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July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:04 pm
by campbellstruts
This is going to be my summary of the events that happened on Sunday night, July 28 of 2024 at 10 PM.

I am only going to specifically recall my experience, that way I don't step on anyone else's toes. Because me and Matt were together, I want him to be able to tell all the details of his story without my influence or commentary.


We were told to meet at a location in a public parking lot. I got there first, then Matt showed up. We kind of talked for a bit, tried to formulate a game plan, but we didn't get to talk for long before a car showed up. We assumed it was unrelated, because in the past Exiled has shown up in black Cadillacs, and this was not a black Cadillac. It was gold-ish in color - not a black Cadillac.

I watch as Kassidy and her friend get out of this car, and who steps out but Dan himself. I kind of mouth to Kassidy the words "are you OK?" because she had this look of utter starstruck on her face. But didn't get a response before they both walked away.

Dan walked over to us and said "are you guys seriously still doing this shit?" or something along the lines of that. He told us that we knew the drill, and to hand over our phones. I handed him my bag and Matt handed him his phone. We were told to get in the car and put these bags over our heads. (They were actually see through this time.. first experience they were partially transparent.)

Now when I start mentioning things people said, it may not be in the exact order that they said them in, or it may have been different phrasing or verbiage...but I'm going to try to dig deep and only repeat things that I know were sad for sure. The message will still be the same. We talked to Dan for a bit, and I can't remember exactly which questions I asked him. But we were driven to a place nearby. It was not very far. Maybe less than two minutes is how long we were driving. Dan was driving very aggressively and seemed pissed off, to put that lightly.

We're told to get out of the car, and Dan has Matt grab my shoulders while Dan has my arm and he guides me to wherever we need to go. We stop in front of a building and he tells us to take the bags off and not turn around. He tells us to repeat the safe word to him for confirmation. He tells us that inside the room there isn't going to be anyone to tell us what to do (for the most part. there were people there telling us to do things but ultimately the decisions we would make were up to us.) We just do what we need to do and to not do anything stupid and to follow the instructions.

So the door opens and Matt and I immediately spot a table. This is a very dimly lit room and foggy, making it hard to see. To my right I can see some shadows moving but I don't pay attention. My interest is following Matt to go to the table. I kind of look around and trail behind him and before I can get close enough, a hand goes over my face and an arm around my body. I am grabbed very aggressively and told, "you're coming with me". I am pinned against a wall and told to put my forehead against the wall and not fucking move.

The hand on my face kind of lets up a little and I can feel somebody's breath on the side of my face. I thought for sure I was gonna have bruises in the morning, but nope. On the right side of my face, I can feel something wet and what feels like somebody's mouth on the side of my face/temple area. And then I hear a voice telling me...that the person holding me against the wall is opulens himself.

He mentioned something about being glad to meet me, Ms. Campbell Struts (or something like that. something about finally meeting me.). He takes a minute to fiddle with my bird necklace clasp. He told me to put my forehead against the wall a little longer and then he leans against the wall next to me. I ask him if I can look at him. He says no. My hands are against the wall this point and I am like seriously leaning against the wall hard, trying not to accidentally fall over. I think he noticed this and he asks me to relax and put my hands down.

Somewhere in my waiting against the wall, milkman himself turns me around and takes a picture of me with his polaroid camera. He then turns me back around and my forehead goes onto the wall.

I wait in that position for a bit while Matt does his thing behind me. I cannot see what he is doing at all. opulens mentioned something about how Matt was slow, to which I replied "he's not being slow, he's being careful." opulens at this point then turns me around and I am facing him. He is wearing a black ski mask and a black hoodie.

I can only see his eyes. He was significantly taller than me. We exchanged a conversation, in which he told me that I had missed 14 chances to dig deep and get more information. At least I think that number was 14. It could have been 27 for all I know. BUT IT WAS A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT. Now that I'm looking back, I can remember quite a few instances when I was speaking with them and I could've asked another question, or a different question, or dug deeper, and I didn't. Or I refrained, or I was scared.

Somewhere in that conversation, he asked me that I could ask him any question that I wanted. It took me a minute to figure out what to ask, to which he rolled his eyes irritated when I took a minute. (I was being thoughtful :3)

I asked him who he works for. He told me something along the lines of he doesn't work for anybody. I asked him if he was in charge, he said something along the lines of there being multiple people in charge. So I asked him if he had a partner and then he went on this long poetic tangent about something about not everything is as it seems or some shit. I'm so sorry that I don't remember exact wording or can give you more info. What I can tell you for sure is that there are multiple puppet masters and multiple strings being pulled.

He then mentioned how me being exiled gave them great leverage over me and that it was going to prove to be very useful.

He also messed with my necklace a little bit, kind of messing with it in his fingers and pulling on it and doing all sorts of stuff. He also got very close to my face during this time.

Shortly after that, Matt came down, and opulens mentioned that it was my turn. There was a waiver and papers on the table. One of the papers was the waiver, going over basic legal matters. I signed it. Nothing special there. The next paper was a question stating something along the lines of "what matters to you most in this moment?" Me feeling guilty over winning against Matt and Kassidy, I wrote down "staying friends with Matt". He read it and made some snide comment I think. I also wanna mention that on the table there was a cup of red paint, what I thought to be resembling blood, sticks, and animal skulls.

So he motions for me to go upstairs, and milkman follows me with a camera. The stairs are in the corner of the room. I go up the first flight to a room where I can see a bearded man in dark clothing. Never seen him before. I walk over to where there is a purple hazy room with a pentagram in the center of the room. Bearded man grabs my arms and guides me to stand in the center of the room in the middle of the pentagram.

THE SAME TREE FACED PERSON FROM THE ORIGINAL EXILED TRAILER IS THERE. She is a woman with a mask that looks to be made out of branches, covered in robes/drapes. She circles me. She says some things that I can't remember. I follow her and face her as she trails the outer exterior of the pentagram, circling me. She comments about if I am nervous and why I am acting nervous. I mention something along the lines of that I wasn't nervous, but just wanting to keep an eye on her.

I asked her who she was and mentioned that she wasn't Lamia. She didn't answer that question. She grabbed me and yelled something at me that I don't remember. She asked me to read out loud what I wrote, which was staying friends with Matt on my paper. She made fun of that I think. She then presented me with three options in front of me. Three buckets.

One bucket, send it to myself. Second bucket, send it to a friend. Third bucket, send it to the universe. She took my note from me and told me that I could choose one bucket to put my note into. I took a few moments and chose to send it to a friend. My thought process was, how on earth could that message be useful for me, or the universe. It would definitely be helpful for a friend. Not sure how, it just felt right.

After putting it in the bucket, this lady lost her shit, for lack of a better word. She screamed, called me a selfish bitch, and grabbed me as she told me to get out. Bearded guy grabbed me and escorted me over to the stairs. Milkman is filming the whole time.

So I make my way downstairs and find opulens talking to Matt. They are far away, so to get his attention, I scuff my boots on the ground to get him to turn around. He turns around and acknowledges us. My memory is escaping me but he said something about asking better questions. He leads us over to Dan where we put the same bags over our heads and are led back to the car.

When we get back in the car and start driving back, we try to ask Dan as many questions as we can. (before I forget, Dan's tattoo that everyone was freaking out about is in fact, real.) I asked him what they did to him to make him obey their orders. He didn't answer that. I asked him what we should focus on. He said we need to focus on the questions we shouldn't be asking. READ THAT AGAIN. AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES FOR YOUR BRAIN TO REMEMBER IT.

We get back and me and Matt debrief. Night ends.


Did you get that part about asking questions that we shouldn't be asking? If there was one thing that I learned tonight, it is that NONE, or a select few of us at the most, are asking the right questions. We seriously need to focus on other things other than Mandelbrot patterns in cheese. It was revealed to me several times that I was asking questions that are way too deep when I didn't even know my basic elementary answers. I know that that is a lot to ask considering the fact that the majority of us don't even know where to start when it comes to asking questions. But I can tell you that we probably do not need to focus on what color socks opulens wore on January 3rd of 1992 at 12:07 PM or some random shit like that.


Something else - the necklace. It is a bird skull with a human skull in its mouth. This was a gift given to me by Lamia somewhere around the same time I created the artwork for exiled, the one of my two faces. Yes, I made that for them while I was exiled. I also made the caption. You were all correct in determining that the title was Invictus by William Ernest Henley.

A lot of you asked what happened to me while I was exiled. I was literally told to shut up. I could not post. I was radio silent until the day of the competition. I made artwork for them and anything else that was said to me you guys have figured out.

Still haven't received my prize yet, opulens.

About me getting manhandled by opulens - I'm sure a lot of you have thoughts that are not PG-13 and not in the Bible.
Yes, I know what you're thinking.
Don't say it.
Cause I already did. (oops).

Okay, other details that might be important (sorry this is just word vomit at this point). Building was very dimly lit with fog. I have no identifying information for opulens, nor am I allowed to share anything identifiable. He a dude tho.
The door outside the building said "run" on the front. I'm glad I didn't run.

PLEASE ASK ME QUESTIONS IF YOU THINK THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING I MISSED OR IF YOU ARE CONFUSED. I periodically remember things later as they have happened so please please please pick my brain.

That is all.

Relevant pictures:

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:06 pm
by campbellstruts
FOLLOW UP. THE BAGS OVER OUR HEADS WERE NOT TRANSPARENT. My bad, typo from too many monsters.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:17 pm
by haleywilde
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:04 pm I kind of look around and trail behind him and before I can get close enough, a hand goes over my face and an arm around my body. I am grabbed very aggressively and told, "you're coming with me". I am pinned against a wall and told to put my forehead against the wall and not fucking move.

The hand on my face kind of lets up a little and I can feel somebody's breath on the side of my face. I thought for sure I was gonna have bruises in the morning, but nope. On the right side of my face, I can feel something wet and what feels like somebody's mouth on the side of my face/temple area. And then I hear a voice telling me...that the person holding me against the wall is opulens himself.
I don't exactly know why, but I'm kind of shocked to hear that opulens was so agressive. It feels out of character... but I guess we know very little.

Did he seem threatening? What was your gut feeling reaction towards him?

campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:04 pm Something else - the necklace. It is a bird skull with a human skull in its mouth. This was a gift given to me by Lamia somewhere around the same time I created the artwork for exiled.
This doesn't confirm my theory, but it doesn't necessarily debunk it either. Being gifted that by Lamia makes me definitely feel like the Raven has a deeper significance, especially paired with the tattoo.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:19 pm
by campbellstruts
haleywilde wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:17 pm
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:04 pm I kind of look around and trail behind him and before I can get close enough, a hand goes over my face and an arm around my body. I am grabbed very aggressively and told, "you're coming with me". I am pinned against a wall and told to put my forehead against the wall and not fucking move.

The hand on my face kind of lets up a little and I can feel somebody's breath on the side of my face. I thought for sure I was gonna have bruises in the morning, but nope. On the right side of my face, I can feel something wet and what feels like somebody's mouth on the side of my face/temple area. And then I hear a voice telling me...that the person holding me against the wall is opulens himself.
I don't exactly know why, but I'm kind of shocked to hear that opulens was so agressive. It feels out of character... but I guess we know very little.

Did he seem threatening? What was your gut feeling reaction towards him?

campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:04 pm Something else - the necklace. It is a bird skull with a human skull in its mouth. This was a gift given to me by Lamia somewhere around the same time I created the artwork for exiled.
This doesn't confirm my theory, but it doesn't necessarily debunk it either. Being gifted that by Lamia makes me definitely feel like the Raven has a deeper significance, especially paired with the tattoo.

Threatening yes. Gut reaction was that he was in charge of that area. Sauntered about like he was the boss. Very very snarky. Made me feel stupid for asking the questions that I did. (not upset about any of this btw lol. just recalling how he acted. :) ) Very witty banter and very...handsy.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:23 pm
by someguyinKC
haleywilde wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:17 pm
Did he seem threatening? What was your gut feeling reaction towards him?
Sinister, but kind of chummy. Like, a villain but he’s kind of on my side.

Wait… what does that say about me?

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:25 pm
by campbellstruts
nah that's dead on, Matt. Very chummy but on your side. He gave off that vibe to me too, felt like we were friends but if I fucked up he'd kill me lmao.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:28 pm
by campbellstruts

also. the address label when the necklace was mailed to me had no return address or phone number. Naturally, I wouldn't share that info If it had been on there anyway.

however. the name was addressed from "The Elites". Interpret that how you will.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:29 pm
by haleywilde
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:19 pm Threatening yes. Gut reaction was that he was in charge of that area. Sauntered about like he was the boss. Very very snarky. Made me feel stupid for asking the questions that I did. (not upset about any of this btw lol. just recalling how he acted. :) ) Very witty banter and very...handsy.
This feels very contradictory to just "someone on the edge." Opie always felt like an observer, but this seems like he's a little more hands on than he portrayed. I have so many more questions... now I want to opportunity to speak to him even more.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:32 pm
by campbellstruts
very much so. there are multiple puppeteers with multiple strings.

we have to dumb it down and ask better questions and ask questions more frequently and not shy away from opportunities when given them. We are fucking ourselves over by not doing that.

focus on the small things and build up to the big things.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:33 pm
by Lexthewolf
Oh my god, this is a wild ride.

The more I read, the more questions I have and the more I look forward to (hopefully) going to KC

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:10 pm
by campbellstruts
more info on the necklace. numbers and the symbol. could be manufacturers info but here ya go:

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:15 pm
by blondie
campbellstruts wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:10 pm more info on the necklace. numbers and the symbol. could be manufacturers info but here ya go:
“The 925 stamp indicates that the piece of jewelry you’re holding has been created with sterling silver.

Sterling silver is an alloy that is made of 92.5% actual silver, with the rest of the metal made up of base metals like copper.”

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:17 pm
by kassidy.exe
I had my own experience and yet I still find myself living vicariously through yours LOL ily 🫶

I will just say this, and only you will know the context…


Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:19 pm
by campbellstruts
would. would. would. would. would. would. would. would. would.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:56 pm
by Dymuntz
Seems like you enjoyed yourself plenty.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:58 pm
by campbellstruts
More than you know. When is the next event? I can clear my schedule. 🤞🏻

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:00 pm
by haleywilde
Dymuntz wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:56 pm Seems like you enjoyed yourself plenty.
Hello, Dymuntz. Welcome. Are you a friend of opulens? Your profile photos seem to correlate.

A friend of opie is a friend of mine.

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:02 pm
by Lexthewolf
Hi Dymuntz!

Pleasure to make your acquaintance! we're glad you're here!

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:07 pm
by campbellstruts
Dymuntz, a few things I noticed:

1. First letter of your name is capitalized. Different from opulens. Why?
2. The spelling. Opulence->opulens. Diamonds->Dymuntz.
3. I asked this but didn’t get an answer, at least not one I wanted. Were you the bearded man we saw last night? Were you the woman with the tree mask? Or if not, maybe a previous experience? Or maybe we haven’t met you yet…?

Re: July 28th 2024 - Campbell King's Experience

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:12 pm
by opulens
Focus on Campbell's experience. Piece together what each of you now know.