Tarot Reading for Cammie - 7/9/24

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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A little context: some of us have been talking about the books Richard received in his “Mystery Box” from Attic Acquisitions, one of which is about the Sacred Tarot. During these discussions, we came to identify Cammie as the Queen of Wands and this made me think about doing a tarot reading for her. I’ve been reading tarot for about 25 years and find it a really good way to focus my mind and delve into my subconscious…

As soon as I found the Queen of Wands card in the deck, I was struck by how much she looked like Cammie and took it as a sign:


One thing I didn’t mention in the video that struck me afterwards is that these are all BIG cards. All
major arcana and court cards, no minor arcana. This speaks to an important event, a transitional event, more than the mundane day-to-day. This will change her life. As it will probably change all of ours.

And please note, these are just my interpretations which are very much open to discussion.

(I am also aware of my gendered thinking and language, which is all tied up with old fashioned binary thinking that has stuck with tarot through the ages. I really appreciate this opportunity to work on my skill and find a new way to frame my future readings <3 )
93: Love is the law, love under will.
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