Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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This is an open letter to the opulens. You may or may not know that in addition to this fabulous forum, we the participants also mingle in a In a private Discord. One of your worker bees crossed over into our Discord last night. I do not believe he is a participant and I am not sure we want him venturing around there stirring up worry about the goings on in Kansas City. So please just be aware and handle this on your end if you deem that action is necessary. Or maybe you just want to hand it off to HR.

Or for all I know, you work for him. If so... oops.

He goes by the name of Morgan.
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Really crowbar-ing open that can of worms, aren’t we.
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A wise man once told me…. “Snitches get stitches”

Guess we’ll find out how applicable that is here 🤪
biggest fan of dan the man
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They say you should never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained through stupidity.

You are a very, very stupid man, Tim Redman.

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