Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:48 am
Location: Kansas City, MO

I have to give credit of this idea to Cristen and Briana, because I would have not thought of this and would have definitely showed up unprepared if they had not brought up this point.

I made a quizlet that will help us study the Elites, the Redcurves, and other associated members of Exiled - Crooked Rose Woods! Here it is:

https://quizlet.com/936883696/the-redcu ... vvw&x=1jqt

I say I would have definitely showed up unprepared because I tend to forget names and faces pretty easily, and if you're like me and are getting overwhelmed with all the new family members or players coming in, this is a way I can keep it all in one place. Please let me know if you want me to add or remove anything. I refrained from adding some photos and people to protect PII and privacy, but if explicit permission is given to add certain people or photos I will do so.

I hope this helps in some way!
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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