this may seem totally dumb but I have some very "back to basics" comments and questions...
The "Exiled" haunt is located in the woods below the ZiplineKC.
I have done Exiled for 3 seasons now and it's always been great. I have never done ZiplineKC though.
Has anyone else done the haunt previously?
Has anyone done the zipline there ?

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:01 pm
I have not due to health reasons, but now it may be time to!

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:02 pm
by cd3vane
ToCarp wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:59 pm Ok, this may seem totally dumb but I have some very "back to basics" comments and questions...
The "Exiled" haunt is located in the woods below the ZiplineKC.
I have done Exiled for 3 seasons now and it's always been great. I have never done ZiplineKC though.
Has anyone else done the haunt previously?
Has anyone done the zipline there ?
A big portion of us that are active on the forum are not local and have never been to either or KC at all at least in my case lol

Re: The Caboose is Loose: Brannigan’s Adventures in KC 8/4/24

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:03 pm
Kaymart wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:01 pm I have not due to health reasons, but now it may be time to!
I have done the haunt multiple times no to the Zipline