Call from Dymuntz 8/14

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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I apologize in advance, I have COVID currently so my brain is very much soup rn so I may be slightly incoherent.

Got a call from Dymuntz. (For some reason I had a feeling that something like this would happen, as I seem to always have something inconvenient happening that takes me away from exiled šŸ˜­)

Anyway, I will try to relay what happened as best as I can, the call cut in and out a little bit so I missed parts of what was said.

Some form of hello was said

Me: Hi, been a while

Dymuntz: It has, hasnā€™t it? Iā€™m sure you may have noticed that we have been pretty silent recently. We have been busyā€¦ (something along these lines)

Me: I can imagine.

Dymuntz: You are the first one Iā€™m calling in my rounds today, that must make you feel pretty special, huh?

Me: I guess so, yeah! (Hate the way I worded this, because i did in fact feel special but this was the response my brain decided to give so-)

She went on to talk about what happened the last time I spoke with her. I didnā€™t tell anyone, but after the call I had with her before, shortly after I made the post (the one asking about a karaoke song to sing), she called me back and was yelling and talking so fast I could barely pick up on what she was saying or why it was happening. I figured I mustā€™ve done something wrong so I didnā€™t speak on it, and she mentioned how I kept it to myself, but also admitted how that call was a little ā€œfruityā€ or something along those lines on her end, basically acknowledging that the last call was kinda intense but she also wondered why I kept it to myself. This was also the part where some of it cut in and out so I couldnā€™t make out what was said entirely here, but I got the gists (i think)

(This part may be out of order)
I told her that I was worried I did something wrong and I didnā€™t want to make it worse. And she mentioned how if she was actually mad at me, she wouldnā€™t be calling me to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

She then asked if I had any karaoke plans coming up, and I told her that I had no plans but partially because I have COVID, so no karaoke for me for a hot minute.

She expressed empathy but then said that they were planning on having some karaoke soon and they were going to make everyone sing such beautiful songs/sounds. Call ended with a Blessings.

Iā€™m very glad that I did not in fact make her hate me lol I am still not sure what I did, and I may have missed it since the call was breaking up. If so I apologize šŸ˜­

Anyways, going back to rest now. I will be very sad if I miss out on exiled karaoke because of freaking covid šŸ„²
chose to be exiled. #karaokefinalgirl
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using this topic to post my message from her as well.

This is what I sent her on the forums:

Hi Dymuntz,

I sent a similar message to opulens as well, but I sent a message to the IG reaching out to gather info but no luck. Richard mentioned that the best way to contact you might be PM through the forum, since it doesnā€™t seem like the Redcurves have any presence here.

Havenā€™t heard from you recently. Are you being silenced? Are you in danger? Is this a way of sharing control by relinquishing the social media pages?

Hope youā€™re doing okay.

This is what was sent back:

Donā€™t worry my darling minestrone.
Some unforeseen work popped up that had to be handled.

I am touched Iā€™ve made my mark in your heart and trust, I am always around, in some form or another, just sometimes not so vocal.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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Wow ladies!! You are both loved šŸ„° sorry you are sick, I too have been plagued with timing being off for Exiled.... irregardless, this is quite the ride watching it all ... my anxiety is crazy with everyone's experiences, stories and perspectives...
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Yay!! Dymuntz is back!! I am glad she seems to be okay and is contacting people again. I am so sorry you have covid! I hope you are getting lots of rest and feel better soon. I am so excited to see Exiled Karaoke - there is no way they would do it without you tho!!
I figured out how to edit this
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