(8/30) Exiled script pages

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Sometimes you go knocking on doors, and sometimes there’s an unexpected gift on the other side.

A source provided this lead in:
“ Whatever, they’ll just do another activation, throw some more money at someone, and Morgan will make some stupid video rinse and repeat. I have hard proof of how fucked up what they’re planning is.

I guess start here. I know for a fact the the ones they are doing now are worse. Good luck Kevin.”

They then offered up three script pages they had gotten their hands on:

I’ll let you decide what to make of them.
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Oh my god we have to bleed for this…

I’ll do it.
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:18 am I guess start here. I know for a fact the the ones they are doing now are worse.
The ones they’re doing NOW are worse? Exactly how much worse and oof on the deletion if you refused..
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I can see someone saying no thinking they wouldn’t *actually* expect them to cut themselves and then getting exiled because of it…
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:18 am Sometimes you go knocking on doors, and sometimes there’s an unexpected gift on the other side.

A source provided this lead in:
“ Whatever, they’ll just do another activation, throw some more money at someone, and Morgan will make some stupid video rinse and repeat. I have hard proof of how fucked up what they’re planning is.

I guess start here. I know for a fact the the ones they are doing now are worse. Good luck Kevin.”

They then offered up three script pages they had gotten their hands on:

I’ll let you decide what to make of them.
I mean if its worse then this that's awesome and I'm more excited. Wish this was part of my experience when I went! haha but def wasn't dark enough with-in my timeframe. Only one that had the chance of this happening to them so far would have been Haley :P Is this what could have happened if it wasn't raining?!
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"must be exact per their instruct"
sure is a lot of production to get some blood on the ground, i'm guessing there must be rules, perhaps it must be given willingly?

Cammie, is your bloody hand IG post related to this ritual or simply coincidence?

Kevin, thank you for sharing this. I think that many people will easily offer up a bit of blood so that's not too much cause for concern. But I am worried about what happens after, when enough blood is spilled.
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:18 am I’ll let you decide what to make of them.
Just kidding, half of you are asleep, and I have thoughts.

I've never written a script for immersive theater, but seems a little odd to script participants' reactions (especially because most of this crew would not be reluctant and would have sliced open their palms before Maddy could get another word out).

No improv on next lines must be exact per their instruct.
Seems like the exact wording is important, and while we can assume "their instruct" refers to the Elites' instructions...what if it's not? Or, like Darren said to Haley, this is all an act, and a blood rite is just hiding something else.

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Huh. Interesting.

Whatever ritual this is, it only mentions the Elites, and doesn't mention the Redcurves at all. So, it seems like their purposes may only be aligned so far and that the Elites are using them for their own ends.

Timeline-wise, it's not totally clear when this ritual was supposed to take place. Definitely before Exiled actually opens. Did anyone here actually go through this and just not speak of it?

The banning and refunding of tickets for not participating does make it seem like they need willing participants. And that participants who are not willing to spill blood need to specifically excluded from the grounds and interactions for...some reason?
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I imagine one of the Directors wrote this VERRRRRY early on in the production.

In the beginning, we were told tickets would go on sale on July 14th. Due to circumstances which could not have been prevented, tickets did not go on sale then and went on sale late August. What happened? Why did plans derail?
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:18 am I have hard proof of how fucked up what they’re planning is.
what does it say about me that I didn't bat an eyelash at the potential request to cut my palm? lol

I'm gonna need something a little more hardcore if you have it, Mady.
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haleywilde wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:20 am I'm gonna need something a little more hardcore if you have it, Mady.
Interesting that you just assume this was from Maddy.

Surely other people were involved in writing the script, and the Elites who were participating may have had it too? Hell, all of the Elites might have had it if they needed to verify that very specific language.
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:31 am Interesting that you just assume this was from Maddy.
but it's Maddy's pages, and she mentioned being upset with some bitches, so it's gotta be from Maddy, right?
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:31 am
haleywilde wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:20 am I'm gonna need something a little more hardcore if you have it, Mady.
Interesting that you just assume this was from Maddy.

Surely other people were involved in writing the script, and the Elites who were participating may have had it too? Hell, all of the Elites might have had it if they needed to verify that very specific language.
I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Maddy is the only one I know who has been throwing out cryptic shit and attacking people in the process. Last night, Brannigan was “a bitch” and tonight she’s insulting Morgan.

A script where a participant in a haunt is given the option to cut their palm is hardly cause to raise our pitchforks. I said it last night and i’ll say it again, attacking people in the community that we care about isn’t the way to get people on her side. If she has something she thinks we should see, then she should post it. Until then, she’s just complicit (and mean).
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kevin wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:04 am
I've never written a script for immersive theater, but seems a little odd to script participants' reactions (especially because most of this crew would not be reluctant and would have sliced open their palms before Maddy could get another word out).


Seems like the exact wording is important, and while we can assume "their instruct" refers to the Elites' instructions...what if it's not? Or, like Darren said to Haley, this is all an act, and a blood rite is just hiding something else.

I can't speak for anyone else who creates immersive, Kevin, but my scripts are absolutely FULL of exactly these type of IF/THEN statements on what happens if participants do x or y. FULL of them.

Reading my scripts is, frankly, akin to reading a video game script (which makes sense as they both utilize participant reaction and choice to determine the plot.

So for me, this script felt entirely normal. It is exactly the kind of thing I would write, structure-wise (and similar in nature to some things I have written in theme.)

Again, can't speak for anyone else on this one.

As for their instruct, I am with you. I feel like the instructions are coming from the "real" individuals/organization/creatures behind the charade. The Elites don't need the blood. But something does, and it's using the story of the Redcurves and Elites to get there. And, IMO, it is actively aware and counting on the fact that many of us would willingly do this.

After all, who would want to be exiled from the forum and IG accounts without warning and left alone? That would be, for many people (worldwide, not just here) the exact opposite of validation. It's a complete dismissal of who you are and everything about you.

Now to really make the issue potentially thornier...what makes us believe these scripts weren't intentionally leaked SPECIFICALLY to make every one of us far more likely to cut ourselves than we were before.

After all, now we KNOW they could exile us. How do you say no to that?

Next message, I'll talk about the Shadow Trinity.
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Okay, Shadow Trinity. I am sure blondie will have a lot to say about this, so I'll do a simple version.

The Shadow Trinity is something I've seen discussed many, many times. Specifically in regards to the pagan idea of a "shadow" of Christian mythology.

Where Christianity has "God, the Son and the Holy Spirit" the Shadow Trinity is the "Goddess, the Horned God and the earth itself" (in many variations.)

In fact, Christianity partly transformed the Horned God into evil and Satan as a way of denying the pagan concepts involved. Which only made may pagans delve even further as a way to deny the Judeo/Christian gods or as a way of resistance.

Or maybe it went the other way around. The past is a little murky on this if you go back far enough. There is a member of my Wiccan group who does nothing but pull apart the threads of history to examine where these ideas come from and his lessons are fascinating examples of how hard it is to truly uncover the "source" of nearly any religious idea. There is almost always an older version of anything.

Which brings us back to the older (and in this script "forgotten ones".) At some level, that could speak to nearly any pagan pantheon, or any lost deity group. But if you think about it, almost none of the ones you could imagine are "forgotten"...because you by definition remember them.

But there are forgotten ones. Gods of the Norse/Celtic/Germanic religions that only exist as a name on a shrine, with no idea of what they represented or why anyone even worshipped them. Gods whose names are so murky, we aren't sure what they are or if they are a combination of multiple earlier gods.

And then there are the gods that are so specific to a group that no one outside them has ever known them. Gods that may exist for centuries but can be forgotten in a generation of the wrong patriarch/matriarch dies.

So which of these is the script referring to? Is it the "gods" of Darren's script? Is it the real gods that Darren seems worried about? Is it neither? Is it both?

One final thought on Madeline:

I am not clear what she is trying to accomplish here, if it is her pages and/or her giving them (and as I mentioned in my previous post, I am not certain this is not an intentional leak.) She complains about the idea that Darren and Morgan will just do this again and then says that they are already doing worse.

What is the point? That she is mad about everything? That seems clear. But she seems to be dismissing Dan, Darren and Morgan all at once, practically absolving them of any real guilt. So who, exactly, is she mad at?

The Overseer? Who IS that, anyway? And why would someone come out of the woodwork suddenly to let us know they even exist? Why couldn't opulens just say he deleted her post? Or say nothing at all and we would never even know The Overseer existed?

The "real" people that have interfered with this haunt? If she's mad at them, why not join WITH Darren and Morgan? If Darren is afraid, one has to assume that he would be someone she could work WITH...but instead she turns on him.

I am not as willing to leap to the defense of people just because they are making the show. I don't have any reason to distrust them but her attack doesn't inherently make me dislike her or turn on them. I am far more interested in trying to find out what her POINT is.

Because it doesn't make sense to me.
Unless it is, as I worry, another smokescreen to leak scripts that push the audience where SOMEONE wants them to go.
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First of all this is insane and has unlocked a new fear of mine that there are certain paths that lead to being deleted on the forums and exiled from this experience so making a note to try to avoid that.

Second, if we assume that this event has already happened, which maybe it never did who knows, it seems it would have been pretty early on and my first thought was that maybe this is what happened to Jeff and he chose not to cut himself. I could definitely see how an event like this could cause a reaction of "fuck this whole thing they're all insane" although I think many of us here are also crazy and would do this without hesitation.
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youwillnotbewelcomed wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:29 am Oh my god we have to bleed for this…

I’ll do it.
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So this screams ritualistic. It’s pretty obvious. The whole thing with the shadow Trinity and other witchy stuff thrown in… all jokes aside, I stepped back and asked myself, if someone told me that I needed to offer blood for a ritual, would I do it?

Then I kind of thought about well if I don’t believe that anything will happen, what’s the hurt in doing the ritual anyway? I’m the kind of person to mess around with Ouija boards and going into supposedly haunted places because I believe that there’s no way that anything is actually haunted to the degree that TV shows make it to be. I’m a firm believer that almost everything can be explained away through science or can be understood through the realm of my belief where I believe that angels and miracles are possible - but I do believe in demons and possession. Then again, I understand that I am not the center of the universe and that there are indeed other belief systems in which the opposite is 100% reality, and I respect that.

Obviously, this has taken a turn because now we are dealing with the wood witch, magic, sacrifice, ritualistic stuff, so there’s a bit of a cognitive dissonance when it comes to bleeding for a ritual. Obviously, I’m not saying no, but I thought that was interesting food for thought.

I’d still do it tbh.
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Lexthewolf wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:08 am I imagine one of the Directors wrote this VERRRRRY early on in the production.

In the beginning, we were told tickets would go on sale on July 14th. Due to circumstances which could not have been prevented, tickets did not go on sale then and went on sale late August. What happened? Why did plans derail?
I wonder if their entire schedule was thrown off by the CrowdStrike outage in July? They have been flying people out to participate in these activations pre-show… it’s something that has crossed my mind.

If that’s the case, maybe the intensity was supposed to have been bumped up a notch by now…

Was all of this just a ruse to make us feel comfortable?
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That script needs a rewrite. If they just need 3 drops, just say so.
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Unsure at this point what I’ve said aloud and what I’ve been pondering so apologies if I repeat myself… everything is a little muddled in my head at the moment.


We’ve talked about the number 3 before… Hecate is surrounded by 3s (3 headed woman, past/present/future, torch/dagger/key), 3 and 9s in Thelema… the 3 buckets of the witch. Apparently 3 drops of blood are all that is needed for the ritual. Then we have mention of the shadow trinity and, like Erik said, some argue that the shadow trinity is a mockery of the holy trinity when obviously it existed before, etc etc.

And as Erik also said, the horned god was appropriated into Christianity as the devil. He is often known by the name Pan. I fricking love Pan so please excuse the enthusiasm.

Now Pan is essentially the King of Witches, god of nature, little horny goaty man with his panpipes. He is the Lord of the Hunt, and responsible for providing his followers with enough to eat (connection to the Redcurves’ needs here?)… He is the only god of the Greek pantheon to actually DIE, or at least to have been reported to have died, although no one really ever said how. Some say he died from lack of belief (much like fairies die if you don’t believe in them) as the world jumped onto the runaway Christianity train. For a long time, he was indeed forgotten, until horny poets in maybe the 1700s brought a version of him back into the collective consciousness.

Aleister Crowley (back to Thelema again) performed a well-documented invocation to Pan. Also:

“Within the system of Thelema, the Night of Pan, or N.O.X., is a mystical state that represents the stage of ego death in the process of spiritual attainment.

The playful and lecherous Pan is the Greek god of nature, lust, and the masculine generative power. The Greek word Pan also translates as All, and so he is “a symbol of the Universal, a personification of Nature; both Pangenetor, "all-begetter," and Panphage, "all-devourer" (Sabazius, 1995). Therefore, Pan is both the giver and the taker of life, and his Night is that time of symbolic death where the adept experiences unification with Nuit, the Thelemic personification of the infinite and boundless expanse of the universe, through the ecstatic destruction of the ego-self. In a more general sense, it is the state where one transcends all limitations and experiences oneness with the universe.”

This reminds me of the caption on the Izzy post: “Before we let you walk into our world, you must first cleanse yourself of yours”.

And then we have: “We can not wait to celebrate you”. Are they talking to us? Maybe on the surface. By pandering to our need for validation, they are celebrating us, our devotion, the sacrifice we may be called upon to make through our blood. But in conclusion, we are all really celebrating the return of the old gods…


ALSO PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. While it may seem tempting as a sign of devotion or whatever, it can be a slippery slope - and as someone who walks around with enough latin and arcane knowledge in my head and phone to potentially accidentally summon demons, it’s just not worth any kind of risk. Physically or mentally.
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