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HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:31 pm
by haleywilde
ok, where do I even begin with this recap??? It was a whirlwind of 24 hours and there’s so much to cover, so I’m just gonna start typing and hope that it comes together… and if you have any questions, please ask because I’m sure you guys will all jog my memory for things I might've forgotten.


I arrived in Kansas City at 12:25am, and immediately received a text stating: “Welcome to Kansas City. Collect your belongings and prepare to exit the airport. Tell us the number on the closest pillar outside, and a white Hummer will collect you shortly.” I made my way outside, texted the pillar number, and a white hummer showed up quickly. I quickly got in, and the driver immediately took off without acknowledging me at all. She had blonde hair tied into a bun and was wearing a sparkly black dress. I was just embracing the spooky mysterious vibes at first and matching her energy, so I didn’t ask her name or anything… and then it became one of those moments where too much time has passed and it would be too awkward to do at this point lol. But because she never confirmed who I was (like how Ubers do when you get in), I started having the thought that I definitely could’ve gotten into the wrong car accidentally and been kidnapped by the wrong kidnapper lmao… wouldn’t that have been ironic?

The entire (40 minute?) car ride was spent in silence— no talking, no music. However, the weather couldn’t have been suited for the vibes, because the lightning storm and rain were INTENSE. I honestly felt bad for her because I really don’t know how she could see where she was going. It was definitely a very scary car ride, but not even for the reason they were intending.

I was trying to look around for anything noteworthy inside of the car, but it was really dark and impossible to see. My mind started to wander again, and I wondered if there was something or even someone hiding behind me in the trunk. I tried to discreetly sneak glances when I could, but all I could see in the darkness was a big blanket (like one of the ones you would use for moving), a couple of bottles of unknown chemicals (?), and for sure a carton of eggs. Not sure of the relevance there, as eggs aren’t dairy, but it’s such an odd thing to be in the trunk of a car, so I was sure to make note of it.

We pulled up to the hotel around 1:30am, and she, again, said nothing- just unlocked the doors. So I meandered over to the front desk and told the employee that “I think I’m checking in,” to which he appropriately responded, “you… think?” “Yeah, I think someone got me a room here. I’m on a … trip” (I truthfully almost called it a work trip just to make things a little less weird, but i’m not a good liar so I stopped myself lmao). He was able to pull up my name and handed me the keys. I entered the room apprehensively, not sure what to expect– and much to my surprise, there were gifts laid out on the bed, including champagne and a jacuzzi tub??? in the room??? I knew from the texts and the driver that we probably weren't dealing with Recurves here, but the hotel definitely solidified that suspicion. In addition to the gifts, there was also writing on the bathroom mirror in red lipstick: “we’ll be seeing you soon… xx sleep well.” Of course, y’all know me by now, I just immediately started panicking because how the fuck am I supposed to go to sleep without any indication of what time to be wake up or be ready by??? So I texted them for confirmation, showered, put on some Dateline for ambiance, and then tried to get some sleep.


The next morning, I did my makeup, got dressed, and then waited for them to give me instructions. At about 11:15am, I received a knock on my door and it was none other than the Dairy King himself, telling me I had 5 minutes to get my stuff together and meet him outside. I obviously didn’t need the 5 minutes because I had been sitting on the edge of the bed like an eager school child since 9am, but I grabbed my backpack and my film camera and headed out. Before leaving, he quickly took my picture with the infamous polaroid camera (honored, truly).

Outside of the hotel was a black SUV, and the dairy king was armed and ready with his camcorder as I walked up (I did have to tell him his lens cap was on though lol). The driver was a girl with red hair (why does everyone have red hair?? I feel like this is more than a coincidence at this point), and next to me in the back was a woman we haven’t seen before. She was a stunning black woman wearing all black except for her high heels which were covered in rhinestones. I didn’t ask her right away, but I eventually learned that her name is Madison. She asked if it was my first time in Kansas, to which I said yes. She didn’t seem to understand why I would ever fly to Kansas of all places to do this shit. I told her I honestly didn’t know what I was here to do, but I got sent a plane ticket so I got on the plane. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She then asked “do you feel relevant now? Because you are. Now, when we get to this dive, keep your mouth shut and don’t embarrass us. Yes ma’am, understood 🫡 The remainder of the drive was spent with Milkman pointing his camcorder at me and lots of polka music. Oh, and of course he pulled out an entire gallon of milk to take some sips from, duh.

We pulled up to a little bar shortly after. Milkman went to open the door for Madison, but she told him that was my job– so I held the door open for both of them, obviously. I just do as I’m told, I don’t mind. Upon entering, I immediately spotted Morgan and Darren at the bar. My eyes then swept across the rest of the establishment, and I saw Dorothea and Pia sitting at a table with Lily standing behind them. I smile at Darren and Morgan as we walk by, and then Madison and I take a seat across from Dorothea and Pia. Darren eventually ends up sitting at the end of the table in between Madison and Dorothea, and Morgan mainly stays at the bar while Milkman walks around with his camera. Someone (I think Morgan or Darren, I’m honestly not sure lmao too much was happening and I was looking the other direction) slams a shot glass in front of me and tells me to drink it.

Y’ALL — it’s insane how alllllll of the warnings and personal decisions to not eat or drink anything I’m given goes IMMEDIATELY out the window the second I’m told to drink it. I didn’t even second guess it or try to politely give a “no thanks i’m good” lmao I just slammed that shit like a whisky aficionado. And for me (someone who really doesn’t drink, and when I do it’s something fruity and bubbly and tastes the least like alcohol humanly possible), this shit was stroooong, and it was a big shot (again, I say TO ME— because I can already hear Morgan and DLB laughing at me). So I slam that shit and suddenly all I can think about is how my fucking throat is burning and my eyes are watering and how I’m a dumbass for not even hesitating or looking at who the fuck handed me the drink before pounding it. Needless to say, being the lightweight I am (and the fact that this shot was taken on an empty stomach), it went straight to my head. I, hand to god, was feeling a buzz from this one shot. Which is… pathetic, I’m aware lmao.

Now, I don’t know if it was the whisky, the adrenaline, or just the talk of contractual obligations, but this conversation is unfortunately the fuzziest part of the day for me. I’m seriously hoping that Pia remembers more of it than I do because I know it was important, but to be faaaair a little over 12 hours prior I was in LA and now I’m in a dive bar in Kansas with DLB, Morgan, Milkman, Dorothea, Lily, and Madison– it was a lot to take in!! BUT I will do my best to relay the general info of this meeting. It was clear immediately that things were contentious and divided between the Redcurves and the elites who, for whatever reason, brought Pia and I as witnesses for the respective sides. Darren seemed to be frustrated and exhausted of the entire thing, just wanting it to be over with. I'm going to do the details I remember from this conversation in bullet points because I think that will be easier:
  • There was no need for introductions or small talk. It was clear that Madison and the Redcurves knew each other, and have a long history together.
  • Dorothea seemed emotional that it was Madison specifically. It gave a vibe that maybe Madison had done something hurtful to him in the past, and now they had the audacity to send her to complete the contract. He called it "disrespectful."
  • She asked him if her skin color was an issue to him, and he scoffed at that and said "we all bleed red."
  • Throughout the process, Dorothea seemed to rely on Lily to help him with thinking of words he was meaning to say or where to sign on the contract, etc. It's clear that Lily is his "right hand man" and helps him out a ton.
  • Madison mentioned something about their agreements being made in "shadow and light"
  • The contract was brought out, and everyone had to sign. Pia and I signed as witnesses. Everyone also had to say "bear witness" to Milkman's camera as further proof.
  • Darren did slip the contract closer to me at one point, and all I could make out from it was that the title mentioned something about land ownership and blood rites.
  • When the contract was finalized, Dorothea wanted to celebrate the "Redcurve way" which was someone revving a motorcycle inside of the bar really really loud and cheering, which was hilarious.

It was then decided that they would do a “fun” little wager— me on behalf of The Elites, and Pia on behalf of the Redcurves. It was game of pool, and the agreed upon wager was that if the Redcurves won, their witch would be released, and if the elites won, Madison suggested that Cletums should get “bled out.” Obviously, alarm bells immediately rang because I guuuuess i’m team Elites (bc of my loyalty to opie, being assigned to Dymuntz, and they brought me on behalf of them), but we all also know I’m actually “team friendship,” and it’s not very friendly to play a game of pool where if I win, someone dies??? I haven’t met Cletums, but he seemed cool 😭 I’m not trying to be the reason he dies. Dorothea, on the other hand, seemed to have no problem offering up his son. He mentioned him being a fuck up and not being there. Pia had never played a game of pool, and I don't consider myself good at pool by any means, but I've definitely played my fair share of games. Our respective sides were helping give us tips, etc. throughout the entire game... but it was cleeeear that we were gonna be there a while lol.

At the start of the game, Darren pulled me aside and told me I needed to initial at the bottom of each page of the contract. I figured this was my opportunity to try and read little bits and pieces quickly, so I was taking my time. The only words I could pull out other than the title being something to do with land ownership and blood rites, were "occult," and something about "hallow's eve" I think??? There was seriously so much. But as I was skimming, Darren told me to just sign it, and I agreed. In my defense, Darren, I trust you and I always have. Signing something you've given me in the past has never done me wrong before, so I trusted that you wouldn't hand me something that would harm me. I also consider Morgan to be my friend, and he was there as well. If you guys wanted me to sign something, I would sign it. You know that... and I'll touch on that later.

The pool table was in the back of the bar, alongside a bunch of arcade games. It was quarter operated, and Morgan dumped a ton of quarters into my hands and said "here, you'll need these." It was so many quarters that most of them just immediately fell to the ground. Not sure why i needed that many, but I left them on the table in the arcade (sorry Morgan lol). During the game, Dorothea and Lily were trying to fuck with me- he kept getting in my way and bumping into me, but I didn't mind. I thought it was funny. They did whisper and laugh at me a bunch of times though, which isn't particularly nice. At one point Dorothea said that Lily liked me, and she sniffed me closely. I honestly really like Lily- she's a little odd, but I immediately had a soft spot for her when I saw her. Some other things that happened while playing:
  • Milkman brought his gallon of milk inside of the bar and started sipping on it. He nodded it towards me as a sort of offer, and I made a gesture that suggested honestly, maybe lol. I laughed and mentioned how that shot they gave me was stroooong. He laughed with me and asked me if I drank, to which I said not really.
  • Milkman told me not to trust the Redcurves.
  • Madison was giving me tips and reassuring me not to let Dorothea and Lily get to me. She also mentioned multiple times as a pep talk that "remember, even if you can't score- just try to fuck up her game."
  • I was definitely trying to play, but I'm not sure if I was giving it my all, considering I knew in the back of my mind that Cletums life was on the line. But giving that Pia hadn't played before ever, I was at an advantage.
  • Darren, at one point, walked up to me with his back towards every one else and whispered that "this was all an act" and that they were putting on a show for me.
  • I asked Milkman, "are they really going to kill Cletums if I win?" and he said "what do you think?"
  • I asked Dorothea where Cletums was today, and he mentioned that he loved his son but that he was fucking up.
  • I can't remember what prompted it, maybe just to intimidate her, but Dorothea got very close to Madison, and Milkman stepped in between them and got in Dorothea's face. It's clear that Milkman answers to Madison and is there, in at least some capacity, to protect her.
  • Milkman handed Darren the polaroid camera, and told him to "take pictures" in demanding way. Darren took the camera, and then threw it against a chair.
I would like to point out (for no reason other than i’m admittedly competitive) that I waaaas winning. But Lily decided that she was bored of how long we were taking and said that whoever got the next ball in would win, and Pia sunk the next shot. Can’t say I wasn’t at least a little relieved that Cletums was spared and the witch was released (although Dorothea and Lily both decided they might still kill him for fun— to which I said “no! do not!” I can't imagine my disapproval means much to them though- but on record, I tried). Dorothea gave me a huuuuge squeezing hug, told me he liked how I played, and thanked me for helping them win.

While being in the bar, I'm pretty sure that every side told me not to trust the other. I'm being pulled in every direction. I'm sure that they all know that I'm an easy target to persuade because of my empathy. I guess, they did warn that vulnerability is dangerous, and I'm learning that quickly.

Madison told me multiple times not to worry about losing because they "have plenty of witches," and she truly didn't seem overly concerned that they lost that one. I opened the door for them as we left, and Madison told Milkman to get the car. She actually called him Milkman, so I questioned her if he had a name or if she really calls him that too, and she said yes she calls him Milkman. We all got back into the black SUV and started driving.


We didn't make it very far before we pulled into the parking lot of a Dairy Queen, and the Dairy King got out. He got a red dipped cone and proceeded to walk around the outside of the car and aggressively eat it. We all sat in silence listening to the polka music while watching him outside of the car almost inhaling the cone. I asked Madison, "what's with the music?" and she said "what? you don't like polka music? what the fuck is wrong with you?" I told her I didn't mind it, was just curious because it's a unique choice. She looked around and scoffed at the sight of the town and said "it should've been Rome." Madison was getting frustrated with being there and called him back into the car, where he finished the last bit of his ice cream cone. That poor man... the speed in which he ate that whole thing was insane. We began driving again, so he handed me a hood and told me "put it on and don't fucking move."

(Going to post this as is because it's really long, and then finish typing up the last part right now.)

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:06 pm
by PiaPol
I’m glad we both had a similar “maybe this wasn’t my contact picking me up” moment. Mine was when exiled seemed to be looking for me and I was already in a truck bed. 😂

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:28 pm
by Wanda102
I want to withhold full commentary until I’ve read both parts of your adventure but for right now, looking at yours and Pia’s perspective on the contract signing, I’m a little disappointed that we don’t have more detail on exactly what the Redcurves and Elites were agreeing to.

Something about blood ties? Hallows Eve? The 21st? This is a little frustrating. I understand the high pressure of these situations BELIEVE ME, I do, but the point was bearing witness, literally witnessing and signing a contract in this case, and I’m not understand what was contracted. It sounds like you were both given a second opportunity to glean more info from the document when Darren had you initial as well. Please correct me if I’ve missed something and am just independently lost!

Do either of you lovely ladies have any extra detail you can think of that helps to figure out what the contract was for?

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:33 pm
by JustLurking
I agree! I feel like they were given more time to look it over, but then they were both rushed to get the initialing over with and get back to the game. Maybe they weren't meant to read it in it's entirety and if it appeared they were being "too nosey" they were pushed to hurry past it.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:35 pm
by PiaPol
JustLurking wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:33 pm I agree! I feel like they were given more time to look it over, but then they were both rushed to get the initialing over with and get back to the game. Maybe they weren't meant to read it in it's entirety and if it appeared they were being "too nosey" they were pushed to hurry past it.
Exactly this. I truly do not believe we were actually intended to read the whole thing. And they got us both drunk on empty stomachs it was a very challenging situation to navigate.

Hindsight bias, you know? I truly wish I had told everybody to calm down while I read but the opportunity is long gone.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:39 pm
by kassidy.exe
Im on the literal edge of my seat to read the next half!!! This sounds SO FREAKIN COOL

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:45 pm
by Timsmyname
What the heck? They didn't offer you Dairy Queen ?

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:52 pm
by Wanda102
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:35 pm
JustLurking wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:33 pm I agree! I feel like they were given more time to look it over, but then they were both rushed to get the initialing over with and get back to the game. Maybe they weren't meant to read it in it's entirety and if it appeared they were being "too nosey" they were pushed to hurry past it.
Exactly this. I truly do not believe we were actually intended to read the whole thing. And they got us both drunk on empty stomachs it was a very challenging situation to navigate.

Hindsight bias, you know? I truly wish I had told everybody to calm down while I read but the opportunity is long gone.
I agree that you weren’t ever going to be given the time to read the entire thing front to back. And it’s a high pressure situation. That said, there -were- multiple chances to skim and get probably crucial info. Hindsight stings in this situation so absolutely no fault to you! If it’s meant to be known, the truth will out.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:56 pm
by haleywilde

We drove for a while, before we parked and Madison told me to be quiet and do whatever Milkman told me to do. He guided me (and assured me that I wouldn’t walk into anything) a short bit before he told me to “step inside,” don’t move, and don’t take my hood off– that someone would come get me. It was over 90 degrees, and the hood was thick. I lifted the bottom of it just to get some air and I was immediately greeted by the view of a portapotty toilet. I wasn’t trying to peek (just trying not to pass out), but that was a fun surprise lol. I stood in there for a while absolutely cooking in and focusing on how insanely loud the woods are (thanks, cicadas).

A man whose voice I didn’t recognize came to get me, and guided me through the woods with my hand on his shoulder. I’m sure it just felt farther than it actually was, but when you have a thick ass bag over your head, it’s close to 95 degrees and humid, and you’re blindly navigating through mud and hills- it might as well have been an expert level hike. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face and I was struggling to maintain my breathing. The only thing that kept me happily distracted was that I could hear a dog walking alongside us, and it would occasionally brush up against me as we were walking along. Such a good puppy.

Eventually we made it to where we were going, and I was definitely unprepared for what I would see when the hood was removed. The hood comes off and my vision is restored, just to see Darren directly in front of me and probably about 15 people behind him just staring at me, arms folded. Now, as someone with a fear of confrontation and getting in trouble… this is just about my worst nightmare. I had immediately clocked Morgan directly behind Darren, as well as Milkman with his camcorder, before Darren told me not to look at anyone else, only him. He looked defeated and disappointed, almost sad for me. “Haley, do you know what this is?” “No… not really, honestly.” He scoffed in disbelief and said, “do you even know what the fuck you signed?” I admitted, no... I didn’t. I immediately felt embarrassed. “You didn’t even fucking read it,” he hounded. “I tried, you told me not to!” I felt a little betrayed. I know better than to sign something I didn’t read… but it’s Darren… and Morgan… I trust them, right?

He continued to beat in the point that, essentially, I am really, really fucked. I’ve agreed to something that I can’t even understand the scope of. I immediately felt guilt. How hadn't I learned my lesson on agreeing to things I didn't fully understand yet? I lost my bestie opie because I agreed to something too quickly, and now I had done it again. Maybe this time on a bigger scale.

Darren pulls me away from the group slightly and whispers that him and Morgan were brought in for “disruptive marketing,” but it was clear now that things had gotten way beyond their control. Things were darker than they anticipated, and he was at a loss.

He defeatedly asked me to take out my phone and go live. He told me to assure my followers that I am okay, that I was being well taken care of and treated well. I agreed, and pulled it out. I fumbled with the Instagram app, before embarrassingly admitting to Darren that I had never gone live before and didn’t know how lol. He resigned, told me how, and then angled me so that you could see some of the people behind me in the live video. As instructed, I waited for some people to join before reciting my script. I then asked him if I should end it (in true hostage fashion), and he said yes. He then told me that he’s not going to tell me to leave Kansas City, but reiterated that I am now in danger because of those contracts. He asked someone named Bodhi (who I'm pretty sure works for ZipKC) to place the hood back over my head and guide me away.

I was walked a ways again before being passed over to Lily. I was wearing my film camera around me this whole time, and she grabbed it and placed it in my hands while whispering in my ear "you get three photos. Make them count," and ripping off my hood. Disoriented and very sweaty, I turned around to see some of the people we know and love posed almost like mannequins. My options seemed to be Lily and Dorothea standing together, Morgan, the red haired woman who drove me around all day, and Milkman. I glanced around a bit, but my choice felt obvious. I took the photo of Lily and Dorothea first, then Morgan, and then Milkman. Lily put the bag back over my head and started to fuck with me a bit. Unlike the others, who guided me slowly and carefully, she started running and pulling me quickly, laughing and kicking mud around. Someone also whispered in my ear, "remember me" and splashed water on my arm. I've been running that through my mind for a while, and can't figure out who it could be. I don't know if it was a "remember me?" or an instruction to remember them. After a bit, Lily pushed me into the back of a car and hopped in with me.

When I was pulled out again and placed outside, it was Darren again who greeted me and removed my hood. He told me that Fox News was here and instructed me to make them look good. I was walked over to a blonde anchor woman with a microphone and an older man armed with a news camera. I laughed and apologized to her for being a bit of a mess- I was literally dripping sweat, my hair definitely looked like I just had a bag over my head, and my legs were covered in mud. She was very kind but definitely seemed unsure of what was happening, although she did say that they told her a little bit about my "story." They started rolling, and she asked me a few questions about why I do things like this, why Exiled is different from every other experience, and finally... if I was scared right now. I had Darren's words in the back of my head: "don't make us look bad," so the second the cameras started rolling, I pushed through how disoriented I felt and put on my best news interview act. When she was done with all of the questions, she confirmed with the camera man that they got everything they needed, and I was handed back over to Darren who told me to go get in the car and they would take me back to the airport. There was a truck sitting there so I hopped in it while I waited (from reading Pia's story, I now know this is the Redcurves truck due to the eyeball keychain), but I don't know if I was even supposed to be sitting in it because Bodhi came and pulled me out and had me stare at a leaf while waiting for the black SUV from before.

It was the same red-haired woman who drove me all the way back to the airport. I tried asking for her name, and she didn't respond (maybe she was mad at me for not picking her for one of my photos... if so, very sorry). When we pulled up to the airport, I realized that I still had the friendship bracelets that I had made for opie and Dymuntz hanging from my backpack. I was already pretty late for my flight, so I practically threw them onto the center console of the car and told the driver "I know you won't talk to me, but please give these to opie and Muntzie! Thanks!" and hopped out of the car and into the airport- freshly covered in mud and sweat.

So, opie- I hope you got your friendship bracelets! I made two for you- one that said "opie" and one that said "bestie," and one for my new friend Dymuntz too- "muntzie." 🤍

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:56 pm
by Lexthewolf
A good rule of thumb is to always read something before you sign it. Granted, I'm sure no one reads the terms of service before checking "I have read the Terms and Conditions."

You and Pia were there to bear witness to a deal made between the Elites and the Redcurves and signed a legally binding document without reading it. And then you played a game of pool to decide whether Cletums died or the Witch got released.

We don't know what deal the Redcurves and Elites made. Maybe we'll find out? We need more information.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:01 pm
by kevin
Maybe the documents were important, maybe they weren't.

But this detail feels key: "Darren, at one point, walked up to me with his back towards every one else and whispered that "this was all an act" and that they were putting on a show for me."

If this was all for show, then maybe the documents, the meeting, and everything else are a misdirect from what's actually happening.

We've already seen a handshake deal between the Elites and Redcurves and whatever the bonfire and consecration was. Do we really think the Redcurves are big on signed documents and legalese? Maybe the deal was already made and this is purely for show.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:02 pm
by PiaPol
haleywilde wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:56 pm PART IV - THE WOODS

We drove for a while, before we parked and Madison told me to be quiet and do whatever Milkman told me to do. He guided me (and assured me that I wouldn’t walk into anything) a short bit before he told me to “step inside,” don’t move, and don’t take my hood off– that someone would come get me. It was over 90 degrees, and the hood was thick. I lifted the bottom of it just to get some air and I was immediately greeted by the view of a portapotty toilet. I wasn’t trying to peek (just trying not to pass out), but that was a fun surprise lol. I stood in there for a while absolutely cooking in and focusing on how insanely loud the woods are (thanks, cicadas).

A man whose voice I didn’t recognize came to get me, and guided me through the woods with my hand on his shoulder. I’m sure it just felt farther than it actually was, but when you have a thick ass bag over your head, it’s close to 95 degrees and humid, and you’re blindly navigating through mud and hills- it might as well have been an expert level hike. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face and I was struggling to maintain my breathing. The only thing that kept me happily distracted was that I could hear a dog walking alongside us, and it would occasionally brush up against me as we were walking along. Such a good puppy.

Eventually we made it to where we were going, and I was definitely unprepared for what I would see when the hood was removed. The hood comes off and my vision is restored, just to see Darren directly in front of me and probably about 15 people behind him just staring at me, arms folded. Now, as someone with a fear of confrontation and getting in trouble… this is just about my worst nightmare. I had immediately clocked Morgan directly behind Darren, as well as Milkman with his camcorder, before Darren told me not to look at anyone else, only him. He looked defeated and disappointed, almost sad for me. “Haley, do you know what this is?” “No… not really, honestly.” He scoffed in disbelief and said, “do you even know what the fuck you signed?” I admitted, no... I didn’t. I immediately felt embarrassed. “You didn’t even fucking read it,” he hounded. “I tried, you told me not to!” I felt a little betrayed. I know better than to sign something I didn’t read… but it’s Darren… and Morgan… I trust them, right?

He continued to beat in the point that, essentially, I am really, really fucked. I’ve agreed to something that I can’t even understand the scope of. I immediately felt guilt. How hadn't I learned my lesson on agreeing to things I didn't fully understand yet? I lost my bestie opie because I agreed to something too quickly, and now I had done it again. Maybe this time on a bigger scale.

Darren pulls me away from the group slightly and whispers that him and Morgan were brought in for “disruptive marketing,” but it was clear now that things had gotten way beyond their control. Things were darker than they anticipated, and he was at a loss.

He defeatedly asked me to take out my phone and go live. He told me to assure my followers that I am okay, that I was being well taken care of and treated well. I agreed, and pulled it out. I fumbled with the Instagram app, before embarrassingly admitting to Darren that I had never gone live before and didn’t know how lol. He resigned, told me how, and then angled me so that you could see some of the people behind me in the live video. As instructed, I waited for some people to join before reciting my script. I then asked him if I should end it (in true hostage fashion), and he said yes. He then told me that he’s not going to tell me to leave Kansas City, but reiterated that I am now in danger because of those contracts. He asked someone named Bodhi (who I'm pretty sure works for ZipKC) to place the hood back over my head and guide me away.

I was walked a ways again before being passed over to Lily. I was wearing my film camera around me this whole time, and she grabbed it and placed it in my hands while whispering in my ear "you get three photos. Make them count," and ripping off my hood. Disoriented and very sweaty, I turned around to see some of the people we know and love posed almost like mannequins. My options seemed to be Lily and Dorothea standing together, Morgan, the red haired woman who drove me around all day, and Milkman. I glanced around a bit, but my choice felt obvious. I took the photo of Lily and Dorothea first, then Morgan, and then Milkman. Lily put the bag back over my head and started to fuck with me a bit. Unlike the others, who guided me slowly and carefully, she started running and pulling me quickly, laughing and kicking mud around. Someone also whispered in my ear, "remember me" and splashed water on my arm. I've been running that through my mind for a while, and can't figure out who it could be. I don't know if it was a "remember me?" or an instruction to remember them. After a bit, Lily pushed me into the back of a car and hopped in with me.

When I was pulled out again and placed outside, it was Darren again who greeted me and removed my hood. He told me that Fox News was here and instructed me to make them look good. I was walked over to a blonde anchor woman with a microphone and an older man armed with a news camera. I laughed and apologized to her for being a bit of a mess- I was literally dripping sweat, my hair definitely looked like I just had a bag over my head, and my legs were covered in mud. She was very kind but definitely seemed unsure of what was happening, although she did say that they told her a little bit about my "story." They started rolling, and she asked me a few questions about why I do things like this, why Exiled is different from every other experience, and finally... if I was scared right now. I had Darren's words in the back of my head: "don't make us look bad," so the second the cameras started rolling, I pushed through how disoriented I felt and put on my best news interview act. When she was done with all of the questions, she confirmed with the camera man that they got everything they needed, and I was handed back over to Darren who told me to go get in the car and they would take me back to the airport. There was a truck sitting there so I hopped in it while I waited (from reading Pia's story, I now know this is the Redcurves truck due to the eyeball keychain), but I don't know if I was even supposed to be sitting in it because Bodhi came and pulled me out and had me stare at a leaf while waiting for the black SUV from before.

It was the same red-haired woman who drove me all the way back to the airport. I tried asking for her name, and she didn't respond (maybe she was mad at me for not picking her for one of my photos... if so, very sorry). When we pulled up to the airport, I realized that I still had the friendship bracelets that I had made for opie and Dymuntz hanging from my backpack. I was already pretty late for my flight, so I practically threw them onto the center console of the car and told the driver "I know you won't talk to me, but please give these to opie and Muntzie! Thanks!" and hopped out of the car and into the airport- freshly covered in mud and sweat.

So, opie- I hope you got your friendship bracelets! I made two for you- one that said "opie" and one that said "bestie," and one for my new friend Dymuntz too- "muntzie." 🤍

Weird thing to cling to but did you see the dog? Was it a chocolate Australian shepherd?

Excited to keep a look out for the news interview!

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:13 pm
by haleywilde
PiaPol wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:02 pm Weird thing to cling to but did you see the dog? Was it a chocolate Australian shepherd?
Yes, it was! I saw it a couple of times... I thought it was Bodhi's dog because it was following him around. But interesting that Lily said it was hers!

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:15 pm
by blondie
kevin wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:01 pm Maybe the documents were important, maybe they weren't.

But this detail feels key: "Darren, at one point, walked up to me with his back towards every one else and whispered that "this was all an act" and that they were putting on a show for me."

If this was all for show, then maybe the documents, the meeting, and everything else are a misdirect from what's actually happening.

We've already seen a handshake deal between the Elites and Redcurves and whatever the bonfire and consecration was. Do we really think the Redcurves are big on signed documents and legalese? Maybe the deal was already made and this is purely for show.
OMG. So much this. I’d say get out of my brain, but at this point, I think we just share one…

I also wanna say that it’s not in everyone’s character to be handed a stack of papers and shout “WAIT I AM READING THIS, THIS IS WHAT YOU BROUGHT ME HERE FOR” until they pry it out of our hands… especially when being constantly distracted and fed shots before lunch. I get the frustration but…

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:29 pm
by UnseenPresence
So many things in what happened to you.


1. Yes, you probably should have read more before signing. No one blames you, because the situation for both you and Pia was chaotic and intentionally designed to make such hard. But I hope this doesn't come back to bite either of you. And I really, really hope others who end up in this situation (or similar) take what Darren said to you to heart. After all, they have also said people don't ask the right questions and always imply there are choices people haven't taken advantage of. It might be interesting to see what they do if the next person who gets dragged along actually demands something back.

Again, I stress that no one blames you. It just would be great if we understood more what you signed. And if you did, too.

2. The issue of race being relevant is clearly settled, at least in my opinion.

3. I almost wonder if the contract and/or the situation itself had some occult layer upon it that influenced both of your minds. It may be that it was more than just design that made it hard...something more might have muddied your recollections. Given the magick influence throughout, I don't think that can be ignored as possibility.

4. "We have multiple witches" and "It should have been Rome." Once again, whoever the Elites are, this situation and the Redcurves are only one instance of an ongoing, much larger methodology. I have no idea if/how we will ever learn about them beyond this current event. But it's clearly the case.

5. Playing pool. I find it interesting that you two were the instruments of that game. Is it common for one side or the other or both to use people unconnected as pawns in such things? It certainly helps keep people on either side a little safer, but then again the game's stakes were also about members. Or do they just like to use folk? Or do they believe "normal" people not of either group are expendable?

6. "Bleeding out" Cletums. Sounds like at the very least, the old rhyme really does mean they have a tendency to slaughter folk. Are the really that cavalier? Or do they just talk a big game to distract folk from who and what they really are?

7. "This is all for show.". This feels important to me. It could be exactly that--all a piece of theater for the two of you. It's possible that literally NONE of what we have been shown is what's really happening. Or maybe they keep throwing up pieces of distractions so we can't find the reality. But either Darren is lying or some/all of what you saw is fake/manipulated/altered/staged.

8. "Beyond our control." Yet another statement that something beyond just a haunt or even what Darren/Morgan were expecting is happening. Darren continues to sound worried, scared, nervous and frustrated. No idea what could even be done about that, but it has to be bad. Or scary. Or bizarre.

9. I really hope we get to see the Fox News interview. Did they actually have the logo on the camera or the microphone? In other words, are you sure it actually WAS Fox News? Just curious here.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:31 pm
by lazysmartperson
i'm no lawyer, but i don't think witnesses are there to read the contract

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:33 pm
by Lexthewolf
I'm planting seeds. I have an idea but i don't know how it will pan out.

Their eyes are on the forums and other places, so I can't talk about it without raising some alarms. Will make an update post if those seeds sprout or not.

Agreements are LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMNTS. Whether or not the Redcurves "...are big on legally signed documents" does not matter if you sign a document without reading it. Something in there could be used against Haley or Pia... and that might be why we need to know what those documents hold. Which is why I hope what I did pans out.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:39 pm
by Wanda102
This is a story told through the eyes of a few to everyone else, and in this chapter maybe a couple important things got left out. That’s okay. It happens. There isn’t a “right” was to do this, and I won’t dismiss anyone’s way of retelling or what they retained or didn’t. I similarly hope that any of us expressing frustration that we wish we knew more about the contracts or any other element won’t be dismissed either. It also gives us a point for things to ask about in future encounters and conversations.

In the interim, we can focus on things we DID get noticed. Such as what Blondie pointed out: “We have lots of witches.” I’m sorry WHAT?

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:39 pm
by PiaPol
Lexthewolf wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:33 pm I'm planting seeds. I have an idea but i don't know how it will pan out.

Their eyes are on the forums and other places, so I can't talk about it without raising some alarms. Will make an update post if those seeds sprout or not.

Agreements are LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMNTS. Whether or not the Redcurves "...are big on legally signed documents" does not matter if you sign a document without reading it. Something in there could be used against Haley or Pia... and that might be why we need to know what those documents hold. Which is why I hope what I did pans out.
When I was told I would need my strength after being READ TO FILTH for signing… I felt this in my bones. I don’t know what we signed up for but it’s clear nothing good will come of it for myself or Haley.

Re: HALEY BEARS WITNESS (trip to KC) | 08.15.24

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:40 pm
by PiaPol
Wanda102 wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:39 pm In the interim, we can focus on things we DID get noticed. Such as what Blondie pointed out: “We have lots of witches.” I’m sorry WHAT?
Absolutely terrifying. They don’t even care about losing one but it seems the one can make a world of difference for the Redcurves.