Potential Information from Campbell's Exiled Conversations

Kansas City has experienced a lot of strange and unnerving events in 2024, and this is the place to discuss them.
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I am posting this having information having permission from who I believe was Dymuntz through the Exiled IG page. I am not sure that this will be helpful, but considering the events that have happened recently, I feel that this might be at least worthy of mentioning. I will add context to all these quotes if I can.



"When we blur the boundary between the real and the imagined, that is literally where magic occurs. At the moment that separates what is, from what could be."

"Do you ever cry at art, Ms Campbell?" - Asked of me before I created the art piece for Exiled that is currently posted on their IG.

"Mr Nobody could have been me, or one of my associates, or someone in another part of the operation. It sounds like they are literally mocking someone, which seems more likely than it being the chosen alias of someone." - Said after I asked if we had met Mr. Nobody before.

"We assure you, your isolation is not permanent, but is necessary for everything to work as it must." - In reference to me being exiled.

"Do not mention anything about rituals, occult magic, missing people, or any other unmarketable verbiage." - When I was given the script to make the videos for them and I was able to freelance, this was written in the instructions.

"Your speed and determination continues to impress. It's remarkable, in fact, that you remind me of myself." - said after I sent them my finished video.

"If everything an artist does is a self portrait, what does that mean when their art is purely an image of another? It means you left a hole where once you stood. An outline on a scorched planet where once you blazed. These are skills that singled you out. You know this though. These skills have helped you so far in life and you continue to hone them, consciously and subconsciously alike.
So you weren't surprised it led you to us. It was meant to. But now you're here and you're behaving yourself very well, supposedly. And that's why, in the spirit of transparency and our growing friendship, it's probably appropriate for me to say, I don't trust you Campbell. A fire like yours is not subsumed by a nebulous promise of future information and wealth. I know that you burn. It's what your purpose in the universe is to do, and I know that you know that." - Said to me as a preliminary speech before I made and sent them the artwork.

"Exceptional. Your energy, so pure, so violent. You are an aggressive lifeform, am I right?
I apologize. I have said too much." - said to me after I sent them the finished artwork.

"The truth." - Said after I asked him what they wanted everyone to see.

"Stop behaving like them, scrabbling for some deep truth when you have no idea where you even are." - said to me after I asked him what they wanted everyone to see.

"Lamia knows everything I say. She and others have total access to any system I use."

"Sometimes, it is realizing we didn't open a door, that ensures we open every door we see. Sometimes, the hardest and kindest thing to do, is let someone fail." - in reference to opulens saying there are people that missed opportunities.

"The phrase "Bringing home the bacon" goes back to the 12th century." - random.

"opulens is a homophone, for opulence. But the reason I spell it with a lower case o, is because real opulence is not gaudy. It is not in your face. Real opulence, like grace and consideration, is quiet." - Matt also figured this out during our third in person experience, but I wanted to share the different wording here.

"I am tired of the internet, Ms Campbell." - random

"This service has stopped working with that service, this service needs upgrading, this speed has blah blah. I remember a time when everything just worked and nothing improved fast enough to not work with anything else. Oh, I too have to work with old outdated systems occasionally. Sometimes I even have to ask them for my check." - more internet hatred

"We are an information company Miss Campbell."

"I like to lean in to what people are nervous of"

"American democracy is cooked, as my niece would say" - not sure if this is OOG or if it genuinely plays into the family ties theme that we have continued to have.

"We dress and act for the job we want."

It is your duty, as a living, breathing lifeform, to adapt to situations, to overcome obstacles, and to find your way through." - in reference to me asking about the competition between Matt and Kassidy and I.

"What is it you seek now? The first relenting moment of being allowed to speak with them all again is understandably exciting, but what is it you now dig for?" - a question asked of me after the contest was over.

"Life is like a dance. Sometimes our partner changes their step. One must meet the change, or fall over."


"opulens's feelings do not matter right now, though I'm sure he's not entirely thrilled to have been cut off from your schoolgirl starry eyed gaze. Do you spend a lot of your time worried about the opinions of others? Do you always send messages to others? Thinking about what Daddy wants?" - sent to me after I might have crushed on opulens a little too hard...

"If people bothered to pay attention to the videos posted to the Exiled: Crooked Rose Woods Instagram account, specifically the very first one, they might actually realize who it is they met last night. The Universe is everything and everyone. And you, and everything around you, is the Universe. Consider sending a real message. Limiting yourself to what is directly in front of you and related to only you could be seen as shortsighted and maybe you offended her. Maybe she already anticipated what you'd choose. Maybe she hoped for something more." - sent to me after I asked about why the Witch was so mad that I chose friends and my answer that was "staying friends with Matt".

"Not over me. And for the record, you of all people should know better than to automatically assume people with positions of prominence are male." - said to me after I asked if opulens held any power over Dymuntz.

"This is a journey we're both on together. Don't be a bad road trip buddy. There's a lot of road left to go."


Gwynn (Wanda102) said it already, but I didn't think that this information would be helpful until now. Some of it is genuinely information that you guys have solved and figured out, like the meaning behind opulens' name. Other is just weird stuff that I thought was worth mentioning. So do with this as you must, please ask me any questions as I can absolutely offer more context.
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Footnote: Gwynn is my formal Discord name and gamer tag - I use Wanda102 broadly here and on social and am also called Cristen in the government records. Those are all me!

That out of the way - what a delicious collection of quotes. opulens is an eloquent motherfucker, isn’t he. I think there’s a lot to interpret, even at face value, here.
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Sorry I have to be a starry eyed schoolgirl just for a little bit.

Eloquent, yes. He said something along the lines of “relax into the fit. Which looked quite fetching, I must say.” - 😙🤞🏻

Okay I’ll shut up now. On a serious note tho I feel like me and opulens had somewhat of a bond going before he was cast out of all communication with me. That is probably the reason, as Lamia mentioned it wouldn’t be in their best interests to have that “romance” going lol. But anyways ~
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Took a stab at trying to pull out some of this that I think might be worth looking into:
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm
"Lamia knows everything I say. She and others have total access to any system I use."

"Oh, I too have to work with old outdated systems occasionally. Sometimes I even have to ask them for my check."

"We are an information company Miss Campbell."

"American democracy is cooked, as my niece would say" - not sure if this is OOG or if it genuinely plays into the family ties theme that we have continued to have.

"If people bothered to pay attention to the videos posted to the Exiled: Crooked Rose Woods Instagram account, specifically the very first one, they might actually realize who it is they met last night. The Universe is everything and everyone. And you, and everything around you, is the Universe. Consider sending a real message. Limiting yourself to what is directly in front of you and related to only you could be seen as shortsighted and maybe you offended her. Maybe she already anticipated what you'd choose. Maybe she hoped for something more." - sent to me after I asked about why the Witch was so mad that I chose friends and my answer that was "staying friends with Matt".

"This is a journey we're both on together. Don't be a bad road trip buddy. There's a lot of road left to go."
got milk?
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I also wanna mention that I followed up with the Exiled IG page after asking permission, I asked if they were OK and what was happening. Didn’t even read my message.
I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night, nor the evil that walketh in darkness - because I have made the Lord my refuge.
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Looking through these quotes again to see what sticks out to me now that I have a bit more time this morning
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm
"Do not mention anything about rituals, occult magic, missing people, or any other unmarketable verbiage." - When I was given the script to make the videos for them and I was able to freelance, this was written in the instructions.
This one is a bit interesting to me did we hear something about missing people that would have lead you to say something about missing people? Or was this a bit of a slip up because we have definitely heard mention of occult magic and rituals so I find it odd that he found the need to specify not mentioning missing people specifically.
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm "We are an information company Miss Campbell."
This isn't really knew information since we know from Blondie's conversation with Pink Socks and from several other interactions that they are good at finding information and that they have detailed files on all of us. We have not heard specifically that they are an information company though so it starts to bring into question what they need the information for? Also if they already have detailed files on us, is there other specific information that they are trying to get from us out of this? How do the redcurves fit into this information gathering? If they are an information company that came to KC and wanted to find the redcurves than it would make sense to me that part of this deal that they made might aid them in gathering the type of information they want.
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm "Your speed and determination continues to impress. It's remarkable, in fact, that you remind me of myself." - said after I sent them my finished video.
I think early on we had theorized that getting higher up in the hierarchy of elites might involve a similar process that we are currently going through an initiation of sorts that has been going on longer than we have been around. This might be evidence of that maybe the path that Cammie has been on is similar to that of opulens. Maybe that is part of the reason that we have seen the shift to Dymuntz for you and Haley because not only do you have a fondness of opulens but also already being similar to your teacher might make the lessons less effective.
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm "I am tired of the internet, Ms Campbell." - random
Me too sometimes opie, me too
campbellstruts wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:17 pm "This is a journey we're both on together. Don't be a bad road trip buddy. There's a lot of road left to go."
Nothing really to take from this specifically other than to say Dymuntz and opie this goes both ways we miss our roadtrip buddies!
Screaming into the void
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