Call from Dymuntz 8/2

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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Sooo I kinda prompted this call, and it wasn’t lore related, but figured I would write about it. Sorry if I don’t remember exact wording.

I messaged them on IG, saying “Long time no chat. Clara and I are going to a birthday karaoke party tomorrow. Any song suggestions?” And got a call 15 minutes later.

Me: Hello?

D: Why hello Kass Kass! (yippie nickname and omg her voice is so pretty-)

Me: hi!

D: its your favorite (something) Dymuntz!

Me: Nice to meet you officially, for the first time, I think.

D: Yeah, lets say that.
So you really want a song suggestion?

Me: I can’t guarantee I know it or if they’ll have it but I’m open to suggestions!

D: are you sure you’re strong enough for it?

Me: probably!

D: I want you to sing “I Will Survive” with your whole chest!

Me: I will do my best!

D: Blessings

Me: Blessings!
*call end*

Is this what you would call foreshadowing? Maybe. Probably. I hope? 🤞
chose to be exiled. #karaokefinalgirl
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You are gonna kill it :P Please make sure to record and post so we can watch! :))
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It depends on the foreshadowing.

I mean, if this was Final Destination (or any 80's horror movie, frankly) it wouldn't be hinting at surviving at all.

But I have a hard time think of Muntzie being that mean. She probably just wants you to belt the hell out of a song. :)
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There are worse songs to be asked to sing in an experience where survival isn't guaranteed...
Screaming into the void
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