An interesting turn of events.

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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My partner and I went and mopped the entire floor to our place, it took way longer than either of us expected. Tomorrow's the big moving day! That being said, something Weird happened on the forums today:

An Exiled haunt actor, Maddy, (whom Caboose met in Kansas City), posted this: "Fuck you. I have been part of this thing for years. So has my family. Fuck you Dan, Fuck you Jen, and fuck everyone else for killing what this was. You sold out and sold all of our blood, sweat, and tears with it. 4th wall breaks on top of 4th wall breaks, I don't think even you know what is going on anymore. You lost control and in turn lost all of us with it. Hope it was worth it. And not that you need to be reminded, but I never signed their stupid NDA, so fuck them too. " (source: Thanks Haley)

Even more interestingly, someone named Atavistic commented: Check your DM from me. [VS]. (Source: Thanks Haley)

And may I remind you... earlier this week or last week, VS made a post directed towards The Powers captioned: "Tsk tsk tsk boys, the victim routine is getting old. (So is your acting - Leave KC now" come on, you're a writer do better. / Now, back to your regularly scheduled program. / / VS" (Source: Thanks Matt)

Also... Maddy... I don't know exactly how you feel. I empathize because, like you, I worked at a haunted house until it got shut down because the owner got arrested for soliciting sex with a minor.... which now that I think about it isn't similar at all to what you may be experiencing right now. If you find you cannot cope with these emotions... please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Lexthewolf wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 12:36 am
Also... Maddy... I don't know exactly how you feel. I empathize because, like you, I worked at a haunted house until it got shut down because the owner got arrested for soliciting sex with a minor.... which now that I think about it isn't similar at all to what you may be experiencing right now. If you find you cannot cope with these emotions... please don't hesitate to reach out.
I emphasize as well.. I to did work at a haunt that I believed had big potential and then I was severely let down when it was running. I was embarrassed to be working there after I was so excited to initially start working there. So Maddie. Please speak your mind and continue to do so. Maybe you can impact it and make it better.
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Everything that is happening is making me more and more intrigued by my own conspiracy theory…
… VS hacked into the IG the other day? Now pops up to respond to Madelyn… maybe this is the true second faction. The Elites/Redcurves is all an illusion. They’re all the same. VS is the real opposition and is recruiting. But who is good? Who is bad?
The shifting “truths” of the Elites/Redcurves narrative… that doesn’t really matter cos it’s a show (which I don’t mind cos I’m really enjoying it! Witchy sh*t!). BUT. It’s smoke and mirrors innit. Hiding what they’re actually doing, which appears to have even Darren and Morgan rattled, and at least someone seems to be onto it… or maybe VS is the one we should be scared of. Who knows. I just sniff a whiff of the marine about it and I’m keeping my peepers peeled…
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blondie wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:14 pm Everything that is happening is making me more and more intrigued by my own conspiracy theory…
… VS hacked into the IG the other day? Now pops up to respond to Madelyn… maybe this is the true second faction. The Elites/Redcurves is all an illusion. They’re all the same. VS is the real opposition and is recruiting. But who is good? Who is bad?
The shifting “truths” of the Elites/Redcurves narrative… that doesn’t really matter cos it’s a show (which I don’t mind cos I’m really enjoying it! Witchy sh*t!). BUT. It’s smoke and mirrors innit. Hiding what they’re actually doing, which appears to have even Darren and Morgan rattled, and at least someone seems to be onto it… or maybe VS is the one we should be scared of. Who knows. I just sniff a whiff of the marine about it and I’m keeping my peepers peeled…
This. 100%. My alarm bells went off immediately when Madison said Dorothea chose it (I honestly don't even think I could hide the face I made haha) because I instantly knew that changed everything. And then looking back, it makes a lot of sense. When Darren whispered to me that they were putting on a show, I was originally kicking myself for not asking who he was referring to... but now I realize I think he meant all of them.
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haleywilde wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:38 pm
blondie wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:14 pm Everything that is happening is making me more and more intrigued by my own conspiracy theory…
… VS hacked into the IG the other day? Now pops up to respond to Madelyn… maybe this is the true second faction. The Elites/Redcurves is all an illusion. They’re all the same. VS is the real opposition and is recruiting. But who is good? Who is bad?
The shifting “truths” of the Elites/Redcurves narrative… that doesn’t really matter cos it’s a show (which I don’t mind cos I’m really enjoying it! Witchy sh*t!). BUT. It’s smoke and mirrors innit. Hiding what they’re actually doing, which appears to have even Darren and Morgan rattled, and at least someone seems to be onto it… or maybe VS is the one we should be scared of. Who knows. I just sniff a whiff of the marine about it and I’m keeping my peepers peeled…
This. 100%. My alarm bells went off immediately when Madison said Dorothea chose it (I honestly don't even think I could hide the face I made haha) because I instantly knew that changed everything. And then looking back, it makes a lot of sense. When Darren whispered to me that they were putting on a show, I was originally kicking myself for not asking who he was referring to... but now I realize I think he meant all of them.
Just now catching up on a few of these threads that I missed posts on and I think an interesting question here is who are they putting on a show for and why? Is it the elites and the Redcurves putting on shows for each other while each group is secretly trying to get something else out of the other and they are putting on a show by "playing nice"? Or are both groups collectively putting on a show together to fool all of us including Exiled staff, DLB and Morgan, some of whom may have caught on and are trying to just keep up the appearance that they are bought into the whole thing?

Honestly, with the information that Dorothea was the one that picked KC, I think I am currently leaning towards both groups or at the very least Dorothea and the Elites are all more keyed in to what the real agenda is here and are putting on an act that this deal is being worked out now when maybe in reality an arrangement was made between them when KC was picked in the first place. I'm not sure if that would necessarily mean that the rest of the Redcurves are also aware of this, maybe this show is being put on for them too so that they truly believe that they are getting their land back and getting benefit from this agreement when they may be much closer to pawns in all of this.
Screaming into the void
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