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Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 2:39 am
by Timsmyname
Yes I suppose it's propaganda. But it's also advertising.
It's a trailer. Can we not take anything here at face value?

If somebody from Kansas City remembers that trailer in October and drives out there to the woods and spends their money, should they not expect to meet a scheming murderous family In the woods?

Are you saying this is like the trailer for the movie WICKED which hides from the general public that it's a musical and the first of two parts?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:31 am
by blondie
Timsmyname wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 2:39 am Yes I suppose it's propaganda. But it's also advertising.
It's a trailer. Can we not take anything here at face value?

If somebody from Kansas City remembers that trailer in October and drives out there to the woods and spends their money, should they not expect to meet a scheming murderous family In the woods?

Are you saying this is like the trailer for the movie WICKED which hides from the general public that it's a musical and the first of two parts?
I completely hear what you are saying. It’s a great scary story for a haunt, and if you go for level one, maybe even level two, you’re probably going to get that family. And it’s gonna be awesome.

I just keep remembering what Campbell was told - we’ve never gone as deep as we could have. If hoping for a level three spot, taking things on face value seems… like a missed opportunity?

“Demand more”

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:29 am
by cd3vane
blondie wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:51 am
Timsmyname wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:42 am There once was a family that lived in the woods.

Plotting and scheming and up to no good.

If you see them, it's better you run.

They'll murder and maim you, and bleed you for fun.


So is the introduction video to the 2024 haunt telling a lie or the truth?

“Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy emphasis on manipulation distinguish propaganda from casual conversation or the free and easy exchange of ideas.”
Innocent until proven guilty!

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:00 am
by Timsmyname
Maybe they are actually aliens returning to their buried spaceship.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:30 am
by UnseenPresence
The statement "we've never gone as deep" feels hard to do anything with, given that we don't have any frame of reference.

If I had thousands of dollars to spend (or a patron willing to support me) I can think of a lot I COULD do. But I have no idea if any of that would be "deep". Is deep tracking down info we could theoretically find if we were smart enough? Asking the RIGHT questions without context? Slaughtering a pig and sending it to them?

I BELIEVE deeper could happen. But the path to it feels hard to find. Which may also be the point.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:09 am
by Brianamatopoeia
UnseenPresence wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:30 am The statement "we've never gone as deep" feels hard to do anything with, given that we don't have any frame of reference.

If I had thousands of dollars to spend (or a patron willing to support me) I can think of a lot I COULD do. But I have no idea if any of that would be "deep". Is deep tracking down info we could theoretically find if we were smart enough? Asking the RIGHT questions without context? Slaughtering a pig and sending it to them?

I BELIEVE deeper could happen. But the path to it feels hard to find. Which may also be the point.
If I had a dollar for every time you backdoor asked other people to fund something you wanted to do; I could fund what you want to do!

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:45 am
by blondie
While I may have the funds necessary to get myself to KC (which I definitely didn’t have before and appreciate the sacrifices that have been made for me to do so), I am not gonna sit back and think that a key that worked for someone else would work for me.

I am still making moves from the edge.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:27 pm
by UnseenPresence
My point for either of the last two of you wasn't about money, so let's not diminish it to that. Not helpful to any discussion.

My point was "deep enough" is elusive. Never assumed any key that worked for anyone once would ever work again for anyone else either.

And if you're still at the edge, blondie, and that ends up working for you, great. I am pulling for you and Briana and anyone else.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:44 pm
by blondie
I dunno what to say to you beyond maybe send them some flowers?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:49 pm
by Whoischelsea
Has anyone heard from opulens or dymuntz since the redcurves posted that they were taking over? I know someone posted that opie had texted them... but they haven't called? It seems like every phone call has been from a redcurve. They could just be hard at work and have been letting the redcurves handle things from here. I just wonder if it is a friendly partnership between the elites and the redcurves or if it is fishy.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:46 am
by campbellstruts
Tried multiple times but no dice. I think it's a combination of the handoff plus they're working on a lot of stuff, after all matt did say that opulens hinted at a lot of stuff happening too. Probably just a calm before the storm situation

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:50 am
by Caboose04
Yeah, Ive tried contacting them and knocking on some other doors but all have gone cold. I agree with the calm before the storm. Something big is most likely going to be happening soon.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:51 pm
by acidstads
We'll just have to wait and see. They'll open the door and we can choose to step through it or wait for the next one.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:23 pm
by campbellstruts
I can’t help but feel like this is important. There has been a lot of talk of rituals, names as relating to the Bible, witchcraft, etc. There has been a lot of religious influence and a lot of different factors coming into play. This brings me back to the first experience with the Bible VHS recording, the summary of which is pasted here.

Hey all. I am in search of a specific VHS tape or Tape Recording source that contains the following stories, told children's style with kinda a veggie tales vibe:
Daniel and the Lions Den
David and Goliath
Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego (forgive spelling lol)
These stories were like veggie tales style recording, but not veggie tales. Like targeted towards children but I know it wasn't veggie tales.
Targeted towards children in the sense that songs were involved, and the audio sounded old like from a VHS/ Tape recording. Anything helps, seriously.
The tape started with a song. A light, happy song about how great Jesus is and religion and everything was happy. The next segment was a spoken bit in which we were introduced to the main character, a child name Timmy (could have been Tommy or Billy, but l'm positive it was one of those 3). We find that Timmy has been bullied at school and the other voice we hear is telling him that, no matter what the kids at school are saying to him, there's always someone that will be there to be his friend. Timmy says "I bet you're going to tell me it's God" and the other character says
"That's right!" The next segment was a song about how God looks at the heart. The most memorable and identifiable part of this was that, in the last line of each chorus, the words were separated by a hard stop and got a small step lower in tone. "God. Looks. At. The. Heart." The next segment was a spoken bit about another kid that got bullied because he thought he could perform a task that men much stronger than him had failed at. This was the story of David and Goliath. Within the story, there was a song sung by school kids about David. It went something like
"David's heart is brave but his head is dumb."
There were several other verses with the same sentiment, all sang to a familiar, hazing type of melody. Timmy. says "Hey, that even sounds like the kinds of songs they sing to me at school!"

This was when I decided I really needed to focus on the questions and committing them to memory so what follows are the parts that I'm not 100% sure about. After this there was the heavier style of song that I remember being from the perspective of Goliath and what he was going to do to Daniel, but it is very possible that it was about Samson as Cammie stated. Next was the story of Daniel and the lion's den. They talked about how Daniel pissed some people off so they plotted a way to get him caught for doing something. Really hope someone can figure out where this came from. I've found recordings of Hillsong for kids (Funny Man Dan) and that is not the recording that I heard. It was an old school cassette tape. White in color if I remember. I couldn't see the writing on it through the little window in the player.

^Me and Matt’s Takeaway

I can’t help but feel like this is so important, but I just don’t know how it ties into everything. Maybe the elites are Christian but they are tapping into witchcraft? Or the other way around? Or it just plays into the theme of religious beliefs and practices?

I just keep thinking about Christianity, rituals, Hecate, Lilith, and the other connections we’ve made to religion. How does it all tie together and why is it important for what we’re trying to solve?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:45 pm
by campbellstruts
Additionally, has anyone looked at facial hair in terms of a hierarchy? Dorothea has some long facial hair. Barefoot man has some and so does milkman. Cletums has maybe some whiskers. There are more male family members with some too - just thinking there might be something there potentially.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:53 am
by campbellstruts
Something interesting I thought to mention. Brannigan‘s visit to Kansas City was coordinated by the redcurves. Hailey‘s visit and I think pias visit was coordinated by the elites. This should make sense as to why Darren yelled at Brannigan for getting in the hotel room and excepting the drink that he got from the red curves. I think this may just play into how might be being controlled by the red curves?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:47 pm
by campbellstruts
Was thinking about that tape recorder. I thought in the beginning that it was just a rando detail that was added to spook us, and forgive me if someone said this and I missed it, but could the elites be brainwashing US? Kind of how we talked about the briarberg foundation a while back and about how supposedly it fixed people who had been brainwashed, are the themes of Christianity and the Bible story songs could those be their methods of brainwashing us to conform to Christianity? And if so, is it in retaliation to the redcurves in any way?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:52 pm
Dan was listening to it. Wanted us to hear it but didn't want dlb to see me listening to it, that night he was paranoid and distraught and was completely different then the night we met after that ordeal. Could be happenings from the tape he listened to.

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:54 pm
by Lexthewolf
Oh my GOD Campbell.

In my conversations with notys (another participant), Notys asked what Hesta what she was doing and Hesta responded that she was putting some tapes away on the night Madelyn got gimme'd... tapes we've associated with the Elites who, we assume, are the Briarberg foundation.

Wasn't there a cowboy church on the property too?

Re: Spitballing

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:02 pm
by campbellstruts
Lexthewolf wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:54 pm Oh my GOD Campbell.

In my conversations with notys (another participant), Notys asked what Hesta what she was doing and Hesta responded that she was putting some tapes away on the night Madelyn got gimme'd... tapes we've associated with the Elites who, we assume, are the Briarberg foundation.

Wasn't there a cowboy church on the property too?
Bent knee cowboy church….? Church of the bent knee cowboy….? Something like that but yes.