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My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm
by PiaPol
The Exiled Instagram account called me (and several others) out in a post, encouraging us to get their attention. I posted a video on my Instagram (@PiaPol) and ended up being the big winner. Exiled invited me to meet at 10:30 am at a specified location. Instructions were to remain in my car and wait.

I drove out to Bonner Springs with plenty of time to spare. Pulling down a little country road, I passed a little Australian shepherd trotting with some serious purpose. Normally I would at least investigate, but seeing as I was in the country I figured he knew exactly where he was headed as he crossed into a yard and out of view. Just two houses down I saw the meeting spot. Bent Knee Cowboy Church. I couldn’t help but notice a cow in the middle of the road just beyond the entrance for the church parking. Today that was not my problem. I waited patiently, parked facing the road, admiring the scenery and the cute little white church. I couldn’t help but be incredibly aware of the woods behind me and wondered who I was meeting and where they would approach from.

Lily Redcurve pulled up in her red pickup truck with the drivers side window rolled down. She stared intently at me but I just smiled and waved excitedly. I didn’t recognize her at first, and asked so many questions (she answered none.) A hawk flew overhead and let out a screech, diving just some 15-20ft behind Ms. Redcurve’s truck. The sun was shining, the grass was so green… it was beautiful. Truly picturesque.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Lily got out of her vehicle and grabbed at the driver’s side door handle, telling me to “get out.” She put the tailgate down and gestured to the truck bed. “Lay down.” I did as I was told, hopping into the muddy truck bed. “Stay down.” A few minutes later my phone went off. Exiled was calling. I tried to answer but lying in the bed of the truck made it challenging. My phone was so hot it wasn’t even responding to my touch for a few moments. I saw in my messages they asked if I had arrived.

The truck started and we were off. I braced myself as Lily drove us back into town from the outskirts where we met. Over railroad tracks and back onto the main drag. She parked and told me not to move.

I waited. The sun continued to beat down on me and it had been at least 10 (possibly 15) minutes at this point. I had sat up a few time to see if Lily was returning. She brought me to… Dairy Queen. Very Midwest core (and dairy core?) of her. I poked my head through the open rear window of the truck. I didn’t see anything noteworthy in the back seat, just jumper cables. She left her phone in the truck and keys still in the ignition. I noticed the gear shifter was in the shape of a tongue. I snapped a quick picture so I could get a better look but dared not touch anything.

Lily finally exited the Dairy Queen with a box meal and a blizzard. She hopped into the back of the truck with me and sat on top of the cab, looking down at me. She took the lid off of the blizzard and shook it, spraying melted ice cream just about everywhere. It was soft and soupy from what I could see, and she ate it while watching me, her red locks being tossed around by the wind. I asked her what she got from Dairy Queen. No response. “Where are you from?” She asked. The most she had said besides “Stay down. Get down. Lay down.” I told her I recognized her from a family portrait I saw. She smiled for just a second. I asked if Darren Bousman had gotten himself in over his head. She responded but I could not hear what it was she said. I asked if I would be meeting her family today. She shrugged and continued to eat her blizzard. After she was satisfied with her treat, she said we were going on a trip and to lay down again. I did as I was told.

She drove some more (but I could tell it was not far this time) and parked. “Get out.” She threw the tailgate open. We were at a gas station. She walked forward without hesitation and I sped walk to get back in line with her. We went in and she moved right towards the motor oil section. I was so relieved to be in air conditioning, my head was swimming and I felt dizzy from riding lying flat in the truck bed. She stared intently and was clearly debating, picking up several bottles for inspection. Finally she decided on Diesel Rescue 911. We walked through the snack aisles, she looked at a few things… she picked up a pair of sunglasses only to put them back. As we approached the counter she chose a lighter. Placing the lighter and motor oil in front of the sweet old lady clerk, she said “You pay.” I pulled out a $20 and paid for her selection. Back to the truck.

This time I said, “Hey, so since I’m paying for this date do you think I can ride in the cab?” With a smile and a laugh of course. She let me know my place was still in the truck bed. As I hopped in I saw the horrified face of a woman in the gas station parking lot who had observed our exchange. I wondered how many others bore witness to our adventures today.

This time the drive was even shorter. Lily parked and instructed me to get out again. I hurriedly got out, at this point I was seriously feeling nauseous and was ready for some sort of relief. I had no idea where we were going but she led me through the back entrance to a bar. Immediately I noticed Darren Bousman sitting at the bar. He gave me a sad look… as if he perhaps pitied me? I gave him a shy smile… a little more self aware concerning my cheerful nature in a not so joyous situation.

“Sit.” A chair was pulled out for me at a table… next to Dorothea Redcurve. I gladly took the seat and he introduced himself. We talked about Lily and he said her name is short for Lilith. Lily stood by and watched us intently. Dorothea spoke about his family wanting to take back what is rightfully theirs… his birth right. Dorothea made sure I was aware that his son “fucked up.” He asked if I knew about ZipKC.. that they took his land. He said Halloween was their thing. It belongs to the Redcurves, too. He asked me about myself. Wanted to know where I was from, asked me to share something about myself that no one else knows. He shared something with me as well (but he doesn’t like snitches so that’s between us!) We talked about the afterlife (he assured me there IS an afterlife) and he asked me if I believed in Jesus. He kept pulling my chair closer and closer. I was pressed right against him at most times.

Dorothea then rearranged his stack of quarters on the table. He asked if I drank. I told him no but this is a special occasion. “What do you want?” “A Cuba Libre. It’s coke & rum with lime.” “We’ll have two shots of whisky over here.” Dorothea shared that his is lighter because he likes to mix tequila with his whisky for a good time. He thumbed his coins again and asked me if I knew how to dance. I stood and proceeded to dance, though it made me incredibly uncomfortable. I asked him questions as I moved about and he told me I did a good job. He tossed a quarter to me and it fell right on the floor. “Pick it up. Slowly.” I did as I was told and was informed I did a good job. I sat back down and DLB instructed me to take my phone, turn it off, and place it on the table.

The front door opened. Dorothea was furious when he saw who had arrived. An Elite woman, Haley, and Morgan entered with Dairy King in tow, camera rolling. Dorothea continued to curse and grumble about our new company. I asked who it was he was so upset with. “Morgan.”

Haley and an Elite woman were seated at our table. Morgan sat next to DLB at the bar. There was a lot of back & forth between Dorothea and the Elite woman (I never got her name) and it was getting heated. DLB seated himself at the end of our table, between Dorothea & the Elite. The Elite asked Dorothea if he had a problem with the color of her skin, he said he only had a problem with folks who looked down on other people (that was the gist of it at least.) DLB was trying to deescalate the situation and covered his face with his hands, ran his fingers up into his hair and looked almost at wits end.

At this point a contract was brought to the table. Haley and I were here to bear witness. I tried to get a look at it but it was out of reach at this time. The Elite woman room a jab at Dorothea, asking if he even knew how to read. Eventually, the Elite and Dorothea agreed to sign the contract. They recited a chant of some sort… I wish I had heard it clearly. It was then passed to Haley and then me to sign as witnesses. I did my best to scan the pages without being incredibly overt. Once we had all signed, another round of shots, and Dorothea signaled to a man up at the bar who started a motorcycle. It was so LOUD.

I thought we had potentially made peace and it was over but then Dorothea suggested a wager… “mine versus yours.” As he gestured to Haley and myself. The terms? If I won, the Redcurves had their witch returned to them. If Haley won… Dorothea’s son, Cletums, would lose his life. The game was pool. I was quick to grab Dorothea and confess I have never played pool. He reassured me he would tell me what to do… which really brought me no comfort at all.

Things were not looking good for me in the pool game. I had overall only made 2 balls in pockets while Haley had at least 4 down. DLB pulled me aside to initial every page of the contract we signed. This time I slowed down and tried to read more, despite Dorothea wanting me to get back to the table. I saw “___ FEAST” as a section.. the first word was something gruesome I can’t quite remember. But it said on the 21st. I didn’t see a month, but tried my best to remember what I had read (clearly I did not remember much.)

After initialing I stood by our Dairy King. I asked if he had any cottage cheese lately and he gestured towards the front of the bar. Someone was bringing in… a gallon of milk? “Thirsty?” I asked and he smiled and nodded. Dorothea was quick to tell me to get back in the game.

At this point the Redcurves were pretty frustrated with me. Each time I missed Dorothea would yell “FUCK!” Lily made sure to whisper “if you lose, you’re dead.” Into my ear. Odd choice for sweet nothings but I’ll take it nonetheless.

“I’m bored. Whoever makes the next ball wins.” Lily sighed. I was certain this spelled my doom, though I’m not sure I could’ve pulled this game off even with a handicap. Several turns passed and then… I knocked a ball into the pocket. I won. Dorothea and Lily cheered and celebrated. Lily’s entire demeanor changed. I was relieved. A weight lifted from my shoulders and Lily even wanted to finish cleaning up the pool table together.

As I happily played pool with Lily, Morgan approached. “Can I speak with you for a moment?” He walked me to the back door only to tell me how fucking stupid I am. “Do you have any idea what you’ve fucking done?” I was taken aback… “I got the Redcurves their witch back?” It was at this point I was asked if I even knew what I had signed. I had a complete disregard for human life. I argued that Cletums was alive and well, no one died… and the witch originally belonged to the Redcurves so I didn’t see a problem. Inside I was reeling… what /did/ the contract say? I had no idea what I signed. I was reminded that I’m a grown woman and I made this choice for myself. At some point in this conversation, he told me I knew who he was… I asked “Opie?” And [incorrect information redacted]. He ended up going back across the bar to DLB.

I sought out Dorothea for comfort, but found none. He also reminded me of the gravity of the situation. I could’ve said no. I didn’t have to play pool and I certainly didn’t have to sign the contract.

Morgan then apologized for being so harsh. I argued with him in my drunken wisdom, about how they brought me here and I was here to PARTICIPATE. He then pointed out that the video I made is what brought me here “a video like that!” Whoops.

Completely deflated at this point, I had a pork tenderloin sandwich with fries launched into my chest by Morgan. “You’ll need your strength.”

Lily immediately ushered me out of the bar. I thanked my new bestie for the wonderful day and suggested we hang out again. No response other than laughter. She was walking on sunshine and I got to take a seat in the cab beside her. I ate some of my sandwich while she opened up her box from Dairy Queen. It felt better to be with her and see she had high spirits. I had begun to doubt myself.

The only thing of note I saw in the cab was the keychain for the truck keys.. it was a string of eyeballs. We rode back together while I tried to make small talk and asked if I could meet the witch I helped return to them. I told her about the dog I saw on the way in and Lily cheerfully told me that was her dog. I didn’t take the Redcurves as folks with pets but maybe her dog is a working animal.

We approached the church once more, but this time she stopped in the middle of the road. “Get out.” I hopped out and she told me I had to finish my sandwich. I promised I would (I later fulfilled that promise.)

I walked back to my car and sat in the drivers seat… it was all so surreal. I figured I would sit for a while and eat my sandwich, sober up and then head home. Lily had been parked nearby and watching. She pulled her truck next to my car and gestured for me to cram. I am not one to argue with her.

She drove behind me until the end of the road, where we parted ways. I wondered when I would see her again and sincerely hoped it would be soon.

Sorry for the novel. I tried my best to recount everything but I know I missed bits and pieces. So grateful to have witnessed this event. Blessings.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:48 pm
by blondie
There’s a lot in here to unpick but two things I have to react to immediately…

1) I AM SO HAPPY THE REDCURVES GOT THEIR WITCH BACK (and that Cletums survived… obvs)



(Will make a post about Lilith later when we’ve had time to digest)

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:24 pm
by campbellstruts
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm The Exiled Instagram account called me (and several others) out in a post, encouraging us to get their attention. I posted a video on my Instagram (@PiaPol) and ended up being the big winner. Exiled invited me to meet at 10:30 am at a specified location. Instructions were to remain in my car and wait.

I drove out to Bonner Springs with plenty of time to spare. Pulling down a little country road, I passed a little Australian shepherd trotting with some serious purpose. Normally I would at least investigate, but seeing as I was in the country I figured he knew exactly where he was headed as he crossed into a yard and out of view. Just two houses down I saw the meeting spot. Bent Knee Cowboy Church. I couldn’t help but notice a cow in the middle of the road just beyond the entrance for the church parking. Today that was not my problem. I waited patiently, parked facing the road, admiring the scenery and the cute little white church. I couldn’t help but be incredibly aware of the woods behind me and wondered who I was meeting and where they would approach from.

Lily Redcurve pulled up in her red pickup truck with the drivers side window rolled down. She stared intently at me but I just smiled and waved excitedly. I didn’t recognize her at first, and asked so many questions (she answered none.) A hawk flew overhead and let out a screech, diving just some 15-20ft behind Ms. Redcurve’s truck. The sun was shining, the grass was so green… it was beautiful. Truly picturesque.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Lily got out of her vehicle and grabbed at the driver’s side door handle, telling me to “get out.” She put the tailgate down and gestured to the truck bed. “Lay down.” I did as I was told, hopping into the muddy truck bed. “Stay down.” A few minutes later my phone went off. Exiled was calling. I tried to answer but lying in the bed of the truck made it challenging. My phone was so hot it wasn’t even responding to my touch for a few moments. I saw in my messages they asked if I had arrived.

The truck started and we were off. I braced myself as Lily drove us back into town from the outskirts where we met. Over railroad tracks and back onto the main drag. She parked and told me not to move.

I waited. The sun continued to beat down on me and it had been at least 10 (possibly 15) minutes at this point. I had sat up a few time to see if Lily was returning. She brought me to… Dairy Queen. Very Midwest core (and dairy core?) of her. I poked my head through the open rear window of the truck. I didn’t see anything noteworthy in the back seat, just jumper cables. She left her phone in the truck and keys still in the ignition. I noticed the gear shifter was in the shape of a tongue. I snapped a quick picture so I could get a better look but dared not touch anything.

Lily finally exited the Dairy Queen with a box meal and a blizzard. She hopped into the back of the truck with me and sat on top of the cab, looking down at me. She took the lid off of the blizzard and shook it, spraying melted ice cream just about everywhere. It was soft and soupy from what I could see, and she ate it while watching me, her red locks being tossed around by the wind. I asked her what she got from Dairy Queen. No response. “Where are you from?” She asked. The most she had said besides “Stay down. Get down. Lay down.” I told her I recognized her from a family portrait I saw. She smiled for just a second. I asked if Darren Bousman had gotten himself in over his head. She responded but I could not hear what it was she said. I asked if I would be meeting her family today. She shrugged and continued to eat her blizzard. After she was satisfied with her treat, she said we were going on a trip and to lay down again. I did as I was told.

She drove some more (but I could tell it was not far this time) and parked. “Get out.” She threw the tailgate open. We were at a gas station. She walked forward without hesitation and I sped walk to get back in line with her. We went in and she moved right towards the motor oil section. I was so relieved to be in air conditioning, my head was swimming and I felt dizzy from riding lying flat in the truck bed. She stared intently and was clearly debating, picking up several bottles for inspection. Finally she decided on Diesel Rescue 911. We walked through the snack aisles, she looked at a few things… she picked up a pair of sunglasses only to put them back. As we approached the counter she chose a lighter. Placing the lighter and motor oil in front of the sweet old lady clerk, she said “You pay.” I pulled out a $20 and paid for her selection. Back to the truck.

This time I said, “Hey, so since I’m paying for this date do you think I can ride in the cab?” With a smile and a laugh of course. She let me know my place was still in the truck bed. As I hopped in I saw the horrified face of a woman in the gas station parking lot who had observed our exchange. I wondered how many others bore witness to our adventures today.

This time the drive was even shorter. Lily parked and instructed me to get out again. I hurriedly got out, at this point I was seriously feeling nauseous and was ready for some sort of relief. I had no idea where we were going but she led me through the back entrance to a bar. Immediately I noticed Darren Bousman sitting at the bar. He gave me a sad look… as if he perhaps pitied me? I gave him a shy smile… a little more self aware concerning my cheerful nature in a not so joyous situation.

“Sit.” A chair was pulled out for me at a table… next to Dorothea Redcurve. I gladly took the seat and he introduced himself. We talked about Lily and he said her name is short for Lilith. Lily stood by and watched us intently. Dorothea spoke about his family wanting to take back what is rightfully theirs… his birth right. Dorothea made sure I was aware that his son “fucked up.” He asked if I knew about ZipKC.. that they took his land. He said Halloween was their thing. It belongs to the Redcurves, too. He asked me about myself. Wanted to know where I was from, asked me to share something about myself that no one else knows. He shared something with me as well (but he doesn’t like snitches so that’s between us!) We talked about the afterlife (he assured me there IS an afterlife) and he asked me if I believed in Jesus. He kept pulling my chair closer and closer. I was pressed right against him at most times.

Dorothea then rearranged his stack of quarters on the table. He asked if I drank. I told him no but this is a special occasion. “What do you want?” “A Cuba Libre. It’s coke & rum with lime.” “We’ll have two shots of whisky over here.” Dorothea shared that his is lighter because he likes to mix tequila with his whisky for a good time. He thumbed his coins again and asked me if I knew how to dance. I stood and proceeded to dance, though it made me incredibly uncomfortable. I asked him questions as I moved about and he told me I did a good job. He tossed a quarter to me and it fell right on the floor. “Pick it up. Slowly.” I did as I was told and was informed I did a good job. I sat back down and DLB instructed me to take my phone, turn it off, and place it on the table.

The front door opened. Dorothea was furious when he saw who had arrived. An Elite woman, Haley, and Morgan entered with Dairy King in tow, camera rolling. Dorothea continued to curse and grumble about our new company. I asked who it was he was so upset with. “Morgan.”

Haley and an Elite woman were seated at our table. Morgan sat next to DLB at the bar. There was a lot of back & forth between Dorothea and the Elite woman (I never got her name) and it was getting heated. DLB seated himself at the end of our table, between Dorothea & the Elite. The Elite asked Dorothea if he had a problem with the color of her skin, he said he only had a problem with folks who looked down on other people (that was the gist of it at least.) DLB was trying to deescalate the situation and covered his face with his hands, ran his fingers up into his hair and looked almost at wits end.

At this point a contract was brought to the table. Haley and I were here to bear witness. I tried to get a look at it but it was out of reach at this time. The Elite woman room a jab at Dorothea, asking if he even knew how to read. Eventually, the Elite and Dorothea agreed to sign the contract. They recited a chant of some sort… I wish I had heard it clearly. It was then passed to Haley and then me to sign as witnesses. I did my best to scan the pages without being incredibly overt. Once we had all signed, another round of shots, and Dorothea signaled to a man up at the bar who started a motorcycle. It was so LOUD.

I thought we had potentially made peace and it was over but then Dorothea suggested a wager… “mine versus yours.” As he gestured to Haley and myself. The terms? If I won, the Redcurves had their witch returned to them. If Haley won… Dorothea’s son, Cletums, would lose his life. The game was pool. I was quick to grab Dorothea and confess I have never played pool. He reassured me he would tell me what to do… which really brought me no comfort at all.

Things were not looking good for me in the pool game. I had overall only made 2 balls in pockets while Haley had at least 4 down. DLB pulled me aside to initial every page of the contract we signed. This time I slowed down and tried to read more, despite Dorothea wanting me to get back to the table. I saw “___ FEAST” as a section.. the first word was something gruesome I can’t quite remember. But it said on the 21st. I didn’t see a month, but tried my best to remember what I had read (clearly I did not remember much.)

After initialing I stood by our Dairy King. I asked if he had any cottage cheese lately and he gestured towards the front of the bar. Someone was bringing in… a gallon of milk? “Thirsty?” I asked and he smiled and nodded. Dorothea was quick to tell me to get back in the game.

At this point the Redcurves were pretty frustrated with me. Each time I missed Dorothea would yell “FUCK!” Lily made sure to whisper “if you lose, you’re dead.” Into my ear. Odd choice for sweet nothings but I’ll take it nonetheless.

“I’m bored. Whoever makes the next ball wins.” Lily sighed. I was certain this spelled my doom, though I’m not sure I could’ve pulled this game off even with a handicap. Several turns passed and then… I knocked a ball into the pocket. I won. Dorothea and Lily cheered and celebrated. Lily’s entire demeanor changed. I was relieved. A weight lifted from my shoulders and Lily even wanted to finish cleaning up the pool table together.

As I happily played pool with Lily, Morgan approached. “Can I speak with you for a moment?” He walked me to the back door only to tell me how fucking stupid I am. “Do you have any idea what you’ve fucking done?” I was taken aback… “I got the Redcurves their witch back?” It was at this point I was asked if I even knew what I had signed. I had a complete disregard for human life. I argued that Cletums was alive and well, no one died… and the witch originally belonged to the Redcurves so I didn’t see a problem. Inside I was reeling… what /did/ the contract say? I had no idea what I signed. I was reminded that I’m a grown woman and I made this choice for myself. At some point in this conversation, he told me I knew who he was… I asked “Opie?” And [incorrect information redacted]. He ended up going back across the bar to DLB.

I sought out Dorothea for comfort, but found none. He also reminded me of the gravity of the situation. I could’ve said no. I didn’t have to play pool and I certainly didn’t have to sign the contract.

Morgan then apologized for being so harsh. I argued with him in my drunken wisdom, about how they brought me here and I was here to PARTICIPATE. He then pointed out that the video I made is what brought me here “a video like that!” Whoops.

Completely deflated at this point, I had a pork tenderloin sandwich with fries launched into my chest by Morgan. “You’ll need your strength.”

Lily immediately ushered me out of the bar. I thanked my new bestie for the wonderful day and suggested we hang out again. No response other than laughter. She was walking on sunshine and I got to take a seat in the cab beside her. I ate some of my sandwich while she opened up her box from Dairy Queen. It felt better to be with her and see she had high spirits. I had begun to doubt myself.

The only thing of note I saw in the cab was the keychain for the truck keys.. it was a string of eyeballs. We rode back together while I tried to make small talk and asked if I could meet the witch I helped return to them. I told her about the dog I saw on the way in and Lily cheerfully told me that was her dog. I didn’t take the Redcurves as folks with pets but maybe her dog is a working animal.

We approached the church once more, but this time she stopped in the middle of the road. “Get out.” I hopped out and she told me I had to finish my sandwich. I promised I would (I later fulfilled that promise.)

I walked back to my car and sat in the drivers seat… it was all so surreal. I figured I would sit for a while and eat my sandwich, sober up and then head home. Lily had been parked nearby and watching. She pulled her truck next to my car and gestured for me to cram. I am not one to argue with her.

She drove behind me until the end of the road, where we parted ways. I wondered when I would see her again and sincerely hoped it would be soon.

Sorry for the novel. I tried my best to recount everything but I know I missed bits and pieces. So grateful to have witnessed this event. Blessings.
If I’m not mistaken that’s the exact same church they brought caboose to.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:37 pm
by kassidy.exe
WOWOWOW! So glad you were able to have this experience!! Despite the light torture with laying in the truck bed, it sounds like it was wild and fun!

Also, the photos and the Redcurves whole vibe give Ethel Cain vibes. Lily would LOVE Ethel. Maybe she didn’t play any music because she didn’t have any songs she liked, but I bet she would listen to ethel.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:54 pm
by Timsmyname
What? They didn't offer you Dairy Queen?

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:56 pm
by PiaPol
Timsmyname wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:54 pm What? They didn't offer you Dairy Queen?
At the time I was sad we didn’t /share/ ice cream. Looking back on it I’m shocked I didn’t pay for her Dairy Queen treats. 😂

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:57 pm
by UnseenPresence
You clearly went through a bunch and witnessed something bigger than it appeared to be even as you were going through it.

Congratulations on winning the witch back and on surviving the situation!

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:21 pm
Bent knee cowboy church is non-denominational and when you look in the truck it's either /// or the monster symbol lol but either way it stood out. The photo of the sun and tree, I can feel the heat off of it.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:14 pm
by mart
Wow Pia, after reading through your date with Lilith, I fealt a sense of relief for myself as you expressed you moment of this for yourself.

The tongue shift lever.. meh...
But the keychain?? Now that seems worthy of speculation.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:32 pm
by PiaPol
UnseenPresence wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:57 pm You clearly went through a bunch and witnessed something bigger than it appeared to be even as you were going through it.

Congratulations on winning the witch back and on surviving the situation!
Thank you! It’s a lot to process. I’m sure I didn’t even scratch the surface of whatever went down yesterday.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:33 pm
by PiaPol
mart wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:14 pm Wow Pia, after reading through your date with Lilith, I fealt a sense of relief for myself as you expressed you moment of this for yourself.

The tongue shift lever.. meh...
But the keychain?? Now that seems worthy of speculation.
Happy to take you along for the ride! I think everyone involved quickly grew tired of my cheerful disposition. I enjoyed the hell out of myself. 😂

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:08 pm
by Whoischelsea
GG for getting to the phone whole it was sweltering out and while you were in the back of the truck. I don't want to assume anything about Lily's name being Lilith.. but given this what were the vibes you got from her overall? Just friendly and helping her family or something more sinister?? I am not a fan of Morgan being nervous about the Redcurves getting their witch back. I am excited to learn about what will unfold from this...

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:23 pm
by haleywilde
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm Dorothea continued to curse and grumble about our new company. I asked who it was he was so upset with. “Morgan.”
I've been meaning to come back and point this out... I wonder why it was Morgan specifically that he had a problem with. Of all the people there, he was most bothered by Morgan's presence? 🤔

We haven't learned much about Morgan's role in all of this, but this does make me curious.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:24 pm
by haleywilde
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm Dorothea made sure I was aware that his son “fucked up.”
Did he mention anything out how Cletums fucked up? He mentioned that to me to when I asked where he was, but I didn't get an explanation of any kind... I'm curious what he did.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:51 pm
by PiaPol
haleywilde wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:24 pm
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm Dorothea made sure I was aware that his son “fucked up.”
Did he mention anything out how Cletums fucked up? He mentioned that to me to when I asked where he was, but I didn't get an explanation of any kind... I'm curious what he did.
No he did not ever shed light on how Cletums fucked up. I am pretty sure I tried to ask? Then again I’m not certain anymore.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:23 pm
by campbellstruts
I’m seeing a lot of confusion and it keeps bringing me back to a quote from opulens: “The truth.”

I asked him what they wanted Kansas City to see, and he said “The truth.” And left it at that. Clearly there is still a lot of confusion as to who is good/bad/neutral, who is orchestrating what, etc…

I’m inclined to believe that the elites are still in charge and organizing an event or something that will reveal true colors and reveal the truth behind the redcurves/elites/other groups.

I know I may sound like a broken record and that this is really just an observation with no real substance but I keep thinking of that idea, “the truth”. The truth about what? Who? Etc.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:25 pm
by campbellstruts
PiaPol wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:51 pm
haleywilde wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:24 pm
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:30 pm Dorothea made sure I was aware that his son “fucked up.”
Did he mention anything out how Cletums fucked up? He mentioned that to me to when I asked where he was, but I didn't get an explanation of any kind... I'm curious what he did.
No he did not ever shed light on how Cletums fucked up. I am pretty sure I tried to ask? Then again I’m not certain anymore.
I’m not trying to insert myself into this at all - but Cletums did puke in the car. That’s something he did independent of everyone else. He also is the only one that danced. He is also the only one I’ve drawn so far and posted a picture of. There’s a lot of things that we know for sure happened to him that could be “he fucked up”. Idk just throwing stuff out there

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:10 pm
by PiaPol
campbellstruts wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:25 pm
PiaPol wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:51 pm
haleywilde wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:24 pm

Did he mention anything out how Cletums fucked up? He mentioned that to me to when I asked where he was, but I didn't get an explanation of any kind... I'm curious what he did.
No he did not ever shed light on how Cletums fucked up. I am pretty sure I tried to ask? Then again I’m not certain anymore.
I’m not trying to insert myself into this at all - but Cletums did puke in the car. That’s something he did independent of everyone else. He also is the only one that danced. He is also the only one I’ve drawn so far and posted a picture of. There’s a lot of things that we know for sure happened to him that could be “he fucked up”. Idk just throwing stuff out there
Not sure the dancing is significant in this. Forgot to include in my post that Dorothea told me he has Cletums dance for him to make him happy? (Not exact words) which is why he asked me to dance for him.

Maybe it was simply by puking in the car that he fucked up?

You aren’t inserting yourself at all!!

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:57 pm
by haleywilde
PiaPol wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:10 pm
campbellstruts wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:25 pm
PiaPol wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:51 pm

No he did not ever shed light on how Cletums fucked up. I am pretty sure I tried to ask? Then again I’m not certain anymore.
I’m not trying to insert myself into this at all - but Cletums did puke in the car. That’s something he did independent of everyone else. He also is the only one that danced. He is also the only one I’ve drawn so far and posted a picture of. There’s a lot of things that we know for sure happened to him that could be “he fucked up”. Idk just throwing stuff out there

Maybe it was simply by puking in the car that he fucked up?
I don't think this could be the only reason.. cause I asked Dorothea where Cletums was and that's when he told me he's been fucking up. Maybe he's just really been dropping the ball with things. He might've been supposed to be there with us all and didn't show up for whatever reason.

Re: My Date With Lily Redcurve (Bearing Witness ENCOUNTER on 8/15/24)

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:54 am
by Lexthewolf
I don't think this has been mentioned yet, buuuuuuuut

In the myths about Lamia, Zeus gifted Lamia with removable eyeseyes [/b]removable,

" The savagery of Lamia’s heart was so great that, in time, her face turned into a nightmarish mask, and she started resembling beasts much more than she resembled any human. "

Well, what does this mean? Something, I'm sure. I got excited that I may have found some really Gouda cheese.